Primitive Archer

Main Discussion Area => Bows => Topic started by: bowmunky13 on March 27, 2008, 10:38:16 pm

Title: bow building in iraq
Post by: bowmunky13 on March 27, 2008, 10:38:16 pm
hey there all.. i have a question.... i am going back to iraq in december... maybe january.. but anyhoo.. while i was there this last time i saw a lot... alot! of eucalyptus... and it looked like there were some really nice staves waiting to be cut outta some of the logs.... has anyone ever tried this wood for a bow? i have an obsession with making things while i am over there... and the new tools i have aquired aer going with me.... >:D  ;D
Title: Re: bow building in iraq
Post by: Pat B on March 27, 2008, 10:52:57 pm
There are many different varieties(species) of eucalyptus. I have heard of guys in Australia making bows with it but I don't know what type. Give it a try.
   Thanks for your service. We all really appreciate all of you guys(and gals) in service in Iraq and Afghanistan...and everywhere else they are. ;) 8)      Pat
Title: Re: bow building in iraq
Post by: welch2 on March 27, 2008, 11:57:58 pm
 I can't help with the eucalyptus , but I do hear that you can find water buffalo horn in the markets .And in Afghanistan ,not sure about Iraq , they have yak and ibex horn at the markets . They are very hard to find here ,so you could at least put a few back for a horn bow .Or trade them when you get back.

Title: Re: bow building in iraq
Post by: mullet on March 28, 2008, 12:12:59 am

       And everybody else on here;  How about when you get over there, one of us send you a stave. You set it up, give us the shipping info, and we can send staves to guys you get interested in this obsecssion. I'll send the first ones, everybody else can jump in. This family, I'm sure can supply sting material and arrow making stuff too. Heck, we could probally send Cowboy over there to show you how to chip that tough rock.

