Primitive Archer

Main Discussion Area => Around the Campfire => Topic started by: JoJoDapyro on June 13, 2016, 03:34:25 pm

Title: Babies!?
Post by: JoJoDapyro on June 13, 2016, 03:34:25 pm
So, As is prone to happen from time to time, I am about to be a first time father. What information would you give to a first time father, of a daughter no less. Time is getting short, and I am about going nuts waiting. I figured a good foundation to work off of was a good name, And that's all I have. Millie Olean will be here before we know it. We figured a good Norwegian name (Olean), paired with what sounds to me a good southern name (Millie). Thanks for the answers , you all seem like you have the advice I need!
Title: Re: Babies!?
Post by: bubby on June 13, 2016, 03:43:34 pm
The best advice i can give you Joe is to be there, spend time with her, protect her but don't think she is perfect nobody is. If she needs punished be just but not soft, a spoiled kid becomes a spoiled adult. Heck you will be fine Joe😉
Title: Re: Babies!?
Post by: JW_Halverson on June 13, 2016, 03:51:20 pm
I know I don't have to tell you to love her.  I have already seen how you treat your wife, the kid will know she is loved!
Title: Re: Babies!?
Post by: Pappy on June 13, 2016, 04:35:06 pm
Be consistent, if it is wrong at home it is wrong wherever your are, set your rules whatever they are and stick to them. Kids will push the edge but really want and need boundarys. Hardest part is for you and your wife to be on the same page on the important issues. Good luck, you will be fine. I get in trouble a lot for saying this but what the heck, raising a good well behaved kid is like raising a pup. Pappy
Title: Re: Babies!?
Post by: JoJoDapyro on June 13, 2016, 04:36:51 pm
raising a good well behaved kid is like raising a pup. Pappy

I agree. Nothing wrong with that, we are all animals!
Title: Re: Babies!?
Post by: Urufu_Shinjiro on June 13, 2016, 04:53:15 pm
Go get some sleep, then say goodbye to it, it's the last good sleep you'll have for more than a decade, lol.
Title: Re: Babies!?
Post by: Trapper Rob on June 13, 2016, 07:43:23 pm
Spend all the time you can with her they grow up fast & what everybody else said.
Title: Re: Babies!?
Post by: jeffp51 on June 14, 2016, 12:18:31 am
I only have boys, but that bit about sleep--spot on.  Parenting is the hardest and most rewarding job you will ever have.  Just don't expect any immediate gratification on any of it.  You will make constant mistakes, but the only time you fail is when you stop trying.  Good luck, and welcome to the club--it's going to be great.
Title: Re: Babies!?
Post by: Chippintuff on June 14, 2016, 12:34:32 am
There's no need to panic. When they arrive, all they need is cuddles, cleaning, food and comfort. You will grow into the rest as it comes.

Title: Re: Babies!?
Post by: stickbender on June 14, 2016, 02:57:57 am

Congratulations.  When she starts on solid food, the mustard stops, and the real sh@T starts, will full odor of the foulest kind! :o :o :o :P :P  But all of the above.
Title: Re: Babies!?
Post by: JoJoDapyro on June 14, 2016, 09:59:14 am
HAHAHA, I'm not afraid of poop, or blood. Not great with real adult style vomit. I'm not scared, or in a panic. I'm excited. I'm a bad gift giver because I can't keep secrets well. This has been the ultimate test of patience.
Title: Re: Babies!?
Post by: Del the cat on June 14, 2016, 10:26:13 am
Kids? The first 3 months are tough, then it eases off after about 40 years >:D
Title: Re: Babies!?
Post by: JoJoDapyro on June 14, 2016, 10:36:57 am
Kids? The first 3 months are tough, then it eases off after about 40 years >:D

I'll be dead by then! HAHA, Where I'm from I am an old first time parent at 37. Most people in Utah are married by 21, or 22 (For men) and have kids just about 9 months later!
Title: Re: Babies!?
Post by: Spotted Dog on June 14, 2016, 11:09:12 am
Like Bubby said be there. Absent dads are not good. Read to her, play with her. Pay attention to her smile.
When she twirls tell her she is beautiful. Protect her with your life Lots of hugs and kisses.
I raised 3 boys . Got to play in the dirt. Now we have 1 grandson and 5 granddaughters. 
Pray for her too.

