Primitive Archer

Main Discussion Area => Around the Campfire => Topic started by: sleek on June 13, 2015, 04:47:34 pm

Title: avoiding walmart
Post by: sleek on June 13, 2015, 04:47:34 pm
It been months since I have been to one, for reasons we cant discuss on this site, but man, it gets hard sometimes.  I find myself spending a lot more than I would otherwise to get things if I just went to walmart. So, for those who also dont shop there, what do yall do to reduce how much you spend and find deals?
Title: Re: avoiding walmart
Post by: mullet on June 13, 2015, 08:14:52 pm
Hey, you weren't one of those in the videos that were asked to not come back, were you? ::)
Title: Re: avoiding walmart
Post by: JoJoDapyro on June 13, 2015, 08:59:37 pm
I don't like shopping at Walmart either. Not for any other reason than terrible customer service. What types of items are you looking for?
Title: Re: avoiding walmart
Post by: JEB on June 13, 2015, 09:13:23 pm
In Michigan we have a store called Meijers. Same as Walmart only bigger.  Prices are about the same but the help is much friendlier.
Title: Re: avoiding walmart
Post by: mullet on June 13, 2015, 11:15:12 pm
For me,, Walmart, Sucks. I never go there except for a last resort. I really think they scammed the working class people of the world. They started out selling and advertising, "Made in America". Real, Bold letters, flags, the whole nine yards. They put a lot of Mom and Pop Hardware and specialty stores in small towns out of business, that were selling good, quality merchandise with there prices.
 Now it's Made in China and junk, plus, PPS.
Title: Re: avoiding walmart
Post by: chamookman on June 14, 2015, 04:21:06 am
Have NEVER set a foot in a Wall Mart, and never will ! Bob
Title: Re: avoiding walmart
Post by: JEB on June 14, 2015, 03:09:27 pm
In the winter months my wife and I travel to the SW and we pull the truck and trailer into the Walmart parking lots for our over night stay.  People watching in a Walmart  parking lot is like going to a movie with out paying for the show.

I know a lot of folks don't like the place but if they closed every store in the U.S. can you imagine the increase in un-employment would be.  They are the largest retail employer in the U.S.
Title: Re: avoiding walmart
Post by: paulsemp on June 14, 2015, 03:31:17 pm
the only reason why so many people work for Walmart is because walmart put their prior place of employment out of business. the days of mom and pop stores are gone. in my house we make a very honest effort at keeping our shopping local as possible. but unfortunately every strip mall has the same 10 stores in it and most the time you are forced to buy stuff from big box stores. it's very sad that most of these big stores have such poor wages and poor insurance that most of the full time workers there cannot support their family and are still on government subsidized money. meanwhile the government gives huge tax breaks to the stores. anyway I'll stop there because this is getting very close to breaking the rules of this forum. and for the record No we do not shop at Walmart unless we are absolutely forced to
Title: Re: avoiding walmart
Post by: sleek on June 14, 2015, 03:43:29 pm
It really is amazing how like minded we all are and we never really discuss it because of forum rules. Its good to know im in good  company...
Title: Re: avoiding walmart
Post by: TRACY on June 14, 2015, 10:06:34 pm
Not sure what to tell you other than asking if you can do with out the item or not and are you willing to pay a little more. I'll pay more or do with out!

Sleek, try having a Christmas only gift exchange WITHOUT the label made in China if you solve the Wally World problem :D  We  did it but it was tough with kids and toys.

Title: Re: avoiding walmart
Post by: bubby on June 14, 2015, 11:29:44 pm
I love wally world, who doesn't like standing in a line 15 deep with only two of the registers open out of twenty ::)
Title: Re: avoiding walmart
Post by: silverfox on June 15, 2015, 12:45:06 am
For me,, Walmart, Sucks. I never go there except for a last resort. I really think they scammed the working class people of the world. They started out selling and advertising, "Made in America". Real, Bold letters, flags, the whole nine yards. They put a lot of Mom and Pop Hardware and specialty stores in small towns out of business, that were selling good, quality merchandise with there prices.
 Now it's Made in China and junk, plus, PPS.

It can't be said any better than that.
Title: Re: avoiding walmart
Post by: Dakota Kid on June 15, 2015, 12:57:27 am
I make everything I possibly can.  If I can make it, I look for a "vintage" one. I'm not one for luxury items. I'd rather fix up an old tool or appliance than buy plastic junk with paper play money anyway. The currency is worth as much as the stuff they let us buy with it.

