Primitive Archer

Main Discussion Area => Around the Campfire => Topic started by: Zuma on May 16, 2016, 09:24:50 pm

Title: Maybe the little guy was chilly
Post by: Zuma on May 16, 2016, 09:24:50 pm
Too bad this had a very bad ending >:(
What were these folks thinking?
I am surprised the mother didn't stop it. ???
Baby bison euthanized after Yellowstone tourists put it in car (

Baby bison euthanized after Yellowstone tourists put it in car.
Title: Re: Maybe the little guy was chilly
Post by: stickbender on May 17, 2016, 01:36:27 am

     Sad thing is they let the idiots from the Montana game and parks, take it and as they like to with all of their seizures, they had it euthanized.  Never bother to see if one of the many ranches around the area, had a nursing cow.  I have absolutely zero respect for the Montana game and parks commission.  They have done so many absolutely asinine things, involving killing of game animals, and fish, and making absolutely ridiculous excuses why they "HAD" to be done.  Too bad for the little calf.  There was a woman who just sold a buffalo cow, that was house broke.  It lived out side, and would come into the house, and look around, and sniff things, and then go back out side.  She said that the cow never messed in the house.  The woman was going to set up a wildlife, education facility, but went through a divorce, and no longer had the acreage to give the buffalo room to roam.  Some one near by bought her buffalo, and gave her a key, and told her she is welcome to come visit with the buffalo any time.  The game fish and parks commission makes no effort what so ever to try to save anything.  But let someone poach something and my God what a horrible villain that person is.    Any way, it is sad the calf was killed.

Title: Re: Maybe the little guy was chilly
Post by: caveman2533 on May 17, 2016, 05:52:30 am
From the Park"s Facebook page:  "Thanks to everyone who's taken the time to read this post and share our safety messages. We're reading through your comments and noticed many people asking why the calf had to be euthanized.

In order to ship the calf out of the park, it would have had to go through months of quarantine to be monitored for brucellosis. No approved quarantine facilities exist at this time, and we don't have the capacity to care for a calf that's too young to forage on its own. Nor is it the mission of the National Park Service to rescue animals: our goal is to maintain the ecological processes of Yellowstone. Even though humans were involved in this case, it is not uncommon for bison, especially young mothers, to lose or abandon their calves. Those animals typically die of starvation or predation."

They said that up to 40 percent of the herd has brucellosis, It would be a catastrophe to allow that into the herds on private ranches. Likely no ranch would take it anyway and endanger their own herd. They tried repeatedly to reunite the animal with the herd and it seemed to have imprinted on vehicles. It continually would walk out into the road trying to approach cars.
Title: Re: Maybe the little guy was chilly
Post by: Pat B on May 17, 2016, 09:02:28 am
It amazes me that humans survived evolution as stupid as some of them are. I hope these idiots got burned!   >:(
Title: Re: Maybe the little guy was chilly
Post by: Oglala Bowyer on May 17, 2016, 12:54:00 pm
They (tourists) thought the calf was cold and vulnerable.  Seriously?  I grew up next to a buffalo pasture literally and have seen calves stray away from the herd but were always brought back by the mother or herd parent.  I don't doubt for a minute that this is what was going on.  Be that as it may be these animals survived hundreds of years in the cold and elements without ever needing human intervention.  Its when we intervene when things go horribly wrong. 
Title: Re: Maybe the little guy was chilly
Post by: stickbender on May 17, 2016, 01:03:06 pm
It amazes me that humans survived evolution as stupid as some of them are. I hope these idiots got burned!   >:(