      It would no way help to pay for the privledge of our freedom you guy's are providing but maybe give you something relaxing to do .Besides it will keep ya'll out of all those Topless Bars and Honkey- Tonks ;)
Title: Re: bow building in iraq
Post by: ricktrojanowski on March 28, 2008, 12:31:34 am
Absolutely,  I would be honored to send a stave or two.  Also whatever else I can get my hands on. Feathers, string material etc.  Would it be possible to send to you to take with you when you go.  Or would it be better to send directly to you in Iraq?  I don't think they have topless bars in Iraq, probably pretty hard to find "burka-less" bars.
Title: Re: bow building in iraq
Post by: Pat B on March 28, 2008, 12:32:41 am
I'm in!   Just let me know what and when. ;)     Pat
Title: Re: bow building in iraq
Post by: bowmunky13 on March 28, 2008, 12:45:52 am
thanks guys you are all awesome.. i do have a few guys who are interested... mainly my platoon sergeant and my PA yeah ... i am a medic so i tend to have less duty than most others... i will try to snag some horns and maybe find some chippable rock... that crap broke my entrenching tool when i was helping to dig latrines... but anyhoo... thanks again guys.. i will try to get some neat stuff for trade you will have to wait for the address though .... we dont get any shipping info till we are there a week or two.. who knows.... we may not even have to go.... prays reaaaaalll hard.... any hoo... my wife says thank you all very much for givving your support
Title: Re: bow building in iraq
Post by: jeduffey on March 28, 2008, 12:46:58 am
I'm completely in line with what you guys are thinking here. I had mentioned something similar to a friend at my church who keeps being sent back to Iraq. He told me that the chain of command is not too keen on the guys have "weapons to play with". Now, I'm not discouraging your project. I just want to make sure that you ask a few key questions and keep the soldiers out of trouble while you are trying to help. IF it comes about that this gets approved I'll chip in something as well. IF it gets squashed by the brass, then I propose considering a back up plan allowing the generosity to take shape in through an approved avenue of hobby pursuit.
Title: Re: bow building in iraq
Post by: 330bull on March 28, 2008, 12:52:04 am
Vine Maple, Hazelnut, Yew staves...sign me up too! 
Title: Re: bow building in iraq
Post by: bowmunky13 on March 28, 2008, 12:55:47 am
so far i havent had anyproblems with the notion... as long as the hobby is enjoyed safely ... then it isnt a problem... the MWR center even has events every now and then that have little minni shoots where we are given fiberglass tent poles with 550 cord as bows and youth arrows... it was a nice gesture but there is nothing like a good strong piece wood cut and smoothed with a loving hand
Title: Re: bow building in iraq
Post by: Pat B on March 28, 2008, 01:02:55 am
BM, keep us posted.   Tell your wife thanks for her sacrifices while you are away. Don't hear much about the loved ones left at home taking care of business. ;) 8)     Pat
Title: Re: bow building in iraq
Post by: mullet on March 28, 2008, 01:29:10 am
  Bowmunky, As far as the logistic's that's not a big deal. I can get address's through CENTCOM and my son and other friends.Our Traditional Archery club in Florida has been sending bows and arrows over to Iraq since the second invasion. We have the in. ;)
Title: Re: bow building in iraq
Post by: stickchick on March 28, 2008, 01:59:08 am
hey guys this is bowmunky's wife...just wanted to say thanks for all the support on this subject. I was planning on getting him a stave with some money I have been saving from some of the napping that I do...(he showed me and we quickly found out that I am better at then sending to Iraq after he gets deployed know so he would have something to work on over there.  ;) I am not looking forward to having to say goodbye to him again but knowing that there is careing people out there helps alot. I have been enjoying Primitive archor since I first met bowmunky, and to be honest I was a little worried about joining the site....(didn't want to be the odd girl out) but he informed me that you guys wouldn't do that. But anyway I just wanted to say thanks for all the support on this topic. Should he get the okay once he gets over there I will post his address so you guys can send stuff if you would like to. God bless America and the troops who defend her.
Title: Re: bow building in iraq
Post by: leapingbare on March 28, 2008, 02:21:01 am
when i was in Iraq i seen alot of  eucalyptus too, i tested a piece of it and it seems like it would work well.. i also found some nappable rock when i was there but costems would not let me take any home. so is you make a bow from the eucalyptus dont let everyone know its a tree from Iraq.
Title: Re: bow building in iraq
Post by: recurve shooter on March 28, 2008, 02:29:52 am
good luck bowmunky, and i cant cut my own bow staves, much less any to send anyone els. but i back you al the way, and good luck. we ( yes even the teens) really apreciate what you guys do. what branch of the service u in?
Title: Re: bow building in iraq
Post by: stickchick on March 28, 2008, 03:00:16 am
bowmunky is in the army...
Title: Re: bow building in iraq
Post by: mullet on March 28, 2008, 03:12:24 am
  Stickchick, Glad to see you over here from PP. We'll take care of him and keep him occupied. My best friend is in charge of INTEL briefings over there. So We can get Addy's.
Title: Re: bow building in iraq
Post by: recurve shooter on March 28, 2008, 03:17:48 am
cool. i like the airforce personally. but i respect anyone with the balls (or if your a girl, uh, what ever it is that girls are proud of haveing) to go over  there and do what yall do.
Title: Re: bow building in iraq
Post by: Pappy on March 28, 2008, 06:57:50 am
I'm in ,and Thanks.Just keep us posted. :)
Title: Re: bow building in iraq
Post by: DanaM on March 28, 2008, 08:41:27 am
Same here sign me up :)
Title: Re: bow building in iraq
Post by: Dane on March 28, 2008, 08:15:47 pm
Count me in too on this project. I'd be happy to provide sting making material, and some other stuff. I was 11 Bravo, bowmunky13, we always loved our docs.

Title: Re: bow building in iraq
Post by: Rich Saffold on March 28, 2008, 09:20:26 pm
Bowmonkey, Keep an eye on the Date palms as well, They have been used historically and are a favorite of mine. You will probably get a lot of wood from the foks here, but if you want to cut your own, there is probably some references which can find you what trees grow in bagdad or wherever you will be stationed.

Title: Re: bow building in iraq
Post by: mullet on March 28, 2008, 10:29:51 pm
  there is Citrus and Olive trees there, I'm pretty sure.
Title: Re: bow building in iraq
Post by: cowboy on March 28, 2008, 11:45:24 pm
Well, looks like I got volunteered for some extracuricular activities here - OK, where's my boarding pass ;D. Naw - I appreciate what you and your cohorts are doing over there bowmunky, and can appreciate you holding down the fort while he's gone stickchick - it's a tough job!  I'd sure hate to see it all going down on our soil. I'd be pleased to send a care package to the desert if it's OK and actually would make it :).
Title: Re: bow building in iraq
Post by: Gordon on March 29, 2008, 12:52:27 am
Just let us know what you need when you get over there - we'll take care of it.

