Primitive Archer

Main Discussion Area => Bows => Topic started by: Aries on August 27, 2015, 08:01:41 am

Title: unibond 800
Post by: Aries on August 27, 2015, 08:01:41 am
I've been shopping around for this stuff. Seen it on three rivers and on a couple other websites like nelson paint. Before I order it I was gonna ask if dap weld wood is a possibility alternate, it says it is a formaldehyde based glue mix with water to activate. Are these glues similar at all? I can buy the dap weld wood at a home improvement store and won't have to pay out the wazoo for shipping.
Thanks guys.
Title: Re: unibond 800
Post by: Wooden Spring on August 27, 2015, 08:23:32 am
Personally, I've never liked water based glues because they always shrink when they dry. A boat-builder friend of mine once recommended resorcinol, and I haven't used anything but that ever since. Amazon has got it for around $60 per quart, and you'll do a LOT of bows for a quart! This stuff is super strong, and isn't affected by heat, cold, water, nothing...  Great stuff - I had a backed ipe bow blow up once that was glued with this stuff, and it literally ripped chunks out of the ipe, but the glue joint itself never failed.
Title: Re: unibond 800
Post by: Aries on August 27, 2015, 08:37:17 am
I have heard unibond is a decent gap filler, which is good for me:-b
How is the resorcinol with small gaps.
Title: Re: unibond 800
Post by: Pat B on August 27, 2015, 10:18:46 am
I've used Weldwood Plastic Resin on bow backings and handle glue ups and had good luck with it. It is very similar to Urac 158, which was the predecessor to Unibond. I first heard of Weldwood Plastic Resin from a guy named Alby from Italy, years ago here on PA and he made beautiful all wood lam bows. I'd say give it a try.
Title: Re: unibond 800
Post by: LittleBen on August 27, 2015, 11:12:16 am
Can anyone recommend a good source for resorcinol glue. I mean a reputable brand?
Title: Re: unibond 800
Post by: Aries on August 27, 2015, 11:32:45 am
The weld wood is a whole lot cheaper too  >:D Pat I'm gonna try it!
Title: Re: unibond 800
Post by: blackhawk on August 27, 2015, 12:32:56 pm
The weld wood is a whole lot cheaper too  >:D Pat I'm gonna try it!

You must be a cheap a$$ like Pat  >:D ...but who isnt on this site  ;)  :laugh:
Title: Re: unibond 800
Post by: Marc St Louis on August 27, 2015, 12:34:52 pm
I've used Weldwood Plastic Resin on bow backings and handle glue ups and had good luck with it. It is very similar to Urac 158, which was the predecessor to Unibond. I first heard of Weldwood Plastic Resin from a guy named Alby from Italy, years ago here on PA and he made beautiful all wood lam bows. I'd say give it a try.

Pat.  I believe you are talking about Alberto Giovanni, his username was Zioalby, and yes he made some excellent wood and horn bows.  I bought some of that Weldwood Plastic Resin a couple years ago but haven't had time to try it yet, have it stored in a cool dry place for now
Title: Re: unibond 800
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on August 27, 2015, 12:41:32 pm
Shipping is a killer due to its toxicity, but so are air gaps and crap glue lines. Unibond 800 is great at filling gaps and not slipping a bit.
Title: Re: unibond 800
Post by: Wooden Spring on August 27, 2015, 01:04:24 pm
I have heard unibond is a decent gap filler, which is good for me:-b
How is the resorcinol with small gaps.

Resorcinol fills any gap that I've ever run across. It's not as good at gap filling as epoxies are, but it holds just as well, and it's easier to use.
Title: Re: unibond 800
Post by: Wooden Spring on August 27, 2015, 01:06:07 pm
Can anyone recommend a good source for resorcinol glue. I mean a reputable brand?

I use Aerodux Resorcinol by Spectrum. has it for $62 a quart.