Primitive Archer

Main Discussion Area => Around the Campfire => Topic started by: Marc St Louis on January 18, 2016, 09:20:23 pm

Title: Nasty people
Post by: Marc St Louis on January 18, 2016, 09:20:23 pm
My wife and I were picking up some groceries today and we started talking with one of the employees there, a middle age woman.  The subject matter worked around to hunting, I was wearing a camo coat, and it turns out the woman is a bow hunter, wheel bow and crossbow.  She is proud to be a hunter and advertises it on her truck, maybe that is a mistake.  She was telling us that she came out to her truck one day and someone had written " cold hearted bi**h" on it, she was a bit dismayed at that.  Being somewhat older than her I have come across that mentality before but for her it was something new and it hurt.  I don't think this happened too long ago as it was still raw and there was some anger there, probably lucky she didn't catch these people in the act.
Title: Re: Nasty people
Post by: sleek on January 18, 2016, 09:42:48 pm
Perhaps there should be a season on those idiots. Then they could see exactly what kind of a cold hearted bit_h she can be. Honestly, if they realy truely believed that, then i dont see how its smart for them to make her angry.  Obviously they dont think what they wrote is true, seek out someone less than they are, and attack. Ironically, doing the same they accuse her of being so cold about. Wich in turns makes them cold hearted morons.

If it were me, it paint what they wrote permanently on my truck right where they did. And get a dash cam.
Title: Re: Nasty people
Post by: JW_Halverson on January 18, 2016, 10:05:26 pm
As people move further and further from their food, we that hunt and fish risk becoming demonized.  A false morality allows people to talk with their mouths full of food about how we need to preserve the animals, the trees, the planet when the reason we have so little wildlands left is because we converted so much to agriculture.

Title: Re: Nasty people
Post by: Badger on January 18, 2016, 10:41:29 pm
  Maybe she should just buy her meat at the store like normal people so no animals are harmed!
Title: Re: Nasty people
Post by: bubby on January 18, 2016, 10:59:05 pm
Maybe she needs a steady diet of soylent green
Title: Re: Nasty people
Post by: osage outlaw on January 18, 2016, 11:12:58 pm
My community is very hunter friendly.  I've never had any negative comments or actions towards me.  Messing with a hunters vehicle is a good way to get hurt.  Obviously the owner of that truck has weapons and knows how to use them. 
Title: Re: Nasty people
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on January 19, 2016, 06:57:13 am
  Maybe she should just buy her meat at the store like normal people so no animals are harmed!

Isnt that the thought process Steve! Go to just one beef or pork SLAUGHTER house and that mentality would change quick. Aint nuttin' nice going on there.
Title: Re: Nasty people
Post by: neuse on January 19, 2016, 07:04:44 am
  Maybe she should just buy her meat at the store like normal people so no animals are harmed!

