Primitive Archer

Main Discussion Area => Around the Campfire => Topic started by: Dakota Kid on September 08, 2016, 07:37:27 am

Title: More Illegal Plants in the Land of the Free
Post by: Dakota Kid on September 08, 2016, 07:37:27 am
I don't know if anyone else keeps up on ethnobotanicals and medicinal /magical herbs, but one of the more useful ones has recently come under heavy fire. The ax is falling as we speak and this herb may be permanently out of reach for US citizens as early as next week. Kratom has gotten some bad press lately which is a true injustice. The reason being as it is often used as a base herb onto which all matter of synthetic chemicals(often K2 and Spice/synthetic cannabinoids) are sprayed and allowed to dry then marketed in smoke shops as a legal high, often times keeping the name kratom or including it on packaging as an ingredient. These products are then used by inexperienced, uneducated, buzz seekers who have a natural tendency to overdo things in the first place. A few of these kids have a bad experience while using a chemical slurry baring a false name(and often times many other drugs at the same time) This ends with a trip to the ER and supposedly death in a few extreme cases and congress is ready to pass emergency legislation to unjustly outlaw these simple tree leaves.  The raw medicinal leaves are truly beneficial with minimal risks when related to comparable pharmaceuticals, and death is certainly not among these risks. I'm shocked and disheartened by what the foreseeable future holds for this remarkably useful plant.

The active alkaloid found in kratom is unique to the species, but works on some of the same neuroreceptors as caffeine as well as opiates, although the noticeable effects are much less than prescription pain killers. Even with it's lesser potency, it is still a wonderful natural alternative to traditional pill drug based pain management as well as a superior substitute for methadone and suboxone which are used to "treat" opiate addiction. I don't have any personal experience with opiate addiction but was told by friends who have gone through treatment, that the withdrawal symptoms from methadone and suboxone are far more unpleasant and longer lasting than the actual opiate they were addicted to. It doesn't make much sense from a treatment/ recovery standpoint, but it does appear to be a wonderful business model however. First, create the most potent painkillers the world has ever seen and prescribe them like aspirin. Then create the cure for the addiction caused,  that's actually more difficult to stop taking than the painkillers. Finally, outlaw the safer natural alternatives to all these pills. While it is possible to develop a dependence on kratom, it doesn't cause the same loss of control a traditional opiate addiction causes and would be more like a tobacco or coffee addiction. Kratom has also shown promise in helping alcoholics from relapsing. Lastly all the medical applications aside, the effects are down right enjoyable from just a simple cup of tea, similar to the enjoyment that can be found in traditional tea, but IMO a little less jittery and more euphoric in nature. 

I don't know if anything can be done to prevent what's about to happen, but I just had to voice my concerns. I watched this happen several years ago when they outlawed methylone(aka bath salts) and I said nothing, not this time. Many people are unaware that several medicinal/visionary plants were outlawed in the same emergency bill that outlawed bath salts, though the plants were rarely mentioned.  If you've never even heard of Kratom, I think that alone proves the supposed dangers involved are not worthy of emergency legislation to save us from impending doom. The worst part is they are pushing to get it classified as a schedule 1 narcotic, which takes it off the table for further medical research into it's benefits. That pretty much ensures that once illegal it will remain so.  If you suffer from chronic pain and take prescription opiates I urge you to try this herb(raw leaf/ non extract) as a substitute or supplement while it's still available.  This has little to do with candidates or opinion poles, but rather another blatant loss/theft of personal freedom under the guise of protecting the public and marketed through fear. I don't know about you, but I don't feel all that threatened by an herb that has been traditionally used safely for hundreds of years. Much the same way tobacco was used, except there is actual scientific evidence of tobacco causing fatalities unlike Kratom which when taken alone hasn't caused a single one.   

I know I'm skating a thin line with allowable forum content here and I really tried not to cross it. If I did happen to cross that line into politics please delete my post immediately, with no hard feelings on my end. It just seemed like the kind of info nature minded individuals should be made aware of.   
Title: Re: More Illegal Plants in the Land of the Free
Post by: Marc St Louis on September 08, 2016, 09:21:37 am
Well we don't seem to have that problem up here.  The last time my wife and I went to Ottawa we drove by 2 whole fields of Marijuana planted along the highway, I burst out laughing when I saw them.  One of them had an old page wire fence around it and the other had nothing, completely open to being pilfered.  Crazy stuff
Title: Re: More Illegal Plants in the Land of the Free
Post by: cantshoot on September 08, 2016, 09:30:01 am
Well we don't seem to have that problem up here.  The last time my wife and I went to Ottawa we drove by 2 whole fields of Marijuana planted along the highway, I burst out laughing when I saw them.  One of them had an old page wire fence around it and the other had nothing, completely open to being pilfered.  Crazy stuff

Probably fibre hemp Marc. I grew up around hemp farming and no matter what you do it gets raided by people who think they hit the jackpot of dope. But that strain couldn't get you high just gives you one heck of a headache.

Although there was a couple of awkward conversations with local police who weren't aware of the particular crop being grown :)
Title: Re: More Illegal Plants in the Land of the Free
Post by: Marc St Louis on September 08, 2016, 06:31:01 pm
Well we don't seem to have that problem up here.  The last time my wife and I went to Ottawa we drove by 2 whole fields of Marijuana planted along the highway, I burst out laughing when I saw them.  One of them had an old page wire fence around it and the other had nothing, completely open to being pilfered.  Crazy stuff

Probably fibre hemp Marc. I grew up around hemp farming and no matter what you do it gets raided by people who think they hit the jackpot of dope. But that strain couldn't get you high just gives you one heck of a headache.

