Primitive Archer

Main Discussion Area => Primitive Skills => Topic started by: Zuma on December 21, 2017, 08:51:29 pm

Title: Fish skins
Post by: Zuma on December 21, 2017, 08:51:29 pm
I saved the skins from these two Stripers a while back,
I had fleshed them and posted in another thread.
I just got them out of the freezer to de-scale them.
The scales did not just pop off. It took a bit of force
and left the (what could be nice diamonds pretty ragged.)
Nonetheless they are very tough and I assume  would
make good backing or be used for  rawhide purposes.
Any thoughts?
Title: Re: Fish skins
Post by: chamookman on December 22, 2017, 04:03:11 am
I'd try tacking them down, scale side down and give Em' a good scraping, then wipe them down good with Acetone. Allow them to dry and then glue them on a Bow. Should make a good backing - Bob.
Title: Re: Fish skins
Post by: bjrogg on December 22, 2017, 07:12:48 am
I'd do like Bob said Zuma. They look like they'd make a good camo pattern and work well for backing a bow. I've never used fish skins before and I'm sure there are some tricks to removing the scales. I remember posts in the past but can't remember the tips. I think one of the tips was to use a pliers and pull in a certain direction.  If you don't have a bow to put them on I'm sure you could rehydrate and clean them up good. Pin on a board flesh side up till dry and then flip over and glue or pin to a nice board a hang for art. If I did that I'd probably rehydrate glue on a board and after several days of drying seal with tru oil.