Primitive Archer

Main Discussion Area => Bows => Topic started by: jandersson on January 17, 2016, 11:33:45 pm

Title: A few questions about a Lilac project.
Post by: jandersson on January 17, 2016, 11:33:45 pm
Hey Guys,
Got a 60" Lilac sapling  that is gonna be a Mollegabet bendy handle design, aiming for 40-50# @ 27. I was hoping to get a little bit of professional help. The sapling have quite a bit of twist in it, is it too much to ignore? Should I straighten the right limb to get two more uniform limbs? Also I was contemplating to flip the tips slightly to help with the string angle. Could the big scar on one of the levers split up if I steam/boil it?
Thanks for your time,
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Title: Re: A few questions about a Lilac project.
Post by: Joseph on January 17, 2016, 11:53:21 pm
Im not professional but I would heat/boil it and then press out the curves.
You could also adapt both limbs to make a bit of a reflex deflex.
Title: Re: A few questions about a Lilac project.
Post by: DuBois on January 17, 2016, 11:57:25 pm
I have never tried to bend lilac so just my 2 cents here, but if it was mine I would try to take the twist out of the cleaner looking limb and then try to flatten out the gnarly one without flipping the tips.

How long has it dried? That may effect what method of heating you would use.

Hard to say on that scar and knot but I think it would likely split if you try to remove the twist. What does the belly under that look like?

Best wishes and keep us posted. Lots of lilac around here. I have a couple of small branches and one monster stave so I am interested in what you find.

Title: Re: A few questions about a Lilac project.
Post by: DuBois on January 18, 2016, 12:01:42 am
Welcome Joakim,

I have heard it is really good wood though.

Where are you located?
Title: Re: A few questions about a Lilac project.
Post by: jandersson on January 18, 2016, 11:34:26 pm
It's been sitting in my basement for almost to years, mid 40's to low 60's F, 30-50% humidity. What about clamping the scar from side to side while steaming it? Would that hinder the wood to expand/move and with that take off some of the risk of cracking it? And thinking about it I could always glue on nocks if I need to get a better string angle. I think you guys are right about straighten the limb and untwisting it, I think now I'm just a little worried about the scar messing things up.

Marco: Did yours check badly? This one had big deep checks and I didn't think there was a bow in there but I was lucky. I think 80% of my lilac staves are not gonna work out.