Primitive Archer

Main Discussion Area => Around the Campfire => Topic started by: JW_Halverson on September 07, 2015, 05:03:31 pm

Title: Your dog's pictures
Post by: JW_Halverson on September 07, 2015, 05:03:31 pm
Aside from bows, we all seem to gravitate toward campfires, good food, and almost universally, dogs.  I have had three of my own in my entire 52 years of life. My life, generally speaking, has been pretty unsettled and having a dog would not have been fair to the dog for the most part.  So I have gotten by borrowing what time I could with other people's dogs, but it just ain't the same. 

Well, here's a thread where we can post photos of the family members that often are the best behaved and most loyal.

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Lena, born late 2012 somewhere on the Pine Ridge Reservation.  Fostered her part of the summer of 2013, never meant to keep her.  Dirty dog weaseled into my heart and won't come out. Best guess? Greyhound or whippet with some kind of cattle dog.  Whip thin and fast.
Title: Re: Your dog's pictures
Post by: Pat B on September 07, 2015, 05:15:05 pm
Lena looks sleek and fast. She could give that chaeta you posted a run for his money.
Title: Re: Your dog's pictures
Post by: JW_Halverson on September 07, 2015, 05:18:37 pm
Lena looks sleek and fast. She could give that chaeta you posted a run for his money.

She's been caught by one dog only in her life...and that was an adult greyhound.  After that, she learned to jink back and forth and cut sharp turns.  Having so little upper body mass, despite the stilt-like legs, she corners like a Formula One car with illegal tires.
Title: Re: Your dog's pictures
Post by: osage outlaw on September 07, 2015, 05:27:55 pm
Nice looking dog JW.

I have 2 dogs.  Sophie and Princess.  Sophie is a white mini schnauzer.  She is one of those dogs who never grows out of the puppy personality.  We almost lost her last winter.  We found out she had diabetes real bad.  She went totally blind within a month.  She has adapted pretty well.  She is a little sweetheart now.

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We adopted Princess.  She came with that name.  She is pure mutt.  She has a broad chest with feet that point in.  She also has a bad under bite so it looks like she is smiling most of the time.  She has motherly instincts.  She watches over Sophie and if anyone in the house is sick she stays right by there side.

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Title: Re: Your dog's pictures
Post by: JW_Halverson on September 07, 2015, 05:30:51 pm
Two attributes I would do well to adopt.  1) Sophie's lack of whining over what she cannot control 2) Princess's concern for others. 
Title: Re: Your dog's pictures
Post by: half eye on September 07, 2015, 05:47:04 pm
well here is Ms. Keika... 9 pounds of spoiled attitude....took the place of the grand-daughter we raised till she moved out....
the last 2 is her last birthday cake ans opening her presents....but she is not at all spoiled.
Title: Re: Your dog's pictures
Post by: bubby on September 07, 2015, 06:07:21 pm
I have had many dogs in my time, had a black lab named stoney burke, a sweethart of a springer named tami, a basset named Lucile, the best dog i ever had was a aussie shepard named hoochie like to killed me to put her down, the dog in the pic here is my current and possibly last his name is leo he's a catahola and a big'un at 90#plus man he can run forever I take leo deer hunting, my wife has a corgi Sheldon is his moniker I'll see if i have a pic( (
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Title: Re: Your dog's pictures
Post by: bubby on September 07, 2015, 06:09:45 pm
Here he is typical corgi he thinks he rules the roost, or castle as they are the queens dogs( (
Title: Re: Your dog's pictures
Post by: JW_Halverson on September 07, 2015, 06:17:13 pm
Corgi: noun, Welsh for incorrigible.
Title: Re: Your dog's pictures
Post by: Stoker on September 07, 2015, 07:10:54 pm
Here's my dog.. Luke.. 11 years old had him for 6 years a rescue.. Likes to fish, archery shoots, and black powder weekends, dislikes cats.. Loves the grandkids.. He's been alot of work.. Getting better.. As a freind of mine says '' He ain't good for much but he's a kind beast''
Fishing with uncle Dan.. Hanging in the shop.. Getting shaved and bathed after the skunk experience
Thanks Leroy
Title: Re: Your dog's pictures
Post by: bubby on September 07, 2015, 07:21:24 pm
Corgi: noun, Welsh for incorrigible.