Grand Dog
Title: Re: Babies!?
Post by: wizardgoat on June 14, 2016, 11:18:10 am
Congrats Jo, Dez is 6 weeks old, and it's already getting a little easier.
Sleep is for sure tough, I recommend start with establishing days/nights right off the bat. Start a night time routine, feed, bathe, snuggle, repeat. Close all your blinds at night, whisper, and keep volumes low. Day time do the opposite, play music while they sleep and let them know it's day time. Our dude figured it out after a couple weeks.
Also, the kid is not here yet, I know you 2 are probably trying to save some cash, but go out, get dinner, see movies, and just hang. It's the last time it'll be just the 2 of you.
There's so many things people don't talk about in terms of just how hard it is, and  post partem stuff for the mom. Everyone tells you it gets better, but it doesn't really help when your in the thick of it. It helps to talk with other parents who've been there recently or are there now, and we couldn't of done it without our birthing support. We went the midwives / doula route and it was the best decision we made.
Try to be OVERLY supportive of your wife. You both will be going through a huge learning curve, but yours is nothing compared to hers.  Just knowing you have her back will bring her great comfort.
Good luck with everything Jo, it truly is the best, most beautiful, most terrifying thing a person can do.
Title: Re: Babies!?
Post by: JacksonCash on June 14, 2016, 01:08:48 pm
Henry is four months old now. He is getting better about sleeping through the night, but it isn't perfect. Sleep now. Like wizard said, take your wife out, go see a movie, even if its a bad one. Expect to get fluids in your mouth- you've got a slight advantage there with a girl, you really only need to worry about the spit up. Learn to mix up saline solution - it helps break up baby mucus and makes them sound less like tiny warthogs.  Be there, like was said before. For the first few months remember that the baby needs mom a lot more than she needs you, but mom really needs you during that time. If you arent one to cook, start getting some quick recipies under your belt now.

Henry just learned to roll over this weekend. Also learned squealing is super fun - so that's nice...
Title: Re: Babies!?
Post by: Zuma on June 14, 2016, 01:11:32 pm
Follow your nose and good luck >:D
Oh! remember, she is one of a kind :)
and doesn't really fit into "One size fits all" ???
Title: Re: Babies!?
Post by: JoJoDapyro on June 14, 2016, 01:49:46 pm
Henry is four months old now. He is getting better about sleeping through the night, but it isn't perfect. Sleep now. Like wizard said, take your wife out, go see a movie, even if its a bad one. Expect to get fluids in your mouth- you've got a slight advantage there with a girl, you really only need to worry about the spit up. Learn to mix up saline solution - it helps break up baby mucus and makes them sound less like tiny warthogs.  Be there, like was said before. For the first few months remember that the baby needs mom a lot more than she needs you, but mom really needs you during that time. If you arent one to cook, start getting some quick recipies under your belt now.

Henry just learned to roll over this weekend. Also learned squealing is super fun - so that's nice...

I was a bachelor until I was 31. I can cook. I have started taking on what I am allowed around the house. She's a tough cookie, she is hard to get to relax.
Title: Re: Babies!?
Post by: paulsemp on June 14, 2016, 02:06:13 pm
I tell everyone this who has infants.... when my second daughter was 9 months old she went in her diaper I put her up to change her. She threw an absolute fit and started screaming because I was taking her away from the toys she was playing with. Don't know if you've ever seen an infant cry at the top of their lungs but you'll almost be waiting for them to take a breath. Well my daughter emptied her lungs and turned ice blue within about 15 seconds. I do not know how to explain the fear of watching your infant turn blue. All things start running through my head did she have something in her mouth she's choking on what could this possibly be. At about 20 seconds she passed out. Few seconds later she started breathing normally and got her color back. We talked to the pediatrician about it and they said it's actually a normal thing and the body's response is to pass out to relax the muscles to allow the body to breathe. Hard for me to explain in words about this but I wish they would have told us in the beginning that this was something that can happen

Best thing you can do in an emergency is keep your calm. My wife was flipping out when it happened and after she started breathing and we knew everything was okay I yelled at her and told her you cry afterwards don't you dare freak out when you're needed

Have fun!!
Title: Re: Babies!?
Post by: Ed Brooks on June 14, 2016, 02:30:02 pm
Congrats! run out and get her a new fishing pole, a rifle. She will can be one of your hunting partner for life. Ed
Title: Re: Babies!?
Post by: JoJoDapyro on June 14, 2016, 02:37:20 pm
Congrats! run out and get her a new fishing pole, a rifle. She will can be one of your hunting partner for life. Ed

She may already have a few fishing poles...  :o My wife has 7, I have about 15, but only 4 in the truck. My wife always gives me a hard time when I look at a new one. Now I just go alone.  >:D

Paul, my nephew was one of those kids. We would just hold him and talk him through it. Once he was out it was business as usual.
Title: Re: Babies!?
Post by: jeffp51 on June 14, 2016, 03:55:04 pm
I like the Goat's advice.  It is really hard on the mother, and you couldn't pay me enough to give birth--I am not that tough--but don't discount how hard it will be on you too.  It took us 6 years of trying before our first arrived, so I got used to it being the two of us.  After kids, everything changes.  Sometimes I miss when it was just the two of us.  But my boys are awesome and I would never go back.  Do make time for the two of you, though, even  when it is hard.