George Carlin once said, "These people are buying things they don't need with money they don't have. All Americans are really good at anymore is buying things." 

Ahh.. the eventual and unavoidable end game of a capitalist system. It eats itself like a serpent swallowing it's tail. Get ready y'all there's a storm a comin'.
Title: Re: avoiding walmart
Post by: JEB on June 15, 2015, 08:32:27 am
Just look at what you are wearing right now.  I would be willing to bet you might, just maybe, have one thing on made in America.  Even the watch you are wearing is foreign.

I haven't been to Walmart since I don't know when but then again you have other box stores that are doing a job on small businesses such as, Menards, Home Depot and Lowes.  I mean where else can you go and by a gallon of milk and a 2 X 4.

The best shirts I own, Columbia, are made in Viet Nam.  I never thought that would happen.

I know one reason but won't say the "U" word as that may really cause a fuss.
Title: Re: avoiding walmart
Post by: sleek on June 15, 2015, 11:11:22 am
I have just been paying more and try to really decide if I need something.  Going to do more deal shopping and coupons... craigslist too....
Title: Re: avoiding walmart
Post by: BOWMAN53 on June 15, 2015, 04:20:14 pm
I love wally world, who doesn't like standing in a line 15 deep with only two of the registers open out of twenty ::)

I love Wally World too, Must be a Cali thing lol 😀 so much entertainment watching the other customers
Title: Re: avoiding walmart
Post by: JW_Halverson on June 15, 2015, 09:54:30 pm
Saw a quote recently, "When large multinational corporations can legally pay their workers a wage so low that those workers are eligible for government benefits even though they work full time, those corporations are being subsidized by the American taxpayers."
Title: Re: avoiding walmart
Post by: Pappy on June 16, 2015, 05:03:56 am
It's a starter job :o any of you older guys ever had one of them ? Not meant to raise a family on, just meant to get you started working and maybe, heaven forbid learn something about work and work ethics. Then move up on to a better paying job. I started a real job at 16 for a tile setter for .65 cents an hour/that was minimum wage at the time, I surly never thought I was going to get married and raise a family on that but also it never entered my mind that I should be making what the guy that set the tile should make. I was there to learn a trade and  something about working for a living ,then move on. Nobody wants to do that anymore, they all want to start at the top  ::) Times have really changed that is for sure. Sorry about the rant but man sometimes it just really get to me, how spoiled we and our youngans are. :)
Title: Re: avoiding walmart
Post by: country on June 16, 2015, 08:57:51 am
Amen pappy
Title: Re: avoiding walmart
Post by: Marc St Louis on June 16, 2015, 09:07:15 am
I try to avoid the place as much as possible
Title: Re: avoiding walmart
Post by: Josh B on June 16, 2015, 09:45:12 am
I couldn't agree more Pappy!  It seems that everybody expects to start at six figures with a benny package that is out of this world.  My first job was feeding and watering rabbits for a dollar an hour.  The guy that raised the rabbits also had a construction business and liked the way I worked, so after a year he started taking me along as his gopher for 3$ an hour.  Man was I one rich sixth grader!  I earned a reputation at those earlier jobs that got me offers for better jobs.  So on and so forth.  That's part of the problem as well nowadays.  Kids don't work through there younger years to develop skills, ethics and reputation.  Their parents just hand them everything and then dump them into the real world.  If kids would work those starter jobs when they're still under their folks wings, by the time they go out on their own they would be better prepared to make it.  I just had this conversation with my oldest daughter.  None of her friends work and all of them drive nicer vehicles than she does and cruise around on mommy's gas card.  Trying to explain to her how she was going to be better off for her efforts in the long run is a tough sale, but I think she understands a little anyway.  She works hard and she trains hard for athletics hoping to earn scholarships.  I'm pretty proud of her.  Sort of drifted off the subject, but the point is starting jobs are not a bad thing.  There just not meant to be a career.  Josh
Title: Re: avoiding walmart
Post by: Badly Bent on June 16, 2015, 12:30:39 pm
I agree with Pappy on this, if you take a job anywhere and agree to the terms of employment that was your choice and no else is to blame. If you want a better job go out and prove to someone your worth more. Show them how hard you are willing to work and how much responsibility your willing to take on and doors will open for you.
I grew up in family with 6 kids, we didn't have much and my dad made it clear that if you wanted something more than what the household could afford you were gonna have to get out there and earn it on your own.
So I laid asphalt shingles in the hot sun during summers in high school for $1.25 an hour so I could have some money of my own. Back then my brother who was a year younger than I worked together and we got good enough at this kinda work that we would get our own "contracted" jobs for building repairs with a few local farmers. That experience taught us a lot about responsibility, accountability and independence as well as math and how basic numbers are important. Best life lesson I ever had and glad to have learned it early in life.
Title: Re: avoiding walmart
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on June 16, 2015, 12:50:07 pm
Amen brother Greg. That's a carbon copy of my childhood. Worked since I was 15, never unemployed and never drew unemployment. Work for your wants, its a simple equation to solve.
Title: Re: avoiding walmart
Post by: bubby on June 16, 2015, 01:02:38 pm
Pappy is right on the money, i went to work in the strawberry fields growing root stock at 12 in 115 deg heat to earn my entry fees to rodeo, freshmen year started unloading trucks at 5:00 am till 7:30 went straight to school and back to the trucks at 3:00pm till about 6:00 when the trim shed was working, both my boys were working for me at 12 too but it is a bear to get a job before 16 without a work permit now
Title: Re: avoiding walmart
Post by: JEB on June 16, 2015, 01:38:11 pm
Today is a "got to have it now" society.  No need to work because someone, whether it be the government or mom and dad will give it to them. That's an obvious general statement and not all parents are like that but MOST are.

