Primitive Archer

Main Discussion Area => Bows => Topic started by: half eye on April 02, 2015, 09:24:16 am

Title: Little ironwood bendy (scrapwood)
Post by: half eye on April 02, 2015, 09:24:16 am
     Larry built a "stave splitter" last year using a hydrolic arm from a big dozer. The first piece we put in it was a small diameter ironwood. That poor piece of wood basically exploded, had the heart wood ripped right out, stress checks everywhere.....well it wasn't pretty. This is a small sliver from the remains.
     7/8" wide, 1/2" tips, and 48-1/2" long. Thickness was an issue since the center of the bow had/has a large tear-out still remaining. The bow gave me 35# @ 26" of draw. As way to measure some sense of performance I flight shoot a 462.97 grain (30g) and got an average of 105 yards, the farthest arrow went 108yards.
     Regular pics, plus close up's of the wood it self. I got to believe that ironwood is some GOOD wood for sure.
anything I didn't cover please let me know. Also none of the checks or knots are superglued no alterations at all.....just to see if it would hold together.
Title: Re: Little ironwood bendy (scrapwood)
Post by: half eye on April 02, 2015, 09:25:09 am
the rest
Title: Re: Little ironwood bendy (scrapwood)
Post by: ajooter on April 02, 2015, 09:51:26 am
Sweet bend for sure...gonna get my hands on some ironwood shortly.
Title: Re: Little ironwood bendy (scrapwood)
Post by: Pappy on April 02, 2015, 09:58:26 am
Nice bend it that little baby.  ;)
Title: Re: Little ironwood bendy (scrapwood)
Post by: IdahoMatt on April 02, 2015, 10:01:36 am
Cool bow Rich.  I want to see pics of that stave splitter :)
Title: Re: Little ironwood bendy (scrapwood)
Post by: George Tsoukalas on April 02, 2015, 10:02:10 am
Beautiful tiler! Jawge
Title: Re: Little ironwood bendy (scrapwood)
Post by: Badger on April 02, 2015, 10:37:54 am
    Very nice bend on that one.
Title: Re: Little ironwood bendy (scrapwood)
Post by: sieddy on April 02, 2015, 10:39:36 am
Great little bent stick n' string!  :)
Title: Re: Little ironwood bendy (scrapwood)
Post by: half eye on April 02, 2015, 11:35:32 am
Thank you guy's....this was an experiment to see how much of effect the checking would have as well as the tear-out. In the one picture you can see a bigger piece right above this we'll see how that goes.

Badger, the bow "seemed" pretty good for it's size and weight, but dont know if the cast for arrow weight backs that up. Seems to be fairly snappy for what it is.

Pappy  ;)

Idaho, Larry's in Fla. but I called him to find out where he parked it....will get the pics as soon as he gets back w/ me. His band-mill, splitter etc. can be at anyone of 3 different "yards".

Thanks Jawge
Title: Re: Little ironwood bendy (scrapwood)
Post by: paco664 on April 02, 2015, 01:16:24 pm
is this ironwood the same thing as sheoak/austrailian pine?

cause if it is i have 10gazillion of those things within walking distance of my house.   not to mention 3 very nice straight saplings drying on my balcony...
Title: Re: Little ironwood bendy (scrapwood)
Post by: Parnell on April 02, 2015, 01:36:13 pm
is this ironwood the same thing as sheoak/austrailian pine?

cause if it is i have 10gazillion of those things within walking distance of my house.   not to mention 3 very nice straight saplings drying on my balcony...

Different.  This is Hophornbeam.
Title: Re: Little ironwood bendy (scrapwood)
Post by: paco664 on April 02, 2015, 02:34:06 pm
Ahhh... OK. .. darn
Title: Re: Little ironwood bendy (scrapwood)
Post by: mullet on April 02, 2015, 03:35:23 pm
Nice bend.
Title: Re: Little ironwood bendy (scrapwood)
Post by: burchett.donald on April 02, 2015, 05:22:01 pm
            26" outa 48"? :o :o :o And from a sub-par piece of wood, that thing is checked from one end to the other...Looks like you worked some magic man that's bending right there... ;)
Title: Re: Little ironwood bendy (scrapwood)
Post by: wizardgoat on April 02, 2015, 05:46:34 pm
Cool shorty, I wonder how all the "ironwoods" compare against each other.
Title: Re: Little ironwood bendy (scrapwood)
Post by: half eye on April 02, 2015, 06:39:08 pm
Thanks for the compliments fellas, like was said though it was really a dry run to see about hunting weight from it's fatter brother....we'll see.

Don, ya know I aint scared to break 'em, this guy must have just give up

Wiz, I cant say for the others because we have mostly all hophornbeam in these parts, dont know about none of the to believe they would be good as well.
Title: Re: Little ironwood bendy (scrapwood)
Post by: wizardgoat on April 02, 2015, 08:14:49 pm
Ya ocean spray is known as iron wood in these parts. I'd love to try HHB
Title: Re: Little ironwood bendy (scrapwood)
Post by: H Rhodes on April 02, 2015, 08:37:30 pm
That one has your signature perfect bend.   ;)
Title: Re: Little ironwood bendy (scrapwood)
Post by: half eye on April 02, 2015, 08:49:18 pm
Thanks Howard, but we both know it aint perfect, but good enough to get away with,eh? ::)

Wiz, when this crappy white stuff leaves the woods I'll be out getting some, glad to send ya some bud shoot me a pm?
Title: Re: Little ironwood bendy (scrapwood)
Post by: Sidewinder on April 03, 2015, 02:16:38 am
Howard is right, classic Bend from Rich. You inspire me to quite wasting wood and just grab a sliver and kill something. Danny
Title: Re: Little ironwood bendy (scrapwood)
Post by: nclonghunter on April 03, 2015, 09:49:54 am
Master of the short bows....looks great

I was wondering if it was Musclewood or Am. Hophornbeam....
Title: Re: Little ironwood bendy (scrapwood)
Post by: simson on April 03, 2015, 10:24:15 am
Not much wood there, but a great bow. The bend is just beautiful.
Title: Re: Little ironwood bendy (scrapwood)
Post by: half eye on April 03, 2015, 10:54:26 am
Thanks again fellas, much appreciated.

Ya make a mean bow yourself there Sidewinder

nclonghunter, this is hophornbeam, we dont have the musclewood this far north. I have seen muscle wood before but never worked any of it.

Thank you simon, appreciate your opinion
Title: Re: Little ironwood bendy (scrapwood)
Post by: Sidmand on April 03, 2015, 11:44:02 am
is this ironwood the same thing as sheoak/austrailian pine?

cause if it is i have 10gazillion of those things within walking distance of my house.   not to mention 3 very nice straight saplings drying on my balcony...

not to highjack, but I know I read on here that sheoak WILL make a bow, might want to do a search. 

Rich, as always, great bow.  I love me some shortbows, I really do.
Title: Re: Little ironwood bendy (scrapwood)
Post by: Badly Bent on April 04, 2015, 08:44:16 am
No super glue in those checks? Your gonna get a knot on you head if she blows young man. ;D ;D ;D
Nice bend on that bow Rich. The ironwood must be tough stuff.
Title: Re: Little ironwood bendy (scrapwood)
Post by: half eye on April 04, 2015, 09:50:55 am
Hey B2, I'm already nuts, and used to play college level hockey (goaltender) so no worries sir, no brains and the skull is full knots already, Mind those odd noises still get a sphincter response. 8)
Title: Re: Little ironwood bendy (scrapwood)
Post by: burn em up chuck on April 04, 2015, 09:53:49 am
