Primitive Archer

Main Discussion Area => Primitive Skills => Topic started by: Roger on September 10, 2008, 11:08:23 pm

Title: Things that didn't turn out as expected in the woods.
Post by: Roger on September 10, 2008, 11:08:23 pm
I was walking through our place in West Texas in a Mesquite thicket. I stumbled across a diamondback rattler (a nice one) giving me a warning to back off. Welp instead of backing off, I broke a limb off a nearby tree and proceeded to try to pin his head to dispach him and get the skin. Well he has made his way into what appeard to be a shallow crack while I was getting the stick so i proceeded to try to dig him out. He was hissin and striking at the stick...when all the sudden I was surrounded by Bees...lots of them, intent on doing me harm...not the snake. So I dropped the stick and take flight....i got stung prolly 10 15 times before I gould get back to camp.

Just one of many oopsies in da woods...Lets hear some of yours

Title: Re: Things that didn't turn out as expected in the woods.
Post by: cowboy on September 10, 2008, 11:15:02 pm
Hahaha, an uplifiting moment for the evening Roger :D. Trust me, I've had my share ;D. I'll think back and see if I can bring a chuckle to someone's life, Hehheh.
Title: Re: Things that didn't turn out as expected in the woods.
Post by: Roger on September 10, 2008, 11:20:59 pm
Ha ha..I got quite a few...things just seem to happen to me...LOL

Title: Re: Things that didn't turn out as expected in the woods.
Post by: hawkbow on September 10, 2008, 11:26:35 pm
Sorry brother but you got me laughing too.. ;D I could just see you running throgh the countryside swatting at those angry  little warriors.. HAWK
Title: Re: Things that didn't turn out as expected in the woods.
Post by: Roger on September 10, 2008, 11:35:00 pm
I tell ya...try to run through a Mesquite thicket with angry bees on ya azz. It is a very moving experience. When I came running into the cabin everybody freaked...but they had already lost the stingers in me. I had one in the that hurt! LOL

Title: Re: Things that didn't turn out as expected in the woods.
Post by: cowboy on September 10, 2008, 11:38:17 pm
Hahahahhahahahahah :D ;D.
Title: Re: Things that didn't turn out as expected in the woods.
Post by: Pat B on September 11, 2008, 12:25:55 am
I'd be dead by now if it were me. :o I have never had multiple stings but one will make me swell like a balloon.
   A friend(no not me! >:( ) decided to use the abundant grapes at the hunt club for cover scent. He put his hunting cloths in a large plastic bag with about a pound of muscadines, smished them all together and put his hunting cloths on. He wasn't in his tree stand 5 minutes before the yellow jackets found him. :o  This particular friend has kept his friends entertained with quite a few other situations.                   
   Then there was this other friend that invited some friends to his farm to hunt. He had a large military style tent set up for them to sleep in. He just didn't bother to tell them about the fire ants that had previously occupied the tent.   :D  ;D  ::)  >:D       Pat
Title: Re: Things that didn't turn out as expected in the woods.
Post by: Roger on September 11, 2008, 12:31:35 am
HHAHAH  Pat.... i feel for ya wit them damn fire ants. i got a story or two to tell about them!
Title: Re: Things that didn't turn out as expected in the woods.
Post by: Pat B on September 11, 2008, 12:35:48 am
Roger, Fortunately it wasn't me but ask Hillbilly and Eddie about it...or Chris Cade. :D     Pat
Title: Re: Things that didn't turn out as expected in the woods.
Post by: Roger on September 11, 2008, 12:52:04 am
We took drunk one eve at squirrel camp and decided for some reason to go to a place called yeallah bluff, ( I was the newby in camp)...well we got stuck in a big ol draw...not a mud hole but a draw that was flodded for about 40 yds long. In the process of gathering up stuff to shove under the tires I got into a mound of fire ants.
 Brothers...if ya never been in fire ants please take this as a warnin...don't. Them suckers waited till they got almost near my waist (we was wading in mid calf deep mud) before they started hittin me. Then it seemed like all at onece I was on fire.
Welp I come out of my clothes...standin there nekkid all helpless and all my buds did was laugh....LOL

Fun in da warned ants are some bad SOB's

Title: Re: Things that didn't turn out as expected in the woods.
Post by: D. Tiller on September 11, 2008, 12:58:33 am
Thank god we dont have them in the northwest! No poisonous snakes. No poisonous spider. NADA!
Title: Re: Things that didn't turn out as expected in the woods.
Post by: Papa Matt on September 11, 2008, 09:24:31 am
Ain't no timber rattlers in the northwest?
Title: Re: Things that didn't turn out as expected in the woods.
Post by: Hillbilly on September 11, 2008, 09:59:05 am
He just didn't bother to tell them about the fire ants that had previously occupied the tent.                Pat  

Previously my a**- no previously to that situation.  That was present tense, not past.  ;D They presently occupied my durn sleeping bag about 3:00 in the morning.  ;D