Oh trust me they will be remembering this trip for a long time to come.  Yeah, Brucellosis , a big problem with the Yellowstone herd.  But that is not to say that they could not have tried to bottle feed the calf.  I seriously doubt they would have had a problem finding volunteers.  The point is game, fish, and parks commission simply uses euthanizing as a first option, and has no second option.  Whether it is a deer, that someone has fed, or as a recent case, a friendly deer, in down town Plains, Mt. they will come dart it, and then kill it.  The one in plains, they claimed was hazard to people.  Right.  Apparently they haven't heard of the multiple Kamikaze deer.  I have had three jump in front of me.  One didn't make it, and I had over five grand of damage to my truck.  Or they haven't been down town lately, to see the deer, crossing the road, or just standing in the road, or roaming about the town.  Anyway, in my opinion the stuff they have done previously, and continue to do is mind boggling!  They poisoned two mountain lakes to kill all the fish, so they could restock only native trout.  There are only three native trout here.  I could care less if it is native or not, and neither do the majority of the people in Montana.  But they killed all the fish, including the native fish.  They wanted to do the same with the Noxon Reservoir, to kill off the walleye, and bass, to protect the bull trout.
The Noxon reservoir is a warm water reservoir, and trout do not spawn there.  Plus the Clark Fork river, runs into it, and is full of walleye.  They have what is called "Mack" Days on the "Flathead" lake, in which they have tournaments to see who catches, the most, and largest lake trout.  They want to get rid of the lake trout, and there is no size, or number of fish limit on lake trout.  The towns make quite a bit of money, during those tournaments, and they could do the same here on the Noxon reservoir, but no, they would rather poison the reservoir.  They will never get rid of the walleyes.  Besides they are tastier, and better fighters.  They've done other nit wit things in the past also.  As far as I am concerned, the game, fish, and parks commission, based in Helena, is comprised of the biggest bunch of alimentary canal exits, to ever come down the pike.  At least the park rangers tried to reunite the calf.  Yes Pat those tourists are looking a pretty hefty fine.  They were already looking a fine, but now that the calf is dead, it just jumped way up.  I have seen pictures absolute idiots in Yellowstone.  Like the picture I saw in National Geographic, that showed an idiot mother holding a baby out for a black bear to lick.  What the hell was she thinking?!  I guess people think Bambi was documentary. 
Title: Re: Maybe the little guy was chilly
Post by: DC on May 17, 2016, 01:24:19 pm
In the grand scheme of things what is the difference between euthanizing an animal, hunting it for sport/food or letting it starve to death(natures way). Assuming it is not an endangered animal there is no point in spending a bunch of money to save an animal when someone two miles away is legally shooting one. This is like spending $10,000 to save a cat(appologies to cat lovers). Volunteers or not, hand rearing a bison would not be a cheap operation. Unfortunately when humans and animals come together, animals lose. The way the population is growing soon there will be no room for animals. If you want to help the natural world, get a vasectomy.
Rant mode off. Sorry for that.   
Title: Re: Maybe the little guy was chilly
Post by: JoJoDapyro on May 17, 2016, 01:39:16 pm
It amazes me that humans survived evolution as stupid as some of them are. I hope these idiots got burned!   >:(