Yep. I killed two does this weekend and gave thanks to God and to each doe for allowing me to have them.
That don't happen in a slaughter house.
Title: Re: Nasty people
Post by: Lumberman on January 19, 2016, 07:43:19 am
That's bizarre.. Hard to imagine someone doing that to another that they don't know simply for being a hunter. A bit misplaced, hopefully just a juvenile as the actions certainly were. I have been friends with some fairly serious non-hunter vegan types ; a lot of times it is misinformation about what hunters do. The vegan girl knew I had three months of bow season but was amazed to find out that by December I only had one deer in the freezer(plenty of misses that year I remember). Good interface with a hunter who is respectful of the individual's heart and the animal pursued can make the difference in how that person views hunting and hunters the rest of their life. Cold hearted B came from someone as sleek pointed out, must be rather cold him or herself.
Title: Re: Nasty people
Post by: Knoll on January 19, 2016, 09:27:01 am
Yeah, imo, ignorance is generally the culprit when it comes to us being unkind with each other.
Title: Re: Nasty people
Post by: Marc St Louis on January 19, 2016, 10:47:29 am
What these idiots don't realize is that the food they eat is grown on land that was once wild habitat
Title: Re: Nasty people
Post by: Wolf Watcher on January 19, 2016, 01:14:28 pm
Anyone who thinks it is OK to damage some one's property needs to be held responsible.  The sad truth is a surprising number of hunters put all the rest of us in a bad light for non hunters.  Kind of like the people that use guns to kill people they don't even know makes a lot of people want to take our guns away!  Where I live hunters come from all over the country to hunt big game.  Not all of them have respect for the animals, the game laws, and other peoples land.  An example to make a point is when my wife and I were coming home from Cody when we met a pickup from Ill.  They had a trailer with a couple of ATVs tied on.  They had a fair sized bull elk horns and head tied on the top of their truck tongue hanging out and animal parts hanging out of the truck bed.  I wonder if they kept that elk head on display all the way home?  I can tell you from actually watching the road hunters that I have little respect for the new age gun hunters.  Rifles that will shoot a 1000 yards doesn't make the new untrained owner capable of making those long shots and they make no effort to make sure they did not wound an animal.  This is a fun time of the year here with the seasons closed the animals sheding their horns.  I hope my rant is OK with the mods and if not please delete it.  Joe   
Title: Re: Nasty people
Post by: JacksonCash on January 19, 2016, 03:31:36 pm
Wolf, I think you've hit the nail on the head. I enjoyed hunting when I was younger, but I've since not been very active in it. Having a vegetarian wife is part of that, but also just kind of fell out of enjoying it. A lot of people in the area I grew up in were too much of the big buck macho mold for me to really enjoy it. Working in sporting goods retail for a while further drove the point home for me, with all the feed designed to bulk up your deer. To me it takes away from the primal nature of the act. I can totally see where people might be turned away from supporting hunting because of this sort of thing, but it doesn't justify being nasty to others.
Title: Re: Nasty people
Post by: Aaron H on January 19, 2016, 03:35:40 pm
Hate is easy.
Love takes courage.
Title: Re: Nasty people
Post by: DC on January 19, 2016, 03:40:40 pm
You don't even have to love them. Tolerate them, ignore them, just don't do anything stupid.
Title: Re: Nasty people
Post by: JW_Halverson on January 19, 2016, 04:58:25 pm
Joe (WW) makes a valid point about how not all hunters are ethical, but all unethical shooters are a bad reflection on hunters.

Preach your ethics to your friends, family, and coworkers.  Be known as "that guy", the one that expects and demands a higher set of ethics.  If we don't counter the slobs, we have surrendered the field and don't deserve it.
Title: Re: Nasty people
Post by: Dakota Kid on January 19, 2016, 05:04:02 pm
I have to wonder if the vandalism was actually done because she was a hunter. Perhaps she wronged someone a little more seriously than just by shooting bambi. Not that it would make the vandalism more acceptable, but it would better explain such a personal attack.

It kills me that people have this romanticized disney view of nature, where all the animals are cute and cuddly. It's obvious that they spend very little time in nature observing what they try to defend/save. Mother Earth is a much more of a cold-hearted bitch than that girl bow hunter ever could be. The sayings like "kill or be killed" and "only the strong survive" didn't come from nowhere. Earth goes hard. People will change their tune the day the stores have empty shelves.

There's another type of anti-hunter who thinks being vegan is an enlightened view point and a mark of higher intelligence. This ideal was fabricated. The people who make the PROGRAMMING on the tube want people to spend money, not hunt and gather. Work hard everyone. Buy fake processed food, worthless plastic crap, and other things you don't really need, with money you don't have(credit cards). That will certainly fill that emptiness you feel from being separated from nature. 
Title: Re: Nasty people
Post by: JW_Halverson on January 19, 2016, 05:10:19 pm
I have to wonder if the vandalism was actually done because she was a hunter. Perhaps she wronged someone a little more seriously than just by shooting bambi. Not that it would make the vandalism more acceptable, but it would better explain such a personal attack.

It kills me that people have this romanticized disney view of nature, where all the animals are cute and cuddly. It's obvious that they spend very little time in nature observing what they try to defend/save. Mother Earth is a much more of a cold-hearted bitch than that girl bow hunter ever could be. The sayings like "kill or be killed" and "only the strong survive" didn't come from nowhere. Earth goes hard. People will change their tune the day the stores have empty shelves.

There's another type of anti-hunter who thinks being vegan is an enlightened view point and a mark of higher intelligence. This ideal was fabricated. The people who make the PROGRAMMING on the tube want people to spend money, not hunt and gather. Work hard everyone. Buy fake processed food, worthless plastic crap, and other things you don't really need, with money you don't have(credit cards). That will certainly fill that emptiness you feel from being separated from nature.

