Primitive Archer

Main Discussion Area => Bows => Topic started by: WhistlingBadger on March 18, 2020, 07:58:23 am

Title: sinew sources
Post by: WhistlingBadger on March 18, 2020, 07:58:23 am
Does it matter what kind of critter one uses for sinew backing?  Our big-game harvest is pretty limited here in Wyoming, not like some of you guys that get to shoot four, five dozen white tails a year.  ;)   Collecting enough sinew for a bow (and a lot of extra for the inevitable screw-ups while I'm learning) could be a multi-year project.

But I have a friend who raises and butchers cattle for a living, and I'm pretty sure I could get all the angus tendons I could use from him.   There's a buffalo ranch on the edge of town, and a yak ranch up in the Bighorns.  Being a little less realistic, I'm also wondering about predators:  I have a few friends that are avid bear and coyote hunters.  A bow backed with bear sinew would feel like it had some good "magic" to it...

Just curious what you guys think.  Is sinew sinew, or does it matter?
Title: Re: sinew sources
Post by: PatM on March 18, 2020, 08:16:16 am
 There's a lot of opinion on this but really any sinew will work.  It all does the same thing.
Title: Re: sinew sources
Post by: Jakesnyder on March 18, 2020, 08:21:52 am
I've heard the plains Indians used Buffalo sinew for their short bows.
Title: Re: sinew sources
Post by: PaSteve on March 18, 2020, 09:18:25 am
Years ago I got my hands on some bison leg tendon sinew. The old rancher in Colorado told me it was some of the best and I think he was correct. Easy to process, great yield, and very clean. Wish I could get my hands on some more. I'll take that over any other sinew. Just my preference.
Title: Re: sinew sources
Post by: bassman on March 18, 2020, 09:25:05 am
I have never used any thing but white tail back strap ,and leg sinew, so I have no idea, but it seems to do a good job.
Title: Re: sinew sources
Post by: Hawkdancer on March 18, 2020, 11:05:59 am
Bison sinew should work very well for any craft.  It was the primary source of material for the plains people's!  But I don't think they figured out how to use the grunt!  May have to stop by the Terry Bison Ranch and see about getting some!
Title: Re: sinew sources
Post by: EdwardS on March 18, 2020, 01:23:49 pm
I have a horn bow made with cow tendon.  Works great.
Title: Re: sinew sources
Post by: Pat B on March 18, 2020, 02:51:25 pm
I've used deer, elk, bison, domestic cow and emu sinew. They all seem very similar in strength and elasticity.
Title: Re: sinew sources
Post by: willie on March 18, 2020, 04:42:13 pm
if you know folks that butcher, I would ask them for the leg from the knee down. a little less work for them, and you can get a continuous tendon from the knee to the toe.
if you offer to help your friend on butchering day, you might even get some other "trimmings" for the grill
Title: Re: sinew sources
Post by: WhistlingBadger on March 18, 2020, 05:18:40 pm
Thanks for the info, guys.  Willie, he has a whole, professional butcher shop up that the ranch that he picked up for a song at an auction.  I have a standing invitation to bring my elk up there and butcher it...if I could just manage to kill an elk!