Primitive Archer
Main Discussion Area => English Warbow => Topic started by: jaxenro on August 23, 2016, 12:00:11 pm
Just a quick photo of the 3D file for printing the miniature bodkin points in steel. I set it up to print in blocks of 25 they will need to be cut out and the sockets drilled. Sort of a high tech primitive in a way although seeing the technology that goes into a horn/wood/sinew bow I wouldn't call that primitive either
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A fellow engineer! :)
I ended up having to cut the file down to get them made but here are the first six all ready to put onto arrows. These things came out really tiny, shown on a $20 for scale, and needle sharp
Came out nice
I like them. I ended up having them done in bronze they wouldn't work in the "steel" they use so the choices were brass, bronze, or silver (which is much more expensive). I suppose silver might be good for hunting vampire bats though :)
They look really good! What's the diameter of the "socket"?
1/8" for a 1/8" shaft at 1:4 scale that would be a1/2" war arrow. I was not sure if I will drill out the socket or drill the shaft for the sprue that goes into the socket. Probably the latter as shafts are a lot cheaper than these points
Next up are some Tudor Bodkins.
I was going to blacken them with brass black but I think I will keep them brass for now. I ordered some small goose feathers and some thin ebony to use in place of horn as a reinforcement for the knocks. Either walnut or beech for the shafts. Beech would be more traditional but walnut with ebony and bronze would look cool
Walnut/ebony/bronze? Sounds like a description placed on a sculpture at a museum!
To quote B.A. Barracas, "Enough of the jibber-jabber! Now show me whatcha got!"
Wow.....I really like those! those look like they would work great on some cane. inserting the spruce into the cane shaft. keep us updated on the progress... You got my attention.
Call me a geek but I think it would look cool to put all the parts to make an arrow on one sprue, feathers, head, horn etc
Bronze feathers? I am using goose trying to be traditional as much as possible
A little rough but remember the shaft is only 1/8" diameter and 10" long with the point. Nock is reinforced with ebony
Varnishing them now and then will fletch with small grey goose feathers
Nice work :)