Primitive Archer

Main Discussion Area => Arrows => Topic started by: bjrogg on June 30, 2016, 01:39:47 pm

Title: Posiblly this could be the one
Post by: bjrogg on June 30, 2016, 01:39:47 pm
I've been working on making better arrows by testing spine and I my opinion even more importantly bare shaft testing. My target arrows are shooting much better but I needed to do the same to some stone point hunting arrows. I knapped this point out of some butterscotch flint river I got from Frank at Marshall. It's weight is almost exactly the same as my 125 grain target point after including deer sinew and pine sap charcoal mix. The arrow shaft is Red Oiser filed down to 69 lb spine and 30 1/2" long. It started at 77 lb spine and I filed it down until it shoot perfect bare shaft with my HHB bow. I painted my usual markings and fletched with wild turkey primaries, sinew wrapped front and back. I haven't shoot it yet with fletching on but I'm expecting good things. I'm getting my equipment ready now need to get all the other little and big things ready that make a successful harvest.
Title: Re: Posiblly this could be the one
Post by: Lumberman on June 30, 2016, 02:15:51 pm
Very purty arrow you got there
Title: Re: Posiblly this could be the one
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on June 30, 2016, 02:42:16 pm
Great looking stick BJ. Now you just need six more identical :)
Title: Re: Posiblly this could be the one
Post by: bjrogg on June 30, 2016, 03:14:43 pm
Thanks lumber man. Thanks Pearl yea with the target points 1st one takes the longest. After I have the specs. It helps get closer for the bare shaft. I can knap a bit but it'll probably take me awhile to get another 5 heads identical. Guess i can get close and use some wieght if I have to
Title: Re: Posiblly this could be the one
Post by: Knoll on June 30, 2016, 06:31:55 pm
Slick, bj. Really slick.
I'll be copying the graphics and color combo.  >:D
Title: Re: Posiblly this could be the one
Post by: bjrogg on June 30, 2016, 06:51:01 pm
Thanks knoll it's really pretty simple
Title: Re: Posiblly this could be the one
Post by: Buckeye Guy on June 30, 2016, 08:54:29 pm
Nice job!
Title: Re: Posiblly this could be the one
Post by: BowEd on June 30, 2016, 10:11:35 pm
Good going.Very nice arrow.Sure hope your successful.It's nice when things come all together.Tuning and all.Especially making those really nice stone points with the dogwoods.
Title: Re: Posiblly this could be the one
Post by: bjrogg on June 30, 2016, 10:27:02 pm
Thanks guy. Thanks Ed it really is such a great feeling just shooting all of this stuff that I made. I can't imagine what it would feel like to successfully harvest a deer with it. I'm trying not to put the cart before the horse because I know it will be a far different hunt than any other I've ever done. It's one thing to make this stuff another to hunt with it, but I plan on enjoying every bit of it whatever the outcome.
Title: Re: Posiblly this could be the one
Post by: Pappy on July 01, 2016, 04:38:46 am
Beautiful arrow, nothing like making an arrows and then making it do what it 's supposed to. It take time but in my opinion well worth the effort. Usually if you bare shaft with the weight field tip that is the same or close to what your hunting set up will be you will be good. Just FYI don't try and bare shaft with a hunting point weather it be stone or steel, you won't be happy with the outcome. ;) :) :) the blade takes over the guiding and they are pretty wild in flight. :)
Title: Re: Posiblly this could be the one
Post by: bjrogg on July 01, 2016, 06:37:42 am
Thanks for the heads up Pappy. I was afraid I'd maybe break head with angled entry in target, but it still looks great. I know from earlier attempts it's very important to halvted point centered with no wobble. Didn't know about not bare shafting hunting points. It actually flew really well and bare shafted just like my target points. Guess I'll see how it shoots with fletching and if it's good try to build more to the specs.