Although there was a couple of awkward conversations with local police who weren't aware of the particular crop being grown :)

No I don't think so.  It's probably medical  There's one starting up in the next township about 10 miles away
Title: Re: More Illegal Plants in the Land of the Free
Post by: Dakota Kid on September 08, 2016, 06:43:20 pm
I would wager that it will more than likely end up processed into hash or hash oil. Large outdoor fields typically yield less potent plants than hydroponically grown indoor varieties. If it's being refined the quality can be less than superb.
Title: Re: More Illegal Plants in the Land of the Free
Post by: JoJoDapyro on September 09, 2016, 10:16:43 am
I would wager that it will more than likely end up processed into hash or hash oil. Large outdoor fields typically yield less potent plants than hydroponically grown indoor varieties. If it's being refined the quality can be less than superb.

15 pounds of undried yields 1 pound of dried, that yields one ounce of Hash.
Title: Re: More Illegal Plants in the Land of the Free
Post by: DC on September 09, 2016, 11:13:40 am
I'm suspicious of the amount of knowledge here ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: More Illegal Plants in the Land of the Free
Post by: Stoker on September 09, 2016, 02:29:04 pm
They grow alot of hemp in southern Alberta.. Tall stuff is for the fibre short kind is for the seeds.. Hemp hearts and oils.. not that kind ;).. Didn't inhale
Thanks Leroy
Title: Re: More Illegal Plants in the Land of the Free
Post by: JoJoDapyro on September 09, 2016, 03:38:11 pm
I'm suspicious of the amount of knowledge here ;D ;D ;D

LOL, it is intriguing to me. It has never been my go to. I would just get hungry and go to bed. I also have a family member that runs a shop in Seattle.
Title: Re: More Illegal Plants in the Land of the Free
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on September 09, 2016, 03:44:30 pm
True medical engineered grade is amazing stuff. My wife wouldn't be who she is today without it. Cancer patients benefit GREATLY from it. No, not just because you get cloudy for a few hours and sleep or eat. Its bigger than that, much bigger.

Yes, I'm a proud and vocal proponent. I hesitated to comment on the thread because I don't want Marc, Eddie and Pat getting in a pickle because of me............again :)

Title: Re: More Illegal Plants in the Land of the Free
Post by: Marc St Louis on September 09, 2016, 04:57:18 pm
Nothing against the stuff myself, it's just not for me.  I may change my mind if I get seriously ill  :)
Title: Re: More Illegal Plants in the Land of the Free
Post by: neuse on September 10, 2016, 07:54:43 am
I have watched a two part show on TV about the medical benefits of mararijauna.
Really good show, and I am convinced that if I get cancer I will be using some form of marijauna.
Title: Re: More Illegal Plants in the Land of the Free
Post by: wizardgoat on September 10, 2016, 12:18:02 pm
I only have a problem with it if you don't share with me  ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: More Illegal Plants in the Land of the Free
Post by: penderbender on September 10, 2016, 12:25:55 pm
I only have a problem with it if you don't share with me  ;D ;D ;D
same boat as me! Haha
Title: Re: More Illegal Plants in the Land of the Free
Post by: DC on September 10, 2016, 12:57:19 pm
Don't Bogart that joint my friend, pass it over to me!
Title: Re: More Illegal Plants in the Land of the Free
Post by: Pat B on September 10, 2016, 07:13:01 pm
You're telling your age, DC.  8)
Title: Re: More Illegal Plants in the Land of the Free
Post by: Pappy on September 12, 2016, 05:47:00 am
 ;) ;D ;D, I had a good friend from MI. bring me some when I was going through cancer[couldn't use it, Work] agree or disagree it is still illegal :) So I burnt it at the spirit station, I figured that was an appropriate place to get rid of it. ;)
Title: Re: More Illegal Plants in the Land of the Free
Post by: Marc St Louis on September 22, 2016, 08:09:47 pm
Had to go to Ottawa again and drove by those weed fields.  I was mistaken, there are actually 3 whole fields of the stuff and they started to harvest it.  It's cut about 2' of the ground so definitely not fiber hemp
Title: Re: More Illegal Plants in the Land of the Free
Post by: bowtarist on September 23, 2016, 10:36:54 am
Wow! You all really got off the original thread that Dakota Kid started.  ::)
Title: Re: More Illegal Plants in the Land of the Free
Post by: Dakota Kid on September 23, 2016, 07:05:10 pm
It's okay. While I started it with the future outlawing of another herb in mind, I'm against the whole idea of outlawing naturally occurring plants, marijuana included.

The entire premise is ridiculous. They haven't outlawed any of the highly toxic poisonous plants, just the ones that make you feel better. I guess feeling better isn't in the countries best interest. 
Title: Re: More Illegal Plants in the Land of the Free
Post by: Marc St Louis on September 24, 2016, 08:26:06 am
It did morph quite a bit, sorry about that, but I am with DK.  The idea that some can outlaw native plants is foreign to me and I don't care for it especially since many of these plants are medicinal and have been used medicinally by the indigenous people worldwide.  I guess some people just think they know better than everyone else

P.S.  I noticed on the way back from Ottawa that the farmer will have to sharpen his harvesters blades quite a bit.  Many of the plants refused to be cut and were still standing
Title: Re: More Illegal Plants in the Land of the Free
Post by: Dakota Kid on September 24, 2016, 10:52:19 am
That's nature's strongest plant fibers for ya.