Oh trust me they will be remembering this trip for a long time to come.  Yeah, Brucellosis , a big problem with the Yellowstone herd.  But that is not to say that they could not have tried to bottle feed the calf.  I seriously doubt they would have had a problem finding volunteers.  The point is game, fish, and parks commission simply uses euthanizing as a first option, and has no second option.  Whether it is a deer, that someone has fed, or as a recent case, a friendly deer, in down town Plains, Mt. they will come dart it, and then kill it.  The one in plains, they claimed was hazard to people.  Right.  Apparently they haven't heard of the multiple Kamikaze deer.  I have had three jump in front of me.  One didn't make it, and I had over five grand of damage to my truck.  Or they haven't been down town lately, to see the deer, crossing the road, or just standing in the road, or roaming about the town.  Anyway, in my opinion the stuff they have done previously, and continue to do is mind boggling!  They poisoned two mountain lakes to kill all the fish, so they could restock only native trout.  There are only three native trout here.  I could care less if it is native or not, and neither do the majority of the people in Montana.  But they killed all the fish, including the native fish.  They wanted to do the same with the Noxon Reservoir, to kill off the walleye, and bass, to protect the bull trout.
The Noxon reservoir is a warm water reservoir, and trout do not spawn there.  Plus the Clark Fork river, runs into it, and is full of walleye.  They have what is called "Mack" Days on the "Flathead" lake, in which they have tournaments to see who catches, the most, and largest lake trout.  They want to get rid of the lake trout, and there is no size, or number of fish limit on lake trout.  The towns make quite a bit of money, during those tournaments, and they could do the same here on the Noxon reservoir, but no, they would rather poison the reservoir.  They will never get rid of the walleyes.  Besides they are tastier, and better fighters.  They've done other nit wit things in the past also.  As far as I am concerned, the game, fish, and parks commission, based in Helena, is comprised of the biggest bunch of alimentary canal exits, to ever come down the pike.  At least the park rangers tried to reunite the calf.  Yes Pat those tourists are looking a pretty hefty fine.  They were already looking a fine, but now that the calf is dead, it just jumped way up.  I have seen pictures absolute idiots in Yellowstone.  Like the picture I saw in National Geographic, that showed an idiot mother holding a baby out for a black bear to lick.  What the hell was she thinking?!  I guess people think Bambi was documentary. 

"In order to ship the calf out of the park, it would have had to go through months of quarantine to be monitored for brucellosis. No approved quarantine facilities exist at this time, and we don't have the capacity to care for a calf that's too young to forage on its own. Nor is it the mission of the National Park Service to rescue animals: our goal is to maintain the ecological processes of Yellowstone. Even though humans were involved in this case, it is not uncommon for bison, especially young mothers, to lose or abandon their calves. Those animals typically die of starvation or predation." "
Title: Re: Maybe the little guy was chilly
Post by: Zuma on May 17, 2016, 05:00:12 pm
What a great bunch of responses. :)
It is an education just to read the members
thoughts and knowledge on the conservation
of wildlife and habitat. Thank you all for taking
the time to share. ;)
Title: Re: Maybe the little guy was chilly
Post by: DC on May 17, 2016, 05:30:15 pm
Are you an undercover psych major, Zuma? ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)
Title: Re: Maybe the little guy was chilly
Post by: Zuma on May 17, 2016, 07:04:35 pm
My lips are sealed ???
Title: Re: Maybe the little guy was chilly
Post by: Zuma on May 18, 2016, 09:26:29 pm
Well the little guy was chilly. :'(
I saw the video on national news tonight.
I think,although there are "rules" the folks should
get a break and maybe have to take a course in
" Don't care it's just a life form" ???
PS tourists don't see the world through the same
eyes as PhD park rangers and I guess most of us.  :laugh:
Title: Re: Maybe the little guy was chilly
Post by: Ruddy Darter on May 19, 2016, 05:31:53 am
Well, I reckon they will be feeling pretty bad about the outcome, acting out of ignorance hand in hand with kindness is a bad mix. The positive is that we got the news over here, so U.K. tourists are now better informed about interaction with American wildlife.
Coming originally from the city myself I could perhaps make mistakes too ( hope not to). Like this one...don't kiss cottonmouths...I can see the logic...cotton....mouth...cotton candy...=good kissing! :). One would presume so anyway, but apparently not. This guy tried it and the tenderness was not reciprocated  :( you live and learn, I'm guessing you can't ride on the alligators either?