We got guys standing on street corners with signs begging for money.  One guy wrote under, need food"  and under that he wrote  "quit telling me to get a job" on his sign.  Apparently people were hollering at him to, get a job.  Keep in mind the Mcdonald's across the street from where he stands has a help wanted sing in the window.
Title: Re: avoiding walmart
Post by: bubby on June 16, 2015, 02:56:05 pm
Yup Jeb , where i work up at the courthouse we had to put locking faceplates on the outlets to get the homeless out they just sit around all day and charge rheir free phones that we give  them or charging their ankle braclets or just sleeping all day cause they are up all nite getting high
Title: Re: avoiding walmart
Post by: Chief RID on June 16, 2015, 05:15:26 pm
I support local business when I can. I still have a tight budget that requires economical solutions and I am afraid big box buying is in my arsenal.
Title: Re: avoiding walmart
Post by: JW_Halverson on June 16, 2015, 09:44:10 pm
Peterson's Hardware is gone, along with the jobs that raised families.

Jensen's U-Save Grocery, along with it's jobs that raised families.  So did my dad, cutting meat for Arne Stromstead at the Piggly Wiggly. 

Rhodenheiser's Rexall Drug Store, Will Lumber, and a lot of other locally owned businesses, you guessed it. 

I agree, there are starting wage jobs, but many breadwinner jobs have been replaced with "starter wage jobs".  It becomes a race to the bottom. And I buy from every local merchant I can find, but they are getting hard to find.