You can borrow my soapbox any day, Kid.  Preach, brother, testify!
Title: Re: Nasty people
Post by: JacksonCash on January 19, 2016, 05:16:23 pm
The people who make the PROGRAMMING on the tube want people to spend money, not hunt and gather. Work hard everyone. Buy fake processed food, worthless plastic crap, and other things you don't really need, with money you don't have(credit cards).

Without straying too far from the topic, I think this is the type of thing that bothers me about the big buck culture. It's so comercialized. A big buck is certainly something to behold, but when it comes from pumping it full of ULTRA XXX PROTIEN FEED!!!!(TM) it becomes a perverse and artificial thing. In my head I equate it with with the giant 3 month old chickens and other 'abuses' of the industrialized food world.

Full disclosure, I'm no hunter gatherer live off the land guy, I buy the same crap everyone else does. Its just the older I get the more I start to take issue with the whole process.
Title: Re: Nasty people
Post by: Dakota Kid on January 19, 2016, 05:22:06 pm
You better believe I'm gonna borrow it often JW. If I scream loud enough from time to time maybe a couple hears might hear.

I always tell people that they may not like what I have to say, but it's the truth. Often the truth is to scary for the average sheeple. I certainly can find better things to do than help to strengthen their delusions.

You can buy stuff at the stores. You almost have to. Just stay away from food that has a picture of what it's supposed to look like on the box/can. If your food needs a glamour shot to look edible it's not food.
Title: Re: Nasty people
Post by: mullet on January 19, 2016, 05:29:00 pm
One thing nice about Florida is the Game Commission has a no tolerant policy when it comes to harassing hunters. She'd be in jail down here. And probably happy if she lived here the hunter didn't fear threatened.
Title: Re: Nasty people
Post by: BowEd on January 19, 2016, 08:35:09 pm
Regardless of the reason why her vehicle was vandilized it is a chicken s$$$ way of making a point.Chicken s$$$'s do chicken s$$$ things.I have no respect at all for people like that,but will listen to a lagitimate argument for their way of thinking.It usually boils down to a matter of how you were raised.The life style you were born into.Making niave comments about things they don't understand is pea brain thinking or to put it milder misunderstood commenting.
The DNR and the department of agriculture work together to preserve as much wildlife habitat as possible.Costs to preserve it are paid for by the farmer as a whole.The state of Iowa has record numbers of deer and other wildlife.Back in the 40's and 50's it was big news to see 2 deer in a square mile of land.Talked about in the cafe downtown.
Title: Re: Nasty people
Post by: Joseph on January 20, 2016, 09:28:02 am
  Maybe she should just buy her meat at the store like normal people so no animals are harmed!

Yep. I killed two does this weekend and gave thanks to God and to each doe for allowing me to have them.
That don't happen in a slaughter house.
So true man
Thumbs up for being christian
Wish I could go bow hunting but not much possibility being an urban dwelling Australian
Did I just break the religion regulation?
Title: Re: Nasty people
Post by: riverrat on January 20, 2016, 09:37:16 am
dont let it bug ya. theres folks like that. i have family that are like that, not nasty like that, but dont like hunting. one niece calls herself a vegetarian. i have no qualms with veggies, hell if they bled id hunt them too lol. but i tell her hey, look at your teeth in the mirror. your a omnivore. you are designed to eat meat , fruit, and veggies as well as a lot of other stuff most of us no longer eat.she tells me, no im a vegetarian because i only eat vegetables. i say hey, if i choose to hop down the street does that make me a rabbit? lol Tony
Title: Re: Nasty people
Post by: Urufu_Shinjiro on January 20, 2016, 11:17:34 am
Too many are far too insulated from reality these days, there's a type out there that I love trolling online, the ones that think all hunters are psychopaths and serial killers in training because they like to go kill things. Munching on their salad not realizing the plants they're eating all died for them to feed on, every harvest a
Title: Re: Nasty people
Post by: sleek on January 20, 2016, 02:04:39 pm
You jest but there are people who think like that
Title: Re: Nasty people
Post by: sleek on January 20, 2016, 02:12:19 pm
Funny thing....vegetarian folks fart more. There was a study saying cow farts increase green house gasses. Soooooo. Vegetarians are destroying thr planet witht heir flatulence.

