Primitive Archer

Main Discussion Area => Arrows => Topic started by: CB57 on July 04, 2017, 01:28:49 pm

Title: Forsythia?
Post by: CB57 on July 04, 2017, 01:28:49 pm
Trying to get archery stuff made, get some practice, and clear "The List", I am now pruning wife's Forsythia bushes. Got about two dozen second or third year shoots big enough and long enough to consider saving for primitive arrow shafting. Feels kinda light, and has a small pith core. Anybody ever try this stuff? It's very curved, but not snaky. Most shoots have small branchlets (is that a word?) but some are clean. If you have experience with this stuff, I'd be glad to hear it. Don't like reinventing the wheeel (or arrow), after all, that's why we come here, eh?
Happy Fourth!
Title: Re: Forsythia?
Post by: Pat B on July 04, 2017, 02:36:40 pm
I have not made arrows from Forsythia but I have they make pretty good arrows, even with the pith area. I'd say give them a try. Bundle them up for a couple of months then give them a try and let us know how they work.
Title: Re: Forsythia?
Post by: DC on July 04, 2017, 02:42:08 pm,57902.0.html   
I thought this sounded familiar :D
Title: Re: Forsythia?
Post by: CB57 on July 04, 2017, 02:51:42 pm
Ahhh. Interesting. I have two dozen bundled with bark on, most are ar least three feet long, some over six feet. Diameters from 1/2" down to less than 5/16" at the skinny ends, with bark on. Will remove bark when dry and go from there. Thanks for the follow up!
Title: Re: Forsythia?
Post by: DC on July 04, 2017, 06:11:39 pm
You might want to remove the bark on a couple of them just to see what happens. Bark is easier to remove when it's green so if removing it now doesn't hurt it you will be time ahead in the future.
Title: Re: Forsythia?
Post by: bjrogg on July 05, 2017, 06:33:39 am
CB when I first started making arrows I made some from forsythia. I actually still make some kids arrows from it. Back then I put the fat end to the rear and I used a ash fore shaft. They were very easy to straighten with a little heat. They wouldn't be my first choice anymore but for a lighter bow they made a very shootable arrow and I learned a lot from them.
Title: Re: Forsythia?
Post by: archeryrob on July 05, 2017, 07:00:49 am
I have to agree with bjrogg, It seems rather weak in spine and fairly soft. I also have a ton of Bush Honeysuckle that grows long straight shoots, but its rather soft also. Sure, it will make arrows, but I think you can find something better close to you with more looking around.
Title: Re: Forsythia?
Post by: CB57 on July 07, 2017, 04:42:47 am
It did seem a bit light. I do have grandkids who will need arrows for the bows I plan on making for them. Maybe this stuff will work. Thanks for the comments.