Truer words were never spoken JW
Title: Re: Your dog's pictures
Post by: paulsemp on September 07, 2015, 10:23:25 pm
My 10 lbs baby turned into a 90 lbs baby. Hates other dogs, loves people just dont come knocking on my door when my family is home.
Title: Re: Your dog's pictures
Post by: Blaflair2 on September 08, 2015, 12:54:28 am
This is my dog jax, he's a big dumb catahoula/alpha blue blood bulldog. Whatever that is lol. He's a good dog and great with the kids. But he's a little hard on the visitors. He's getting old and grumpy.
Title: Re: Your dog's pictures
Post by: chamookman on September 08, 2015, 05:20:19 am
Wish I could post pics  :(. I have an English Setter - Izzy. Old Girl just tuned 12 - 33lbs of pure Bird Brain. Best Hunting Dog and Buddy I've had the pleasure to have. The last couple of years, We've both slowed down quite a bit and don't Hunt anymore. Now I'm retired, She's My constant companion.
Title: Re: Your dog's pictures
Post by: Pappy on September 08, 2015, 06:36:26 am
This is Sally, her momma was a full blooded Mountain Cur [Sadie] some of you that have been to the Classic will remember her Sally's dad was a traveling man but must have had some Lab in him because Sally's toes are webbed. Very sweet dog and great camp dog. She was the runt of the litter and boned 2 years ago on Easter Sunday. I though she was going to be the size of her momma [40 or so lbs ]and turn into a small yellow mountain cur so I bandedr her tail at just a few hours old, she is now about 75 lbs, boy was I wrong. ::)I Love her and she loves me. Nothing like a good dog. :)
Title: Re: Your dog's pictures
Post by: Zuma on September 08, 2015, 01:00:35 pm
Bullet and Hush kept my family fed during the Oil Embargo BS.
Haven't found any replacement/s since.
RIP boys--
Title: Re: Your dog's pictures
Post by: Adam on September 09, 2015, 08:46:42 pm
Here's another corgi.  Lola is a very good dog and we have a lot of fun with her.  I do always get a little jealous when I see pictures on here of people that have dogs that lie in their workshop while they're doing projects.  Lola likes to eat wood chips and get into general mischief, so she rarely gets to venture into the basement with me.
Title: Re: Your dog's pictures
Post by: ssgtchad on September 09, 2015, 09:24:22 pm
This is my grand daughter with her best buddy Niko. My wife and I fostered niko and his 5 other liter mates after they were found dumped at a construction site.  The best we can figure he's lab and mastiff mix. He's pushing 120lbs and is great with the family and an assume watch dog ( (
Title: Re: Your dog's pictures
Post by: Badly Bent on September 10, 2015, 07:54:45 am
Here's our mutt Smokey a Keeshound mix we got from a shelter 5 years ago. I say our dog but the truth is that he adores my wife and only pretends to like me in order to please her. Loyal, laid back and exceptionally well mannered and behaved for the most. He goes just about everywhere with us, walks, camp outs, family
picnics, you name it. Just ask him if he wants to ride in the truck and he'll do back flips in excitements.
Life without a dog along is not an option for us. :) :)
Title: Re: Your dog's pictures
Post by: Aaron H on September 10, 2015, 09:10:50 am
This is my dog Porsche along with my daughter Ava,  she (the dog) has a great temperament and is a very loyal dog.   We take her just about everywhere we can. We got her as a pup about 6 years ago from the shelter.  She is Basenji mixed with Lord knows what else.
Title: Re: Your dog's pictures
Post by: ksnow on September 10, 2015, 10:56:07 am
Here's my hunting buddy.  5 year old original mountain cur, BuckShot.  I don't get him out much, but he's a load of fun in the woods.
Title: Re: Your dog's pictures
Post by: JW_Halverson on September 10, 2015, 07:20:35 pm
Here's our mutt Smokey a Keeshound mix we got from a shelter 5 years ago. I say our dog but the truth is that he adores my wife and only pretends to like me in order to please her. Loyal, laid back and exceptionally well mannered and behaved for the most. He goes just about everywhere with us, walks, camp outs, family
picnics, you name it. Just ask him if he wants to ride in the truck and he'll do back flips in excitements.
Life without a dog along is not an option for us. :) :)

