Primitive Archer

Main Discussion Area => Primitive Skills => Topic started by: JEB on May 05, 2015, 09:09:54 am

Title: Pottery glue?
Post by: JEB on May 05, 2015, 09:09:54 am
I was given a Casas bowl that has been broken into around 10 pieces, most of which are on the larger size.  This is a nice looking bowl with good colors.

What glue should I use to glue the bowl back together?  I had thoughts of white Elmers glue but it was suggested that I use a rubber type glue for it's flexibility .  Your thoughts or uses would be appreciated.
Title: Re: Pottery glue?
Post by: Zuma on May 06, 2015, 04:12:11 pm
I'd like to help but I don't know what a Casas bowl is.
Artifacts are done one way and recent ware aother.
Title: Re: Pottery glue?
Post by: YosemiteBen on May 13, 2015, 08:26:33 pm
super glue or ceramic epoxy
Title: Re: Pottery glue?
Post by: Zuma on May 15, 2015, 12:52:17 pm
super glue or ceramic epoxy
I have messaged Jeb and sorta warned him about irreversible glues.
There good for a bowl you may put back in service but will give you
problems if the alignment isn't perfect for the last few pieces.
Elmer's is soluble and can be manipulated with soaking with water.
Just my two. :D
Title: Re: Pottery glue?
Post by: JEB on May 15, 2015, 05:37:50 pm
Thanks for everyone's ideas. I appreciate them and think I will try the Elmer's glue. The bowl was a gift from a guy that took  up knapping and I sent him some rock to get started with.  His cat knocked the complete 200 year old  bowl over and broke it.
Title: Re: Pottery glue?
Post by: Zuma on May 15, 2015, 07:59:39 pm
Do a few matching pieces at a time. Make sure you are prepared to
prop them so they don't change positions as they dry.
Try to imagine fitting the last pieces together so they will mesh
with out a problem. Clean the broken edges with a small paint brush
making sure there are no unwanted particles. Make sure the pieces fit
 perfectly before appling the glue.