Primitive Archer

Main Discussion Area => Arrows => Topic started by: stringstretcher on June 09, 2008, 09:05:20 pm

Title: pine pitch for hafting
Post by: stringstretcher on June 09, 2008, 09:05:20 pm
What is the best ratio and of what to make a good pitch that I can use to haft knapped points to shafts with that will not become soft in the heat.  I have some that someone sent me, and my arrows in the truck the other day, but it was rather warm, was sticking together and was very very soft.  Is there a good mixture out there that someone has tried for the heat. We hunt here in Va. in Sept and Oct. and it can get rather warm.  Any suggestion would be great.  And I know lots of people use a "hardwood" charcoal, but can you use cooking charcoal as well if it is ground up?  Or maybe evern the charcoal dust from a cookout?
Title: Re: pine pitch for hafting
Post by: El Destructo on June 09, 2008, 10:42:25 pm
here is my Receipe.....

4 parts pine pitch

1 part sifted wood ashes or ground charcoal bricquets (not instant lighting kind!)

1 part animal fat  such as rendered lard or beef tallow.  Vegetable oil may work as well.

Title: Re: pine pitch for hafting
Post by: Pat B on June 10, 2008, 01:08:33 am
Epoxy mixed with charcoal looks like pitch glue but isn't effected by moderate heat.  I use regular pitch glue but don't leave my arrows in the car. ;D   I hunt in GA in Sept and Oct and 90+ degrees hasn't caused problems. Just be aware of where you put your arrows between hunts.     Pat
Title: Re: pine pitch for hafting
Post by: JackCrafty on June 10, 2008, 02:04:26 am
I have some pitch but I haven't used it for attaching points (maybe someday).  I just use hide glue or fish glue and then wrap with sinew....haven't had any problems with the heat (it's been up to 103o here in Midland lately and I'm sure it's 120o+ in my van).