I can testify to this dog's good behavior.  Gentle to a fault when I met him, but then I was not messing with anybody in your camp either.  Something tells me that Smokey would be defensive when the situation called for it.
Title: Re: Your dog's pictures
Post by: osage outlaw on September 10, 2015, 08:47:48 pm
Smokey likes treats but you have to sneak them to him or make it look like an accident  ;)   He's a great camping dog
Title: Re: Your dog's pictures
Post by: longbowhntr on September 10, 2015, 09:08:33 pm
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The long hair is Mickey " The Bloodhound" . These were from a few years ago. That was his first blood trailing job. He has found a few more since then. He just wishes that I was a better hunter and could give him more opportunities.  The spotted one is Danner. He jumped off a round bale of hay a few years ago and messed up his back pretty bad. We have to be careful with him chasing, jumping, etc or he looses all use of his back legs for a week or so. But so far he pulls thru and back to normal in short time[URL=]([/URL[URL=]( (
Title: Re: Your dog's pictures
Post by: JW_Halverson on September 11, 2015, 10:09:36 pm
Wish they would legalize deer trailing for shot animals here in South Dakota.  Firstly, so I could have my dog enjoy part of the hunt.  Secondly, it cuts down the number of lost animals and second (third, fourth, etc) animals shot under one tag.

Never underestimate how big a dachshund is on the inside.  They WERE bred for going down the hole and killing badgers in the badger's territory. 
Title: Re: Your dog's pictures
Post by: longbowhntr on September 11, 2015, 10:28:51 pm
Yes sir, your right about that. My wife and I have been married for 33 years and have had doxies (1,2or 3 at the same time) .All of them loved to trail. But Mickey seemed to know what his nose was for and how to use it. When he was less than a year old. My daughter went to one of my treestands to bow hunt. It was about a half mile from the house, thru the woods across a set drainage etc. She had been gone for a couple hours and I went outside for something. Well Mickey followed me. I got busy doing whatever and about 30-45 minutes my daughter com es back to the house with Mickey. He had trailed her to the treestand and set there and barked and shined until she climbed down and brought him back to the house. She was mad because he had messed up her hunt.

We had another one that would go into the holes and would stay down there for hours and hours while wrestling armidillos.
Title: Re: Your dog's pictures
Post by: looper on September 13, 2015, 12:49:45 am
I've had a lot of good dogs over the years. Right now, Taku, a Russell Terrier is the only one in the family. He's quite an enthusiastic tracker.

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Title: Re: Your dog's pictures
Post by: Oglala Bowyer on September 13, 2015, 10:15:30 am
JW, was Lena fostered thru the Oglala pet project?  Nice looking dog btw.
Title: Re: Your dog's pictures
Post by: JW_Halverson on September 13, 2015, 05:24:10 pm
JW, was Lena fostered thru the Oglala pet project?  Nice looking dog btw.

She was collected up by LAC and transferred to National American University's vet tech program in Rapid
City.  But I know Andrea and Rob from OPP, good people. Used to get eggs from them.
Title: Re: Your dog's pictures
Post by: le0n on September 24, 2015, 12:32:43 am

She fits ;)

Those are 18" tiles.

This is Ever, one of our four.
Title: Re: Your dog's pictures
Post by: JW_Halverson on September 25, 2015, 09:21:43 pm
Boy, is she Ever pretty!
Title: Re: Your dog's pictures
Post by: le0n on October 14, 2015, 01:31:47 am
^^ thanks.

here's the pack (as it was); front to back: Ever, Jules, Kallie

line at the watering hole:

unfortunately, i had to bury my friend of fourteen years this evening. i'm going to miss that guy:

he was watching me put carve the knocks on my sweet-gum bow (i think he liked the smell of the filings):

here he is with a couple of his foster friends a few years back (Dakota in front and crazy Iris on the right):

Jules and Iris (she's wanted the small part of the stick he broke off):

Juno was the newest adopted addition a few years back:

He's a strange little dog with some pretty bad habits that's i'm still trying to correct, but he's cool none the less.

