Primitive Archer

Main Discussion Area => Bows => Topic started by: bjrogg on March 05, 2017, 09:00:14 pm

Title: Always wanted one of these.
Post by: bjrogg on March 05, 2017, 09:00:14 pm
I always wanted a airbrush. Well I gave my buddy another bow and he gave me a new airbrush. He also gave me a little lesson. Played around a bit then I did the belly's on these 2 bows for my grandkids. I think I'm gonna like this thing.
Title: Re: Always wanted one of these.
Post by: osage outlaw on March 05, 2017, 09:09:27 pm
Cool!  That stone point looks really good.
Title: Re: Always wanted one of these.
Post by: bjrogg on March 05, 2017, 09:15:06 pm
Thank osage, this thing is gonna be fun. I just started playing with it and am getting all kinds of ideas.
Title: Re: Always wanted one of these.
Post by: Trapper Rob on March 05, 2017, 09:44:39 pm
For a farm boy you keep amazing me.  :)
That looks amazing BJ they should love it.
Title: Re: Always wanted one of these.
Post by: bjrogg on March 05, 2017, 09:50:19 pm
Thanks Rob, I guess I get the artistic side from my mom. She would have loved this thing. It takes a quite a bit to be a farm boy these days.
Title: Re: Always wanted one of these.
Post by: bubby on March 05, 2017, 09:58:47 pm
Very cool bj, just keep that imagination working😉
Title: Re: Always wanted one of these.
Post by: bjrogg on March 05, 2017, 10:17:40 pm
Thanks Bubby. I got lots of ideas I want to play around with.
Title: Re: Always wanted one of these.
Post by: osage outlaw on March 05, 2017, 10:59:59 pm
Figure out how to spray a copperhead pattern and you will be set.
Title: Re: Always wanted one of these.
Post by: bjrogg on March 05, 2017, 11:23:01 pm
So far I've just played with one color of stain. Different colors added in just make an unbelievable amount of options.
Title: Re: Always wanted one of these.
Post by: osage outlaw on March 05, 2017, 11:26:10 pm
Are you going to set up an air brushed T Shirt booth at marshall  ;D
Title: Re: Always wanted one of these.
Post by: Dakota Kid on March 05, 2017, 11:51:35 pm
I've been using an airbrush professionally for about 20 years or so and it is without a doubt the most complicated art tool I've come across. It behaves nothing like any pen, pencil, or brush. Just learning how to make a line where you want a line can take months. I still miss from time to time. I started in a mall kiosk painting the cheesy stuff and moved into signs and murals. Lately I've been doing more photo realistic portraits than anything else. 
 You've already discovered the importance of masking and using stencils. You won't get far without them.  If you use the right mesh fabric as a stencil, you can make very realistic looking snake and fish skin patterns. There are some other tricks for achieving different textured looks that will be really useful. Lot's of good youtube videos out there explaining how different textures are achieved. If you ever have a question feel free to ask.
 Try not to get discouraged. It can be frustrating at times. The airbrush is a finicky tool to say the least and a higher end double action brush requires finger dexterity that takes years to achieve. Proper stance and grip are the first major thing to learn with regard to form. Learning the different strokes and lines is like learning to write in cursive. Lots of repetitive loops and zig zags until it's second nature. A roll of cheap paper towels is a good thing to do these types of exercises on. I put a dispenser right at the top of my easel and a trash bin right under it.
Complete mastery of this tool would take a life time if it can even be done at all. It's a good thing it's fun to use even that first time. Enjoy, they can do some really impressive things.