Ima make a bumper sticker. Save the planet. Stop global warming. Fart less, eat meat.
Title: Re: Nasty people
Post by: sleek on January 20, 2016, 02:17:49 pm
Vegans=farts. Bovines=farts. Fart=green house gasses. Dont be a vegan, eat a cow, save the planet.
Title: Re: Nasty people
Post by: Urufu_Shinjiro on January 20, 2016, 05:02:12 pm
I love the one where it's a picture of a hunter with a buck and it says "Hey vegans, this guy was trying to eat your food, it's ok though, I got him!" lol.
Title: Re: Nasty people
Post by: JW_Halverson on January 20, 2016, 05:04:36 pm
I love the one where it's a picture of a hunter with a buck and it says "Hey vegans, this guy was trying to eat your food, it's ok though, I got him!" lol.

That buck will never poop on a vegans "pure" food ever again!
Title: Re: Nasty people
Post by: sleek on January 20, 2016, 05:18:43 pm
I love the one where it's a picture of a hunter with a buck and it says "Hey vegans, this guy was trying to eat your food, it's ok though, I got him!" lol.

As the Spanish say...... Jajajaajajaja!
Title: Re: Nasty people
Post by: vinemaplebows on January 22, 2016, 02:16:57 pm
My wife and I were picking up some groceries today and we started talking with one of the employees there, a middle age woman.  The subject matter worked around to hunting, I was wearing a camo coat, and it turns out the woman is a bow hunter, wheel bow and crossbow.  She is proud to be a hunter and advertises it on her truck, maybe that is a mistake.  She was telling us that she came out to her truck one day and someone had written " cold hearted bi**h" on it, she was a bit dismayed at that.  Being somewhat older than her I have come across that mentality before but for her it was something new and it hurt.  I don't think this happened too long ago as it was still raw and there was some anger there, probably lucky she didn't catch these people in the act.

Just an opinion...It seems society ignores people that commit crimes in the name of animal welfare, they know it is wrong, but for whatever reason  they treat these thugs as (Robin hood) instead of your common criminals. The media in a lot of areas will cover stories almost as if they are heroes standing for a just cause.

I hate the thought of animal abuses that some sick SOB's will inflict on animals for entertainment for sick minds. Hunter's for the most part are individuals that respect wildlife, love their pets more so than some of your so-called  animal activists. We as hunters have pulled species from the brink of extinction in many cases through our hunting fees, and the willingness to observe the needs for seasons and conservation.

The people that do these types of things are lowlifes in my opinion. >:( >:(
Title: Re: Nasty people
Post by: JW_Halverson on January 22, 2016, 02:21:48 pm
My wife and I were picking up some groceries today and we started talking with one of the employees there, a middle age woman.  The subject matter worked around to hunting, I was wearing a camo coat, and it turns out the woman is a bow hunter, wheel bow and crossbow.  She is proud to be a hunter and advertises it on her truck, maybe that is a mistake.  She was telling us that she came out to her truck one day and someone had written " cold hearted bi**h" on it, she was a bit dismayed at that.  Being somewhat older than her I have come across that mentality before but for her it was something new and it hurt.  I don't think this happened too long ago as it was still raw and there was some anger there, probably lucky she didn't catch these people in the act.

Just an opinion...It seems society ignores people that commit crimes in the name of animal welfare, they know it is wrong, but for whatever reason  they treat these thugs as (Robin hood) instead of your common criminals. The media in a lot of areas will cover stories almost as if they are heroes standing for a just cause.

I hate the thought of animal abuses that some sick SOB's will inflict on animals for entertainment for sick minds. Hunter's for the most part are individuals that respect wildlife, love their pets more so than some of your so-called  animal activists. We as hunters have pulled species from the brink of extinction in many cases through our hunting fees, and the willingness to observe the needs for seasons and conservation.

The people that do these types of things are lowlifes in my opinion. >:( >:(

This is why we need more people to understand the North American Wildlife Conservation Model.  It's quite ok if you don't hunt or fish, but stop demonizing the people that are paying the vast majority of dollars to manage and maintain the stocks, the access, and the research!