Title: Re: avoiding walmart
Post by: JoJoDapyro on June 16, 2015, 11:41:48 pm
My job is evaluated every few years to make sure we make a "liveable" wage. The current starting wage for my position is $15.25 an hour. The average 2 bedroom apartment requires you to make just over $15 an hour to rent. So our wage is liveable, but only if transportation and food is free. I have been at my job 11 years and make about 13% more than the starting wage. If I list all of my certifications on my resume it would be 3 pages of them. Most of my certifications by themselves would pay equally to what I currently make. My employer has my service and experience at a bargain. If minimum wage matched inflation it would currently be more than I make. Yes, kids should be able to get starter jobs. I did. I have worked since I was 15. From tearing down Mink sheds, to washing dishes at Denny's. If I can support local business I do. If you need to shop at Wally's for whatever reason, I do not hold that against you.
Title: Re: avoiding walmart
Post by: Pappy on June 17, 2015, 06:00:46 am
One question JoJo,if all that is true ,why don't you go get another job ? JW the whip and buggy makers are gone also, :) just saying. I buy local also when I can, but if you look at what they sell it came from the same place, Why you say ? To make money of course. :) We have 2 local markets in my area, we are 15/18 miles from town, everything they have is much higher than in town, now who is right, they do it because they can and have captive customers. :) :) Please don't get ill with me over this ,and yes I wished things were like they use to be 30/40 years ago but that ant going to happen again so I just deal with the hand I have been dealt.  :)
The world is much smaller now, like it or not ,that ant going to change. :)This has been a good discussion, thanks for keeping it clean. :)
Title: Re: avoiding walmart
Post by: Stoker on June 17, 2015, 10:53:13 am
Pappy - You are right.. The world economy has changed.. The box store is the way it is.. I delivered papers at 13, stocked shelves at a drug store 4 yrs, bus boy at resteraunt (really hated that one lasted 5 days) made sub sandwiches for 6 months till my boss got arrested selling the wrong kind of coke.. After grad started drywalling 34 yrs ago..
  As for not making money at a box store.. I know a guy that started at the bottom took responsiblity at his job.. Now 2nd in command there good coin and beney's.. Sometimes you get what you put in.. My daughter worked at Burger King for 6 yrs.. From high school to college graduation of nursing. She can tell some stories of work ethics of the young crowd..
   I try to suppurt local business as much as I can.. Stay away from box stores if I can.. More about the group that wonders around there.. Shopping ninga In out fast.. Got no need to hung about some store
Thanks Leroy
Title: Re: avoiding walmart
Post by: Pappy on June 17, 2015, 11:26:50 am
I am with ya Stoker,but I don't know ,sometimes I just like to set while Miss Joanie shops to watch the crowd, almost like a circus.  ;) ;D ;D Never got to go the  circus when I was a kid so this is my treat.  ;) :)
Title: Re: avoiding walmart
Post by: Stoker on June 17, 2015, 12:17:21 pm
Pappy I hear ya on that circus.. Ifin you ever are feeling poorly about yourself.. Spend 15 minutes in a box store in lineup watch the show.. You will come out feeling better about yourself... Cheaper than some yuppy councilor... Buy a cold beer and grill a steak sit and watch the sunset
Thanks Leroy
Title: Re: avoiding walmart
Post by: JoJoDapyro on June 17, 2015, 07:46:24 pm
A good discussion never makes me have Ill feelings. Like I said, I have been at my job for 11 years. I don't go get a different one because I am human, and fear change. I do have an interview with a different city this week. It used to be that people moved up in their place of work by busting their hump, and learning the ropes. Now, it requires a whole lot of brown nosing and schooling. I didn't make it through high school, it wasn't my thing. I was more interested in working. I did what I needed to to get my GED. It would be nice to be paid enough to be able to support my family on one income. I have been working since I was small. I was never paid for work until I got my first real job. It was just what I did to earn my keep. Each Walmart store costs taxpayers between $700,000 and 1.6 million a year. Because they won't pay their workers enough to live. So here is the question, if everyone that worked for them quit, then what would they do? My cousin works for a grocery store, and makes more money than I do. They are offering great deals on the backs of us all, whether we shop there or not.
Title: Re: avoiding walmart
Post by: Badly Bent on June 17, 2015, 09:00:11 pm
My feeling is that if a person can't meet his needs or wants at his job then that person needs to take it upon his self to better his position in life. This isn't directed at anyone here, it is simply the way I've always looked at it. I've always felt that capitalism provides the most opportunity for all, never been a fan of nanny societies.
Title: Re: avoiding walmart
Post by: Josh B on June 17, 2015, 09:01:20 pm
