Primitive Archer

Main Discussion Area => Around the Campfire => Topic started by: riverrat on September 11, 2015, 10:32:02 am

Title: a blast from the past...
Post by: riverrat on September 11, 2015, 10:32:02 am
since i havent done anything in years, and im just gettin going again, i figured i have a handfull of old pics from 12-15 years ago id share.
Title: Re: a blast from the past...
Post by: riverrat on September 11, 2015, 10:35:57 am
top pics is a Potawatomie style bow, ash bark quiver, dogwood shoot Cherokee 2 feather fletch arrows with flint points.a tomahawk head bopper and a knife with a sheath. as well as a shaft wrench made of a cow bone.
second photos is me with my elm "yogi bear " bow. it was skinny, it was lite, drew 40 pounds on a good day. took out that mink hanging on my waist that i made a waist quiver from. that top nock i left as is. it had a knot that looked like yogi bear. i also left the cadmium layer on it. Tim Baker told me  on a post i shouldnt have done that. he was right. 3 years later out hunting squirrels i drew , heard and felt a pop, and off came that layer with some back wood. i cut that tip off and made a trinket out of it. then lost that when we moved.
bottom pic is shooting a red ash bow with working reset tips. styled after a Chippewa bow in Jim Hamms encyclopedia of Native American bows arrows and quivers of the Eastern ....LOVED THAT BOW! shot like a rocket. the gentleman i received that stave from said it would only make a kids bow. it drew 45 pounds at 26 inches. i kept it. lol Tony
Title: Re: a blast from the past...
Post by: Aaron H on September 11, 2015, 11:11:32 am
Beautiful set
Title: Re: a blast from the past...
Post by: Stringman on September 11, 2015, 11:18:55 am
Enough with the resume, your hired!  >:D Now let's see some new stuff!!

Seriously though, I have no idea what kept you away for so long, and it doesn't really matter. But I'm glad you came back. We can always benefit from folks who've wore those shoes out, so to speak.
Title: Re: a blast from the past...
Post by: blackhawk on September 11, 2015, 11:25:44 am
Kewl!!!! Glad ya came back as well :)
Title: Re: a blast from the past...
Post by: bubby on September 11, 2015, 02:32:59 pm
Sweet stuff, I really like the pic wearing the buckskins
Title: Re: a blast from the past...
Post by: Marc St Louis on September 11, 2015, 08:36:57 pm
I remember some of those Tony
Title: Re: a blast from the past...
Post by: Traxx on September 11, 2015, 11:09:12 pm
hey Tony,

Do i recognize that basket quiver?
Title: Re: a blast from the past...
Post by: bowandarrow473 on September 11, 2015, 11:17:59 pm
Cool stuff, look forward to seeing what you come up with on your new projects.
Title: Re: a blast from the past...
Post by: riverrat on September 12, 2015, 10:03:21 pm
yep Traxx.i purchased that one from you. i had it with my Delaware style bow since it had no quiver with its arrows. i did learn a lot from that quiver and a tutorial you posted way back when.or maybe it was someone else. but i learned how to make them and made a couple as well. but not as nice as yours.i have a question for ya , can willow be used? thanks Tony

Title: Re: a blast from the past...
Post by: Traxx on September 14, 2015, 11:47:25 pm
Can willow be used?
Some of the finest quivers of that type are from willow,especially split willow,like of the type made  by West coast native people.

I did post a tutorial,many years ago,but it wasnt mine.And i cant recall selling you a quiver,but i do have one of yours and a bow you made as well.A little snake skin backed pyramid bow.
Title: Re: a blast from the past...
Post by: Pappy on September 15, 2015, 04:53:38 am
 Very Nice stuff, welcome back. :)
Title: Re: a blast from the past...
Post by: riverrat on September 16, 2015, 04:50:51 am
i bought that particular basket quiver from someone. lol but then i made a couple. yes i traded sold or whatever one of them to you. i remember that piramid bow now that you mention it. its been awhile. its hard to remember everything. for awhile there it was all i was doing. Tony