Primitive Archer

Main Discussion Area => Around the Campfire => Topic started by: crooketarrow on April 16, 2015, 10:56:38 am

Title: What makes a gobbler hunter
Post by: crooketarrow on April 16, 2015, 10:56:38 am
  What makes a gobbler hunter. Man there's a 1000 answers. First and formost you have to have the drive. Gobbler hunting has cost me a few jobs if they couldn't work with me. And more sleep than most people ever get. And walked more miles than I could ever do again.

  My grandaddy was a real gobbler hunter and taught me and told me far to many things to remember. There was one simple thing he said that I could see the way he called and killed gobbler again and again after we'd all given up and moved on to easy er birds.

 We were back to camp one morning. When he said who makes a good gobbler hunter. I said me I don't know. It the hunter that can fit naturally into a gobblers route as he moved through the morning. I never heard grandaddy use a lo cater call ever. He scouted old school to the max. Every morning he'started the same NATURALLY he'd set back and just let everything unfold naturally.

 And if he'd be intersted in a gobbler he'd heard on the roost that morning. VERY SELDOM WOULD HE START CALLING TO HIM RIGHT AWAY. Somewhere ,some time he's naturally fit into the gobblers route. Very seldom would he try to change the gobblers route. But he'd pick the spot. A major tatic this is where scouting and woodsmanship shines.
  Here's another little tidbit. It's alot easyer to call gobbler to you if he already wants to go that way. Your calling went from good to great. And you pick the spot. Most people here a gobble set down right away start yelping. No thought into his age, how far,way of travel, time of morning, presure. Lot of vertiables. Play into it to talk about them all you just have to get out and learn.

 Theres to many other angles to figger in on a gobbler hunt. No gobbler hunts the same, every morning different. Even on the same birds.
                                                     I LOVE IT

  Tell me want do you thing makes a gobbler hunter.
Title: Re: What makes a gobbler hunter
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on April 16, 2015, 11:39:42 am
Anybody that buys a license and attempts to hunt is a gobbler hunter in my book. I wouldn't give my job up for a turkey, somebody has to pay the bills and dead turkeys cant help me!

I LOVE IT to Roy D Steele!
Title: Re: What makes a gobbler hunter
Post by: JW_Halverson on April 16, 2015, 05:06:07 pm
Utter lack of good judgement when it pertains to anything BUT turkey hunting...that is what makes a good gobbler hunter.  If you had good judgement, you would get enough sleep, stop buying/making more turkey calls than anyone would ever need, and a whole list of other good sense things that just somehow get forgotten only because the sun is now coming up a tiny bit earlier in the mornings and you can't wait to get into the woods.
Title: Re: What makes a gobbler hunter
Post by: Marks on April 16, 2015, 05:40:05 pm
I don't know if I would call myself a good gobbler hunter but I'm loyal. My favorite part is watching Spring time happen. Our season is all of April. I hunt Easterns in the timber. On April 1st the woods are still bare but by the 30th they are thick and green. It frustrated me when I can't hear over them but I love listening to the song birds singing as loud as they can as the sun comes up because they are as happy as I am to be out there.
Title: Re: What makes a gobbler hunter
Post by: JW_Halverson on April 17, 2015, 10:20:08 pm
Oh yeah, Marks, that too!  There is something about a robin's call an hour before sunrise that is better than any other time of the day. Up here we get the "yank yank yank" from the nuthatches and the two note PEE-po from the chickadees...and canyon wrens after sunup.  Most song for the least amount of bird!

One time I was so close to a roost that I thought it was starting to rain....I could hear the pits and pats of drops hitting the ground....until I realized it was the flock all taking their morning dumps!!!
Title: Re: What makes a gobbler hunter
Post by: Zuma on April 17, 2015, 11:32:23 pm
Not sure I really understand,. Even after many decades
of predation.
I am a killer and a hunter---- but a turkey beard ???
I think ego and competition here trumps good sense.
I could be totally incompent on this subject and lacking
some sort of kill and eat senario education.
I would rather learn something about this subject than be hostile to it.
Please enlighten. Thanks
Title: Re: What makes a gobbler hunter
Post by: soy on April 18, 2015, 01:50:34 am
Zuma....I don't know ho to put it to words,it would be much easier to show you,it gets in your sole ! I was never one to Turkey hunt......untell that fateful day I went  ;)
Title: Re: What makes a gobbler hunter
Post by: Will Tell on April 18, 2015, 09:04:50 am
I tried to kill a Gobler for twenty years with my longbows and self bows. The last time I tried I shot a real nice Gobler through the chest and he still got away. I'm still a Turkey hunter but but use a 12 gaug on them
Title: Re: What makes a gobbler hunter
Post by: Zuma on April 18, 2015, 09:59:12 pm
Thanks soy. I know many upstanding fellows that hunt gobblers.
I am envious of their dedication and skills. I have killed hens in the fall
mostly by chance since I don't have the patience to stake them out.
I have killed and eaten  Sandhill Cranes, ground hog, coon and bullfrogs.
I  think I would be satisfied with just a good gobbler close up photograph.
They are one regal bird.
Title: Re: What makes a gobbler hunter
Post by: Marks on April 20, 2015, 10:03:44 am
Zuma, its like a game of chess with someone who is better at chess than me. Its not just sitting and waiting. He makes a move, you make a move, he makes another move and beats you whereas in deer hunting and a lot of other game you sit and wait or sneak and happen to come across them. You know where he is and he knows where you are but neither know what the other is fixing to do.  Also like I said earlier, the season is perfect. New life is popping up everywhere and everything is happier. You really just have to do it to know how wonderful it is and in the end it just may not be for you.
Title: Re: What makes a gobbler hunter
Post by: Zuma on April 20, 2015, 02:11:35 pm
Thanks Marks.
The big ole Toms roost on the hill of my PA property.
I told my buddy from Alabama we could go and he could
kill one if he is good enough.
He is a bird killing machine but mostly waterfoul.
We'll see. I hate ticks lol