I have a feeling he's going to be the alpha now (even though he's the smallest).

We'll see ;)
Title: Re: Your dog's pictures
Post by: JW_Halverson on October 14, 2015, 08:42:09 pm
Sorry about your loss.  But 14 yrs on a wiemie is pretty good. 
Title: Re: Your dog's pictures
Post by: le0n on October 14, 2015, 09:12:14 pm
looking back, he really had an excellent run considering that our previous vet wanted to put him down when he was 1.5 years old due to liver issues. he lost a massive amount of weight and weighed in at ~40 lbs (down from 80 lbs), but he still ran around like a puppy, we were feeding him almost three times as much food to get his weight back but nothing was working. i told the vet and my wife that i wasn't going to put him down until his tail stopped wagging.

i started pumping him full of supplements with his feedings and after about a month he started gaining his weight back. we were shocked that he pulled through it.

Title: Re: Your dog's pictures
Post by: JW_Halverson on October 14, 2015, 09:17:13 pm
A good run.  I would be happy with that.
Title: Re: Your dog's pictures
Post by: Pat B on October 28, 2015, 02:12:14 pm
Here are our guys...
this is Sister. She was Shepherd/Akita mix. We had to put her down a few years ago after a long, enjoyable life of 15 years.
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...and Lucy Brown our Chocolate lab we got from Chris Cade(Mechslasher). Lucy's granddad was a British Champion and she is way smarter than I am. She is one heck of a squirrel dog and just turned 12 in September. She only weighs 50#.
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...and Lucy with out cat Lawrence(Little dog). Lawrence finally passed on at the ripe old age of 25 years after raising 4 different dogs...
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Title: Re: Your dog's pictures
Post by: osage outlaw on October 28, 2015, 04:57:27 pm
Nice lookin' critters Pat
Title: Re: Your dog's pictures
Post by: AndrewS on October 28, 2015, 07:08:16 pm
This is sleeping little Sunka after she has got her first shark ;)
on the other she wants to help building up a new kitchen....
Title: Re: Your dog's pictures
Post by: JW_Halverson on October 28, 2015, 09:20:17 pm
Shark???  does that make her a waterfowl dog?
Title: Re: Your dog's pictures
Post by: AndrewS on October 29, 2015, 06:13:32 am
She is a waterfowl dog by nature - shark is the bonus >:D
Title: Re: Your dog's pictures
Post by: Pat B on October 29, 2015, 12:16:06 pm
Our other Chocolate lab, Hershey that we had in Bluffton SC loved dolphins. When he saw them swimming in the river he would swim out to them. On one occasion, while we were in our boat floating in the May River, dolphins came up to the boat looking for hand outs. Hershey would get all excited and as one stuck his head over the gunnel of the boat to look in, Hershey leaned over and French kissed the dolphins open mouth. Another time as we idled in gear a pod of dolphins of all ages were swimming along with us. The adults were about 20 yards out, juveniles were a little closer but 4 little, about 3' long came along side the boat. When Hershey would bark at them and whine the baby dolphins would stick their blow holes out of the water and mimic the sound Hershey was making. He would shake all over and drool every time he saw dolphins.
Title: Re: Your dog's pictures
Post by: Parnell on October 29, 2015, 12:47:48 pm
Louie and Chewie, a.k.a. Kung Fu Lou and the Chew Chew Train.  They are litter-mates.  Mom is Shar-Pei and different fathers.  Mom was on the run in Alabama when she was pregnant.  They'll be 5 on Christmas Eve.

They aren't specialists in anything.  But they love to chase squirrels and rabbits.  She is a specialist in killing Enole lizards.  It's her mission in life.
Title: Re: Your dog's pictures
Post by: Parnell on October 29, 2015, 01:00:48 pm
Sorry to read about your recent loss, leOn.  My heart goes out and that is real tough...been there several times.  Louie is my first male dog and I already realize how much I'll miss in time.  But of course, I miss them all.  Dogs are the best.

Funny story, Pat.  That would be something to see.
Title: Re: Your dog's pictures
Post by: le0n on October 29, 2015, 04:26:35 pm
^^ thanks, man. dogs are definitely great. Cool looking pups there; how much does Louie weigh?

i don't know why, but it took me a while to see that shark :D