It's a free market.  The consumer sets the rules.  If you've ever heard the expression"you get what you pay for".  That holds true here.  The majority of the public chose to buy the cheap stuff that walmart based its business model on.  (That would be cheap Chinese whares)  The short sightedness of that mass decision also produced the side effect of "you get the business where you spent your money and lose the businesses that you didn't support".  In my town, when walmart went in, the downtown businesses increased there revenue.  The walmart drew in people from the small towns surrounding us and they shopped the downtown area since they were already in town.  That was the effect on my town.  The surrounding towns that the influx of consumers came from, yep you guessed it, their businesses folded up like cheap suits.  Was that walmart's fault?  Nope, it's the consumers fault.  I have no animosity towards a business that succeeds by legal means.  As far as taxpayer subsidy goes, anybody care to guess how much goes to subsidize agriculture?  Should we quit eating to boycott farmers?  I jest of course.  My livelihood is for the most part agriculture.  Since I haul ag products and chemicals for the farming industry, I guess I'm indirectly subsidized as well.  Now I hate myself. Man, what a tangled web we weave.  The point is the public got what the public paid for.  Crying about it now, doesn't turn back the clock.  I support small businesses the best I can, but if I need something they don't carry, it sure is handy having that walmart on the hill.  Josh
Title: Re: avoiding walmart
Post by: mullet on June 17, 2015, 09:39:26 pm
That's not quiet true GD. When Walmart first opened they advertised heavy selling American Made Products. And our economy is really governed by which overseas country gets the best Tariff law. Some American companies can't compete with some of the sweet deals a few countries get.
Title: Re: avoiding walmart
Post by: Josh B on June 17, 2015, 10:10:28 pm
You make good points Eddie.  As far as when walmart was still selling American goods, that was so long ago I don't remember it.  It's been the Chinese goods since the 90's at least, which is about the time I started noticing such things.  As far as the tariffs go, you're right, some countries do get a very beneficial trading advantage.  However the point still remains, if the consumers demanded American made goods only and refused to buy inferior imports (I'm certainly not saying that all imported goods are inferior) then there would be no market for the cheap crap no matter how cheap it is.  That is the heart of the problem IMHO.  People only seen the cheap price tag and gave no thought to the longterm cost of those discounts.  Consumers drive the market (IF it's a truly free market).  I've seen truly wonderful multigenerational businesses fail because of this as well.  There was a small sporting goods store that went under because people took their business to walmart.  That was what prompted the crying comment.  I sorely miss that business, but no one forced people to go to walmart.  They made that choice all on there own and the vast majority are crying the blues over the loss now.  Again, not walmarts fault. The consumers sacrificed a beloved business to save a few cents on the dollar.  I'm not an economist by any stretch of the imagination.  But this is how I see it and I don't really hear many people express this line of thinking.  I could be completely wrong in all aspects, but as it seems to be a bit different belief than most express, I thought I'd throw it out there for contemplation.  I truly hope that sharing my thoughts on the matter doesn't offend anyone either.  Josh
Title: Re: avoiding walmart
Post by: Josh B on June 17, 2015, 11:04:00 pm
One more thought before I back on out of this.  I'm not criticizing anyone that chooses to spend their hard earned dollar somewhere other than walmart.  Exactly the opposite in fact, that's the way any change starts and i wish you all the luck in doing so.  My whole point is do it for the right reason.  I very seldom have the right solutions for problems, especially not one of this magnitude.  One the thing I do know is that if you try to fix a problem with a solution based on the wrong diagnosis, you will nearly always create more and sometimes bigger problems than you started with.  Perhaps walmart is the evil dragon in need of slaying.  If that is the case then more power to you, git r dun and all that.  But just suppose for a second, that there's a smidgen of accuracy to what I believe the problem is.  Just suppose that we are our own worst enemy in how spend our dollar.  You may very well slay the dragon walmart, but if we don't change our own behavior, we will just keep creating more and more dragons to slay.  That is my whole point in a nutshell.  I hope you all have a great fathers day weekend.  I have to get back to my preparations for the truckdriving championship. Josh
Title: Re: avoiding walmart
Post by: JoJoDapyro on June 17, 2015, 11:49:23 pm
There are other options. I personally support a small grocer down the road. My wife doesn't.  :laugh: if I can get it some place else I do. Like I said before, I don't fault anyone who does shop there. People watching there is fun. My local Wally's is in an upscale neighborhood, and it is still fun to go.
Title: Re: avoiding walmart
Post by: Pappy on June 18, 2015, 04:50:32 am
Well said BB/Josh and good luck on the  Driving competition. JoJo good luck with the interview. ;) :) Eddie at least they have good Gator lights  ;) :) mine is still working. :)
Title: Re: avoiding walmart
Post by: JEB on June 18, 2015, 07:48:52 am
And good luck finding an American owned gas n go or hotel.
Title: Re: avoiding walmart
Post by: MWirwicki on June 18, 2015, 08:51:00 am
Don't get me started... :(
Title: Re: avoiding walmart
Post by: mullet on June 19, 2015, 03:44:00 pm
I bought my Chinese gator light at NAPA, Pappy ;D.
Title: Re: avoiding walmart
Post by: JoJoDapyro on June 20, 2015, 12:56:00 pm
I have also found that if I am going to buy a Chinese made product to just cut out the middle man. Save yourself 50%. It takes some time to ship though.
Title: Re: avoiding walmart
Post by: Pappy on June 22, 2015, 10:51:42 am
I'm talking about mine Eddie. ;) ;D ;D