Primitive Archer

Main Discussion Area => Bows => Topic started by: Kidder on September 24, 2023, 02:22:20 pm

Title: Sturgeon accented boo yew
Post by: Kidder on September 24, 2023, 02:22:20 pm
Here is another boo yew I recently finished. Awhile back a gentleman asked if I would build him a yew bow. I obliged and he sent me a stave he had sitting around for the last 10 years. Unfortunately that stave posed some significant difficulties for me - sideways bend in excess of 5 inches, extremely varying thickness sapwood - some places 1/16” others nearly an inch. Well I worked in it until it eventually earned a place in the corner of frustration. So I opted to build him a boo yew in hopes that it would suffice. This bow is 40# at 30”. 70” TTT. Overlays are Buffalo horn and the accents are sturgeon skin. I hate applying sturgeon skins as they always seem to pop off the first time. Seems the skins absorb all the glue. They seem to stick well on the second try though. Anyways, hope he likes it.
( ( backed boo yew ( by B Kidd (, on Flickr
( ( backed boo yew ( by B Kidd (, on Flickr
( ( backed boo yew ( by B Kidd (, on Flickr
( ( backed boo yew ( by B Kidd (, on Flickr
( ( backed boo yew ( by B Kidd (, on Flickr
( ( backed boo yew ( by B Kidd (, on Flickr
( ( backed boo yew ( by B Kidd (, on Flickr
Title: Re: Sturgeon accented boo yew
Post by: Pat B on September 24, 2023, 02:41:29 pm
Very nice bow with beautiful tiller.  :OK   If he doesn't like it, send it to me.  ;D
Title: Re: Sturgeon accented boo yew
Post by: PaSteve on September 24, 2023, 03:06:51 pm
Another beautiful bow, Kidder. Agree with Pat on the tiller. Curious as to the type of glue you're using for the skins. I was advised by a very experienced source to use a hide or fish glue when working with sturgeon skins and I have to say I've had excellent results with hide glue. Anyway, great job on the bow.
Title: Re: Sturgeon accented boo yew
Post by: superdav95 on September 25, 2023, 12:10:17 am
Yup very nice work kidder.  Tiller looks spot on to me too.   
Title: Re: Sturgeon accented boo yew
Post by: Del the cat on September 25, 2023, 03:37:20 am
Very handsome bow.
Title: Re: Sturgeon accented boo yew
Post by: bjrogg on September 25, 2023, 07:19:29 am
Very nice tiller Kidder. Nice accents too. I still haven’t been able to score any sturgeon skins. Would like to give them a try.

Title: Re: Sturgeon accented boo yew
Post by: Kidder on September 25, 2023, 12:12:46 pm
Thanks for the kind comments. PaSteve - I used TB3. Maybe that’s the adhesion issue but I’m not sure. The issue always seems to be that they absorb all the glue on the skins and pop clean off on the back - I always degrease both the skins and the back as well as I can. And strangely the re-application always seems to adhere well. Next one I’ll try with hide glue. Bjrogg - I’ve got a few full pairs with the center skutes rolled up in my freezer that need to be defleshed and dried. Assuming I ever get around to it I will hit you up - maybe we can craft a trade - I’m in need of fairy tears, leprechaun fur, and unicorn horn.
Title: Re: Sturgeon accented boo yew
Post by: PEARL DRUMS on September 25, 2023, 12:25:48 pm
Nice bow. Next time try clamping your skins down and wiping a coat of TB3 on them and the bow. Let it dry over night. The clamping keeps them flat. When you are ready to put them on the bow just wipe another coat on them and the bow. I'll bet they don't pop up on you.
Title: Re: Sturgeon accented boo yew
Post by: superdav95 on September 25, 2023, 01:06:45 pm
Kidder.  As for the sturgeon skins I just degrease them well when thoroughly soaked and pliable and free of little bits and fat.  I also degrease the bow back as well.  For this I use acetone but I’ve also used soapy water too.  I put a generous amount of tb3 on both the wet skin and the bow back then do one half at a time.  I also use an old t-shirt cut into strips or have used horse leg wrap too to securely wrap the bow limbs well.  I then it somewhat dry after about an hour then pull off the wrap and check for air bubbles or any issues.  I also back string the bow through all of this too.  When all looks good I let it dry for a week or so depending on conditions.  Also when it’s wrapped I roll my thumbs up and down the back of the bow towards the tip to squeeze out any excess glue.  Hope this helps.  I’ve had good luck with this method.   Cheers brother. 
Title: Re: Sturgeon accented boo yew
Post by: Will B on September 25, 2023, 05:55:38 pm
Beautiful bow and nice photos as well, Kidder. Those skins look awesome. Great job!
Title: Re: Sturgeon accented boo yew
Post by: WhistlingBadger on September 25, 2023, 10:27:39 pm
That's another beauty.  Makes me wish we had sturgeon in Wyoming.  Somehow I doubt carp skins would be quite as lovely...   ;D
Title: Re: Sturgeon accented boo yew
Post by: Selfbowman on September 26, 2023, 10:39:22 am
Very nice bow! Well done!
Title: Re: Sturgeon accented boo yew
Post by: Kidder on September 26, 2023, 05:20:31 pm
Thanks guys. Dave - that’s pretty darn close to the method I’ve been using. Pearly - I think that is the solution, basically sizing it with glue, which is why it would stick the second time around. Either way, thanks!
Title: Re: Sturgeon accented boo yew
Post by: Pat B on September 27, 2023, 10:01:57 am
With water based glues I like using Dawn dish soap and rinse with boiling water on the bow and warm water on the skins. Dawn is a great grease cutter plus wetting both the bow and skins helps them accept the glue.IMO   Pearlie's suggestion of sizing first is a good idea. Buttering both sides makes for a better sandwich.
Title: Re: Sturgeon accented boo yew
Post by: Aksel on September 28, 2023, 10:08:00 am
Beauty! with a great tiller!
Title: Re: Sturgeon accented boo yew
Post by: Pappy on September 28, 2023, 10:30:53 am
Beautiful bow in all aspects. Nice work and sure he will love it. I always size the bow with any skins I glue on. Use tb3 on about everything. Pappy
Title: Re: Sturgeon accented boo yew
Post by: JW_Halverson on September 30, 2023, 06:13:56 pm
That's another beauty.  Makes me wish we had sturgeon in Wyoming.  Somehow I doubt carp skins would be quite as lovely...   ;D

There was a mess of carp skin backed bows a few years ago and I can tell you they were lookers!

Brendan, I ain't jokin' when I say you have really made some of the very best looking bows I have seen in the last few years. You are really coming into your own!
Title: Re: Sturgeon accented boo yew
Post by: Kidder on September 30, 2023, 10:46:51 pm

Brendan, I ain't jokin' when I say you have really made some of the very best looking bows I have seen in the last few years. You are really coming into your own!

I’m extremely honored. And I couldn’t come close to where I am without the amazing help, support, and inspiration from the members here. I still feel unhappy with something on every bow I make though. I’ll probably never reach perfection (if that’s even possible) but I’ll keep trying.
Title: Re: Sturgeon accented boo yew
Post by: JW_Halverson on October 02, 2023, 06:03:53 pm

Brendan, I ain't jokin' when I say you have really made some of the very best looking bows I have seen in the last few years. You are really coming into your own!

I’m extremely honored. And I couldn’t come close to where I am without the amazing help, support, and inspiration from the members here. I still feel unhappy with something on every bow I make though. I’ll probably never reach perfection (if that’s even possible) but I’ll keep trying.

That sounds like a passionate drive!