Primitive Archer
Main Discussion Area => Bows => Topic started by: upstatenybowyer on June 24, 2017, 07:22:51 pm
I'd love to see what ya'll have made in the way of "Gullwing" or set-back handle bows. I'm curious about how long they are, whether or not sinew was used, and what the tiller looks like braced, unbraced, and at full draw.
I also was wondering if anyone has tried the following...
I have a stave of Lilac with a dramatic natural bend that is very even and balanced throughout. I could think of it as naturally reflexed, and heat some deflex into the handle area, giving it a D/R profile or...
Could I think of it as naturally deflexed and heat reflex into the handle area, giving it a set-back-handle profile? Anyone ever done this?
Wizardgoat made a beaut out of yew that's BOM I think.
Goat, I see you're on the board :D...
Love check it out if you have a link to the thread :)
Matt Wirwicki had a beautiful bow on the raffle table at the Classic. It had a set back handle. I dropped a lot of tickets on that bow but I think it ended up going home with Loope. Maybe he can post some pictures of it.
Both bows are sinew backed, and both from dead standing trees.
Ive bent deflex into reflexed staves, it works great. Never bent a handle into reflex on a deflexed stave, but I'm sure it would work just fine.
Just like deflexing a handle can lengthen your potential draw length, setting back a handle lowers it, so design your bow a little longer than you think. That copperhead bow, I was actually aiming for 28", but i feel I maxed out at 26". Depending on how set back your handle is, it should flatten out at full draw.
Hi upstate, I'm working on something just like that at the moment, I just set back the handle last night on my laurel bow to make a three-curve, looks cool unbraced, here it is before I set the handle back,59831.390.html
Ryan, I remember both of those bows. Two of my absolute favorite bows I've seen on PA. I see what you mean about giving a little at FD. I would think that sinew is indispensable for allowing that to happen without the set-back handle pulling out?
Clint, I'd love to see it. Did it have sinew on it I wonder?
Stuck, lookin' good so far :)
Its been several years, but Josh (Gundoc) made a sweety. I think it won BOM. Mighta' been 2011-2012?
I am a huge fan of set back handle bows and have made a few. The braced profile when done correctly is a thing of beauty to me. With that being said they are not fun to shoot at targets. The design inherently produces a bow that bucks really bad. Now if hunting bison off horseback is your thing that is where they shine. Don't get me wrong though I will continue to make them.
I don't think sinew is absolutely necessary, if you want to make a self bow use a wood that bends and holds well with heat, and make it a little longer.
I have to disagree with Jon though, my copperhead 5 curve is one of my sweetest shooting bows.
Ryan that copperhead bow of yours is sweet. Not trying to fuss but that is not very much setback and prolly why it shoots smooth. Typical plains setback handle bows were usually no longer than 46" and most were shorter. I'm not trying to take anything away from that bow Ryan I really dig it. I may not understand what the OP was really asking. I think of plains bows when three curve or five curve is mentioned. Just putting setback in a handle is an entirely different thing. I'm done rambling now :P
No worries Jon, the copperhead bow has nearly 1.5" of setback, may not look like it with the built up handle. Ive only made 3 of this style, so I'll admit I don't know what is considered a lot of set back.
The second bow I posted is closer to replica dimensions.
I've never chronied it, but now I'm pretty curious. Especially with the sinew string
The design produces a powerful bow with a short stroke. I dig shooting them at 10-12 yards with a chest draw.
Here is a selection of mine:
Simson, thank you for reminding me about those. I know I've seen them on your website, but having them all together on that link is very helpful.
They're all amazing, but I particularly love that plains bow. The coolest thing about it is the difference between the unbraced and braced pics. I don't really see the "gullwing profile in the unbraced pic (just looks reflexed), but when it's braced, it magically takes on that gullwing shape. How in the heck did you do that??? You da man Simson. :)
I really like that one to Upstate. I've got a HHB that has a natural reflex kink right in the handle. I'm just floor tillering it so far but I think it's going to have that five curve brace profile. Like Simson's it has a lot of twist and alignment issues to overcome. Hopefully I came line it up and make it a shooter.
Sounds like a cool project BJ. Let us know how it works out... (-P
Simson, thank you for reminding me about those. I know I've seen them on your website, but having them all together on that link is very helpful.
They're all amazing, but I particularly love that plains bow. The coolest thing about it is the difference between the unbraced and braced pics. I don't really see the "gullwing profile in the unbraced pic (just looks reflexed), but when it's braced, it magically takes on that gullwing shape. How in the heck did you do that??? You da man Simson. :)
Make the recurves and the 'V' - reflex first, then begin tillering from the outers. Last reduce the handle, so that it just bend a bit. That's all!
Cool. 8) Thanks Simson!