PS. I can tell you how to do the copperhead pattern when you think you're up for it.
Title: Re: Always wanted one of these.
Post by: BowEd on March 06, 2017, 12:46:28 am
Good trade I'd say.Very nice work.
Title: Re: Always wanted one of these.
Post by: bjrogg on March 06, 2017, 06:53:18 am
Clint I couldn't do that to Dave. Besides I'm not planning on working that much while I'm there. This is just gonna be a toy for now. I might do some shirts and stuff but just for fun. If I can figure out how to get air I might do some bows if someone wants but I don't feel like dragging a compressed air tank there.
    Dakota that's great to know your a airbrush artist. I'll probably be PMing you questions from time to time. Got one right now. Have you ever done wood or a bow? I'm wondering what the best products for color would be on wood. So far everything I did was one color of stain and green painters tape I cut stencils out of. I did watch some YouTube last night amazing. I really like the universe art. I'll be in touch. I really was thinking of some fish skins for texture and brushing them with color for bow backs.
I know the taxedirmy guys paint the fish not sure if they even use the skins.
   Thanks Ed, I agree. I think it was a good trade for both of us and another thing to keep us close. I think I felt as bad as he did when he broke his bow. We both learned a valuable lesson from that experience. Thanks for looking
Title: Re: Always wanted one of these.
Post by: Stick Bender on March 06, 2017, 07:12:58 am
Thats awsome BJ your a verry creative guy looks awsome !
Title: Re: Always wanted one of these.
Post by: Stixnstones on March 06, 2017, 07:17:26 am
man that looks fun
Title: Re: Always wanted one of these.
Post by: bjrogg on March 06, 2017, 07:20:20 am
Thanks Stick, always been kinda "Jack of all trades, Master of none" type guy. Always fun playing with new toys.
Stix, it is fun. Really is amazing how little material you have to put on for effect. It's really easy to get everything to dark.
Title: Re: Always wanted one of these.
Post by: mullet on March 06, 2017, 07:24:26 am
That's very nice, BJ. My friend was doing it for a living for awhile and he did a copperhead skin on one of my bows. I found that using an onion bag made pretty realistic scales.
Title: Re: Always wanted one of these.
Post by: bjrogg on March 06, 2017, 07:30:42 am
Thanks Eddie. I know there are you tube videos I'll probably check out when I get more time. I was thinking about onion sack. I'm thinking put black on the whole back first then maybe some truoil to keep it there. Then onion sack and color. I got some other ideas rolling around in my grey cells to.
Title: Re: Always wanted one of these.
Post by: Morgan on March 06, 2017, 09:24:10 am
I never woulda thought of air brushing a bow! You sprayed stain? Reckon alcohol based dye would work too?
Title: Re: Always wanted one of these.
Post by: selfbow joe on March 06, 2017, 09:26:17 am
Very cool!
Title: Re: Always wanted one of these.
Post by: Sasquatch on March 06, 2017, 10:19:43 am
Yes, the stone points look really good. Now you are ready for a little taxidermy fun.
Title: Re: Always wanted one of these.
Post by: Springbuck on March 06, 2017, 11:19:21 am
Hey, that is cool as heck.  i like how the "semi-lucent" stain works vs paint.
Title: Re: Always wanted one of these.
Post by: DC on March 06, 2017, 11:29:31 am
I saw a video where they were imitating carbon fibre parts. You could make a "CarbonFibre" selfbow and really mess with peoples heads ;D
Title: Re: Always wanted one of these.
Post by: bjrogg on March 06, 2017, 10:14:19 pm
Morgan, Thanks yes I sprayed straight wood stain. I'm pretty sure you could spray alcohol based dye. I'm kinda curious about different colors and products.
Thanks Selfbow Joe
Sasquatch, taxidermy has always been on my bucket list too.
Thanks Springbuck, I like the stain to. It really is amazing how little material it takes to get the effects. As they say less is more.
DC I'm thinking just airbrushing on my "primitive bow" might already be to modern. Probably not ready for the carbon fiber look
Title: Re: Always wanted one of these.
Post by: Urufu_Shinjiro on March 07, 2017, 11:30:57 am
I saw a video where they were imitating carbon fibre parts. You could make a "CarbonFibre" selfbow and really mess with peoples heads ;D

I have a friend who was shooting in a primitive division that required wood arrows with self knocks, so he made up a set and then painted them to look just like carbons with bright plastic knocks just so the judge would come over and say "hey you can't shoot tho....oh", lol. He has a twisted sense of humor, must be why I like him, lol.
Title: Re: Always wanted one of these.
Post by: DC on March 07, 2017, 11:57:36 am
Morgan, Thanks yes I sprayed straight wood stain. I'm pretty sure you could spray alcohol based dye. I'm kinda curious about different colors and products.

Whatever you use it must be thin, have very fine particles and and be filtered very clean. If any of these are wrong you will spend more time cleaning the gun than spraying. Don'ask how I know. I have two of them in my bottom drawer that haven't seen the light of day since a month after I got them. Aside from the constantly cleaning them I just couldn't get the hang of it.