Ruddy Darter
Title: Re: Maybe the little guy was chilly
Post by: Knapper on May 19, 2016, 11:39:24 am
Naw Ruddy... you can ride on an alligator, just not a crocodile, and there easy to tell the difference in. One will see you later and the other after a while! >:D
Title: Re: Maybe the little guy was chilly
Post by: Ruddy Darter on May 19, 2016, 01:23:10 pm
( ;D cool, just not the crocodile  :D, I'd only ride the alligator in the water... I've put on a few of pounds in the last couple of years and I wouldn't want to chance a strain on the animals legs. Thanks for that tip Knapper  :D)

  Ruddy Darter.
Title: Re: Maybe the little guy was chilly
Post by: Traxx on May 20, 2016, 12:06:24 am
My first thought,when reading the story was,that the calf was abandoned.Chances are it hadnt nursed and recieved any Colostrum and most likely would have died anyway,unless it was fed Colostrum by bottle.I doubt they do that in the Park.
Title: Re: Maybe the little guy was chilly
Post by: stickbender on May 20, 2016, 02:12:45 am

Posted: May 19, 2016 1:12 PM MST
Updated: May 19, 2016 1:12 PM MST
Utah woman catches Yellowstone bison calf incident on video


There’s an unbelievable twist to a story that's making headlines around the world.

A Utah woman says she not only saw that young Yellowstone National Park bison calf that ended up in a tourist's car before they took it -- she has the video to show just why they thought the baby was in trouble.

Natalie Kinzel was at Yellowstone last Monday with some family members when she saw a herd of bison crossing a river. She decided to take a video and quickly focused her attention on a calf struggling to swim.

She said she watched as the little buffalo got swept downstream -- ignored by the other animals. The calf eventually made it out but was soon left all alone.

"It was just heart-wrenching because it was literally collapsing and there was no buffalo around," Kinzel said.

She kept recording as the calf alternated between leaning against her car and standing there, shivering. "It was so pitiful," Kinzel said. "We were teary eyed when we left."

Later, she learned what likely happened. Two tourists picked up a baby bison they said was lost and shivering, put it in their SUV, and took it to a ranger station.

They were cited for disturbing the calf, which was eventually euthanized after efforts to reunite it with its herd failed. "I don't blame the people for wanting to do something," said Kinzel.

It's impossible to say with certainty that the bison in her video is the same one that ended up at the ranger station, but Kinzel is convinced it is. All the details match up -- same place, same time of day, and same description of a baby animal lost and cold.

"It was very hard to watch," Kinzel said. She admits she wanted to do something to help the calf, too, but she didn't.

She also said those who have criticized the tourists should have some compassion, “I'm sure that they thought they were trying to help.”

The Canadian tourists were fined more than $100 for 'taking wildlife' unlawfully.
I imagine they are out of a bit more, due to having to wait for court.
     There is also a warrant out for the arrest of the three idiots, who took pictures of the signs warning to stay on the board walks at the springs, and then took videos of themselves stepping off the boardwalk, and  walking on the springs area, then the idiots, posted it online!  After they were notified they were in trouble, they went on line, and apologized, and offered to pay money to the park for each person that opened up their link, up to $5,000.00.  But then took down the site, and offered to send the money to the park.  The park has issued a warrant for their arrest now.  They are supposedly film makers for their site.  Which at the moment I can't remember.
Title: Re: Maybe the little guy was chilly
Post by: stickbender on June 03, 2016, 11:21:51 pm



Posted: Jun 02, 2016 6:40 PM MST
Updated: Jun 02, 2016 6:40 PM MST
Man who put Yellowstone bison calf in SUV pleads guilty
By MTN News
The story of Yellowstone National Park tourists putting a bison calf in their car sparked headlines across the country. (Photo Courtesy: Karen Richardson)


A federal magistrate has imposed $735 in fines, fees and compensation on a Canadian man who loaded a bison calf he came across in Yellowstone National Park into his SUV because he thought it was cold.

The calf later had to be euthanized because it couldn’t be reunited with its herd.

Court records show Shamash Kassam of Quebec entered a guilty plea over the telephone on Thursday to a wildlife violation.

U.S. Magistrate Mark L. Carman ordered the penalties, which include a $200 fine and a $500 payment to the Yellowstone Park Foundation Wildlife Protection Fund.

A criminal complaint states that Kassam came across the bison calf on May 9 and put it in his vehicle out of concern for its welfare.