And please stay safe - you got a great gal waiting for you back home.
Title: Re: bow building in iraq
Post by: juniper junkie on March 29, 2008, 01:16:30 am
hey guys this is bowmunky's wife...just wanted to say thanks for all the support on this subject. I was planning on getting him a stave with some money I have been saving from some of the napping that I do...(he showed me and we quickly found out that I am better at then sending to Iraq after he gets deployed know so he would have something to work on over there.  ;) I am not looking forward to having to say goodbye to him again but knowing that there is careing people out there helps alot. I have been enjoying Primitive archor since I first met bowmunky, and to be honest I was a little worried about joining the site....(didn't want to be the odd girl out) but he informed me that you guys wouldn't do that. But anyway I just wanted to say thanks for all the support on this topic. Should he get the okay once he gets over there I will post his address so you guys can send stuff if you would like to. God bless America and the troops who defend her.
You wont be needing any "money" to get some staves for your husband and his friends, not from this PA family. soon as the need and address posted, I am sure there will be plenty of materials shipped out. welcome to our family ;D
Title: Re: bow building in iraq
Post by: stickchick on March 29, 2008, 02:10:11 am
Thanks guys. It is really nice knowing that there are still some people out there that support what he does. Thanks to all you guys who remembered the wives left behind too....we are and always will be the "silent ranks." When he is over in Iraq I always make sure to send him PA,in fact I buy two copies just so I can read one Anyway thanks so much guys this really means alot to him. And as for the Date Palms, he said he would keep and eye out for them and maybe even send one your way if he comes across one and has time to cut it down. Oh...and he was wondering if anyone had any Lemonwood..
Title: Re: bow building in iraq
Post by: Gordon on March 29, 2008, 03:28:24 am
I got an extra lemonwood board. Just tell me where to send it.
Title: Re: bow building in iraq
Post by: Ranger B on March 29, 2008, 09:21:12 am
BM what FOB are you on? 
Title: Re: bow building in iraq
Post by: Mike_A on March 29, 2008, 10:24:42 am
Hey BM and Stickchick where ya'll stationed at? Fort Hood 1st Cav here. If he beats me over there I'll be more than happy to help him out. I know there were several people on this site that hooked me up while I was there. Have a good day. Mike
Title: Re: bow building in iraq
Post by: stickchick on March 29, 2008, 04:14:05 pm
holy crap...we are Ft. Hood, 1st cav too! lmao! oh....and he isn't in Iraq yet. He just got back this past Dec. He is due to go back Jan of 09...but that is all we know...Gordon I will let him know that you've got some that it seems that I am posting more than he is..but I have more time being a stay at home mom to post...aka "nap time"
Title: Re: bow building in iraq
Post by: armymedic.2 on March 31, 2008, 10:49:37 am
munky im a medic too, headed to iraq in june.  i just wanted to jump in and tell everyone here that has showed support, that it does exactly pay us back for our service.  every soldier i have talked with and myself especially, are floored by the support some show, and completely saddened by the indifference that others show.  you who say a simple thankyou, or go out of your way like some of you archers here to send wood and things make us feel like what we are doing is right and that we have support.  You would not beleive the things we hear from people at the airport on the positive and negative side.   not to start a political discussion, but i have been called a baby killer on my own property! { she was escorted off swiftly}   the point is, when you all do what you do, and say thankyou, know that it makes a huge difference in our lives.  We appreciate and love all of you
Title: Re: bow building in iraq
Post by: bowmunky13 on March 31, 2008, 10:26:46 pm
i too have to say thank you all again.. i wish i could personally meet each and every one of you and shake your hand and thank you for your support... what started as a simple question turned into a big group stand for support.. i have more and  more respect for you guys every day i log on.. again thank you and i eagerly await getting to work with some of the materials you send us over there.
Title: Re: bow building in iraq
Post by: sailordad on April 01, 2008, 01:19:25 am
the feeling is mutual.

i too would like to personally meet each and every one of you,the service personnel,and shake each and everyones hand,give you all a big hug and say thank you. for it is all of you that gave us all the freedoms that we have in this great country of ours, for it is all of you who gave the right to such ignorant people to be able to spout such bulls#@t as to call any of you baby killers. yes they do have the right,even though they never would of fought for them,but they will be the first to gripe if their rights were ever fringed on.
so to all of the service personnel i have to say THANK YOU!!

Title: Re: bow building in iraq
Post by: PK on April 01, 2008, 01:23:56 am
Peace to veterans
Title: Re: bow building in iraq
Post by: humaza on April 03, 2008, 12:03:51 am
(new to PA boards)
i'm currently processing paperwork and haven't gone to MEPS yet, but this is one of the questions that I had been considering if I get to enjoy a trip to the sands. I'm not much into drinking and partying so I was assuming i'd end up making something or other