Primitive Archer

Main Discussion Area => Flintknapping => Topic started by: Parnell on July 08, 2021, 08:25:26 pm

Title: Flint Ridge pickup
Post by: Parnell on July 08, 2021, 08:25:26 pm
I paid a visit to Roy Miller’s home.  We were visiting family about an hour north of his place. Resupplied my stash!  Very happy.
Title: Re: Flint Ridge pickup
Post by: Parnell on July 08, 2021, 08:26:17 pm
He has some amazing stuff at his place, to say the least.
Title: Re: Flint Ridge pickup
Post by: Stixnstones on July 08, 2021, 11:19:14 pm
Beautiful rock, Flint Ridge is a magical place
Title: Re: Flint Ridge pickup
Post by: bjrogg on July 08, 2021, 11:32:47 pm
Thanks for posting. I really need to visit someday. Sure is some pretty stuff.

Title: Re: Flint Ridge pickup
Post by: YosemiteBen on July 09, 2021, 05:17:07 pm
that is some pretty rock!
Title: Re: Flint Ridge pickup
Post by: paulc on July 09, 2021, 06:23:03 pm
Steve, this is stuff you purchased?  I've been to Nethers twice now and not collected anything that quality.

Title: Re: Flint Ridge pickup
Post by: Allyn T on July 09, 2021, 09:33:58 pm
Wow that is beautiful rock
Title: Re: Flint Ridge pickup
Post by: Parnell on July 10, 2021, 01:57:09 pm
Hi Paul,  yes it is purchased stuff.  Roy privately owns some land in the area that he quarries and processes the flint.  Its already heat treated, etc. 
Title: Re: Flint Ridge pickup
Post by: paulc on July 10, 2021, 09:43:16 pm
Would it be appropriate to pm me his contact info for next time I go see the inlaws...?

Title: Re: Flint Ridge pickup
Post by: Parnell on July 11, 2021, 03:51:59 pm
I’ll PM you…
Title: Re: Flint Ridge pickup
Post by: JEB on July 11, 2021, 05:32:15 pm
Roy's place is right across the road from the Flintridge State park. It is the lot with the fence around it, lol  You bought some beautiful rock.
Title: Re: Flint Ridge pickup
Post by: Gimlis Ghost on July 11, 2021, 06:10:48 pm
Many years ago I had just read a Murder Mystery ( Dancehall of the Dead) set on an Indian Reservation. At one point an unusual arrowhead was mentioned. This was a pink quartz of some kind which was rare in the South West where the story was set. It was stated that these arrowheads were valued trade goods between tribes.
These heads had a chisel like tip among other things. The stone was opaque and looked like plastic. I know exactly what they looked like because lo and behold less than a week later I looked down and saw one poking of of the surface of a trail.
If I had not read that book I'd have had no clue that it was an arrowhead.
Looking at it you'd think the tip had snapped off but in fact they were made this way as a bone cutting chisel point. The stone probably wouldn't hold a sharp point anyway.

It,s still around here somewhere I'm sure but where I have no idea.

Title: Re: Flint Ridge pickup
Post by: ssrhythm on July 12, 2021, 01:59:03 am
Must Not COVET!  MUST...NOT....COVET!  No use...I'm coveting just a smidge!
Title: Re: Flint Ridge pickup
Post by: mullet on July 12, 2021, 08:37:26 am
I can't wait to play with some of that when you get here. Safe travels.
Title: Re: Flint Ridge pickup
Post by: JEB on July 12, 2021, 10:09:23 am
Gimlis. Interesting story. I hunt arrowheads in the SW and was in an area where carnelian could be found. For the most part carnelian can be more orange than pink but I found a carnelian arrowhead artifact that was pinkish/white frosty in color.

I would post a photo but for ME it is easier to get a root canal than post a photo,lol
Title: Re: Flint Ridge pickup
Post by: Gimlis Ghost on July 12, 2021, 08:00:05 pm

I would post a photo but for ME it is easier to get a root canal than post a photo,lol

Same here. Every time I try to download the software to upload images from my cameras I get a total meltdown. Happened this weekend in fact and I lost every single file on this PC.
Just as well really I'd been planning to clean house here anyway.

I looked up pink quartz arrowheads and found that jewelry suppliers sell modern made heads by the dozens for constructing necklaces and such, prices are very reasonable. If I find a source of these that are big enough to use as small game points I may obtain a few. I'm figuring on an Indian style short bow for my next project, something short and handy with a fairly light pull as a rabbit killer. Should be especially suited for backyard or even indoor target practice.