Primitive Archer

Main Discussion Area => Arrows => Topic started by: Mesophilic on February 18, 2020, 09:16:32 pm

Title: Reinforced nocks questions
Post by: Mesophilic on February 18, 2020, 09:16:32 pm
Aside from horn, what other materials are suitable for gluing in to shafts for reinforcing self nocks?

And, if you glue in reinforcement,  do you still need wrap the nock end to keep it from splitting?
Title: Re: Reinforced nocks questions
Post by: EdwardS on February 18, 2020, 10:02:12 pm
I use as hard a wood as I can get my hands on-cut it just like horn or a touch thicker and glue it with cyanoacrylate.  Sometimes I soak the ends as well.  Keeps it from splitting.
Title: Re: Reinforced nocks questions
Post by: Pat B on February 19, 2020, 06:55:27 am
I've used wood, bone, horn, piano ivory and rawhide. They all work well.  With a reinforced nock is shouldn't be necessary to wrap but I always do.
Title: Re: Reinforced nocks questions
Post by: Mesophilic on February 19, 2020, 09:12:09 am
Thanks guys, I appreciate the help.
Title: Re: Reinforced nocks questions
Post by: BowEd on February 21, 2020, 05:12:32 am
Basically I make them safe no matter what.
I had 1 DF shaft split at the nock while shooting in a horn bow once.About like a dry fire experience.
Many times I horn insert shoot shafts also besides split timber shafts.
Since then I wrap them even if a horn insert is put in.Horn inserts of at least 1" long.
My bandsaw cuts a nice 1/16" slot for inserts.I use smooth on for glue.
I made a hard wood slot cutter too for a single blade hack saw blade that works too.
I think the horn inserts do help reduce wear from the serving.
Title: Re: Reinforced nocks questions
Post by: Mesophilic on February 21, 2020, 08:46:54 pm
Thanks, Ed, I always enjoy seeing your work and processes.
Title: Re: Reinforced nocks questions
Post by: archeryrob on February 28, 2020, 08:17:35 am
I have always done like Ed and used Sinew or thread to bind them.

Then there is where you like shooting them and don't wait to bind them.  ::) Notice how the split stop right at the binding for the fletching?