Title: Re: Posiblly this could be the one
Post by: BowEd on July 01, 2016, 08:14:12 am
You'll do fine.There are growing pains with all of this stuff.A line from Jim Hamm always comes to me....You got to be more persistent than smart at times.Seems to me it's a little of both
Title: Re: Posiblly this could be the one
Post by: bjrogg on July 01, 2016, 12:08:21 pm
Sounds right to me Ed. I'm persistent and probably a bit of  a perfectionist, unless it's "good enough for some things". I plan on just enjoying the hunt and maybe the stars will line up. One of my biggest problems is going to be reason I never took up bow hunting before its just real busy time of year for me. I'm really going to try to squeeze out some time and hopefully some preseason scouting will help to
Title: Re: Posiblly this could be the one
Post by: Lumberman on July 01, 2016, 12:20:26 pm
I like that line Beadman, persistence comes more naturally than the other  on this end haha
Title: Re: Posiblly this could be the one
Post by: BowEd on July 01, 2016, 03:48:13 pm
bjrogg.....Be forewarned about these dogwoods.You may already know.Some may look like a million bucks but not shoot clean bare shafted[I've broken a few just on impact shooting them or glancing them off my target],but the upside is they are really tough amigos to shoot when flying right.Good hunting weight too for under a 20 yard shot.Not much grain running out like split wood shafts.Natural long taper for forgiveness to them I'm sure were some of your reasons to shoot them.Success rate of around 50% or a little better that make the cut that I get.So cutting plenty of them/letting them season 6 months or 3 months above a wood bundle butt to tip 7 in a bunch.6 around 1.At least 36" long.Pre straighten before bundling too to make it less work to finish them out.Just my observations on them anyway.Is that about what you do too?Hope your success rate is higher because you want to really frill them up.I just shoot old plain jane looking things.I seem to loose em do keep 6 shafts with broadheads[metal though] that shoot good in the 600 to 650 grain range/50 to 55 spine on hand for hunting season always.Remarkably they don't warp very much over time like some will.Pat B always quotes the 2 year old shaft is best.Could be they are that then.
Good sign of activity and persistence again will get you there hunting.Many different tree stands can help too for wind reasons.At least for me.I'll be one of the first to say way to go when you post the results.
Title: Re: Posiblly this could be the one
Post by: bjrogg on July 01, 2016, 04:18:16 pm
Thanks Ed. I definitely started out harvesting to small of diameter shoots not realizing how much they would shrink down and that I could file them down to spine and weight I wanted. Luckily I found some beauties that where quite straight and about 7' long. When I harvested them I was thinking Atl Atl darts but found out they are really just right to file down for arrows. I didn't even have a clue I'd be doing any of this year ago so I don't have any that where harvested before January of this year and my nicest ones beginning of March. I made my 1st arrows from the ones I harvested in January and they weren't as straight and a bit light in spine for my bow. I have trouble keeping some of them straight. I've made 3 arrows from the nicest ones that I harvested in March they are staying nice and straight. I really like the red osier but in all honesty haven't used much else. I tried some ash shoots, and a few other types but they all seemed to have to much pith and I may not have let them dry enough. I have never made arrow from store bought shafts. I did get a dozen at Marshall but haven't used them yet. Thanks again for the tips and encouragement.
Title: Re: Posiblly this could be the one
Post by: bjrogg on July 01, 2016, 04:21:30 pm
PS painting the markings on them really doesn't take me that long and it makes it easier for me to find my arrows. Lol
Title: Re: Posiblly this could be the one
Post by: BowEd on July 02, 2016, 06:08:06 pm
bjrogg....You do a fine job on them painting.At least you knapp your own points too.It'll take a little time to accumulate a stock of dogwood shafts but it'll happen.You've got enough time before hunting season I would say.Wanting to shoot them I try to keep a few extra bundles seasoning.More than what I can
I usually put on a bright colored feather so I can find them easier and that's all.
Arrow making takes a need and mood for me to make a bunch.Especially shoot shafts.
I don't have any experience making atlatal shafts but seems there should be something out there to use though.I just cut some hazel shoots that were pretty long.Pretty straight too.It did'nt have any pith in them.They were from a hazel nut bush.
Title: Re: Posiblly this could be the one
Post by: bjrogg on July 02, 2016, 08:23:56 pm
I really don't know what hazel nut looks like. I don't think it grows around here but I'm not sure. I think Marc uses Sparkle berry but I don't know what it looks like either, or if I grows here. I'm starting to accumulate a stockpile of materials to season now. Building arrows is about the same as bows for me one at a time pretty much work at it whenever I get a hour or so. I really do enjoy it very relaxing. I still try pretty hard to find mine yet it usually takes longer to make them than find them.
Title: Re: Posiblly this could be the one
Post by: BowEd on July 03, 2016, 08:35:30 am
Yes...Making good arrows is as much of an art as making a good bow.Some think even more at times.
Title: Re: Posiblly this could be the one
Post by: bjrogg on November 23, 2016, 01:31:23 pm
Well this was the 1st stone point arrow that I shot at a deer, also 1st one I hit one with. Unfortunately doe was right under my tree and I made a poor shot a bit ahead and high. The arrow barely penetrated when it hit bone. I'm quite sure this doe is relatively unscathed, but much wiser now. I thought about saving arrow for keep sake, but then I decided this might get 2nd stone point  shot at deer and 1st stone point arrow I make a kill with. I knapped a head the same weight from mahogany obsidian I got from Frank at Marshall and arrow is ready to hunt again. I love how it turned out
Title: Re: Posiblly this could be the one
Post by: bjrogg on November 23, 2016, 01:32:57 pm
A few more pictures