The worst fire ant experience I've had so far was down in Ga this summer when me and Chris and Ediie were hog hunting. Chris pulled up in the buggy about dark to pick me up, and I was standing there talking to him when the little buggers started hitting me. I was standing in a hill and didn't realize it until they started popping me. The bad thing is that they don't start stinging until there's about a thousand of them on you, then they all hit you at once.
Title: Re: Things that didn't turn out as expected in the woods.
Post by: tsa yo ga on September 11, 2008, 10:57:28 am
Maybe you could have left the snake alone, no need to kill something you don't need. 
Title: Re: Things that didn't turn out as expected in the woods.
Post by: hawkbow on September 11, 2008, 11:04:30 am
Years ago I was working for an outfitter, guiding elk hunters in the River Of No Return Wilderness in Idaho... while leading the mules to water one morning one of the mules stepped in a nest of ground hornets. those little warriors don't quit, the mules abandoned me while I fought bravely for my life.. running and clawing at the vicious little buggers. I dove headlong into a creek in an effort to save myself , but the creek was only about six inches deep and hornets aparently know how to swim :( by the time I rounded up the mules and got back to camp sixty stings made me quite a sight.. in the age old way of the cowboy I never complained..just went back to work with my swollen head held high...  the head guide gave me these words of wisdom..." Stay away from grond hornets nests they BITE"... a man of few words.. HAWK
Title: Re: Things that didn't turn out as expected in the woods.
Post by: mullet on September 11, 2008, 02:49:43 pm
  Steve got educated real good that weekend. The next afternoon I rolled up to talk to Hillbilly. While we were talking I noticed Steve was standing in another fireant bed. :D :P  And did I ever mention anything about Chiggers? ::) :-\
Title: Re: Things that didn't turn out as expected in the woods.
Post by: Hillbilly on September 11, 2008, 02:53:29 pm
While we were talking I noticed Steve was standing in another fireant bed.
Yeah, right-I guess that's why you were dancing, swatting, and using all that creative language.  ;D ;D
Title: Re: Things that didn't turn out as expected in the woods.
Post by: cracker on September 11, 2008, 05:13:33 pm
just try driving a tractor under a tree with a low hanging hornets nest in it yowsa.Ronnie
Title: Re: Things that didn't turn out as expected in the woods.
Post by: D. Tiller on September 11, 2008, 05:22:19 pm
Snake nearly falling on you from a hanging lantern as you exit your house! (That was in Maryland when I was a kid!)
Title: Re: Things that didn't turn out as expected in the woods.
Post by: mullet on September 11, 2008, 08:44:34 pm
 David, ever had a nice , big ol' fat, water moccasin fall out of a tree into your canoe on a skinny creek? :D
Title: Re: Things that didn't turn out as expected in the woods.
Post by: D. Tiller on September 12, 2008, 01:50:58 am
Nope Eddie! I hope never to have that experience either. I can only guess who ended up in the water first! I hates snakes!!!
Title: Re: Things that didn't turn out as expected in the woods.
Post by: FlintWalker on September 12, 2008, 02:21:07 am
I was digging ginsing a few years back when I came up on a big patch of 3 and 4 prongs.  I fell down on my knees and went to digging.  I got about one root dug up and was admiring how big it was when BAM! Something stung me. And then again and again!
 Turns out, I had dug into a yellow jacket nest and was sitting astraddle of it. They had me covered up before I knew it.
  I left sang, hoe and all where they was.  I went back later and got my hoe.  Sometime while I was gone, a fox or something had dug the yellow jackets out and ate them. >:D
Title: Re: Things that didn't turn out as expected in the woods.
Post by: GregB on September 12, 2008, 09:13:39 am
My most memorable recent unexpected hunting event happened just last year while hunting at Pappy's. I've told this story already, but maybe some of you missed it.

It was a fine cool afternoon and I left Pappy's with high expectations. Pappy was busy working on a bow I think, and was not hunting that afternoon. He put Hanna and Sadie up in the pen while I headed to my stand. I had been up in the stand less then 5 minutes when I heard something running toward my tree. Sadie wanted to share my hunt with me apparently, and her nose was way too skilled in tracking for my least when it's me she's tracking. She quickly tracked me right up to the tree and looked up at me as if to ask...what are you doing up there? ;D  I sit tight hoping she would leave, but instead she started smelling around the area and a little marking of her territory by taking a leak here and there. Finally I had enough and decided I'd take her back to the cabin. I got down and started heading back and Sadie soon ranged far in front of me running back toward the cabin.

I really wanted to hunt that evening and decided just maybe Sadie would go back on her own, so I headed to a second stand site. You guessed it, she waited for me to get up in the tree again before showing up. Well I was beginning to get slightly agitated by then, and got down the second time and started heading back to the cabin. This time I ran into Pappy with the truck, he was looking for Sadie. She was following the truck back to the cabin, and I thought for sure I'd be safe to head for a third stand. I really did want to hunt that evening. Well, it was not to be again...yes Sadie had looked back and didn't see me following and I guess she preferred a Greg in the woods over a Pappy at the cabin!  ;D She may have actually known what she was doing and was gaining some sick sense of enjoyment from all my walking and tree climbing that I was doing. This time I pretty much had given up and decided I wasn't climbing another tree until I saw Sadie securely locked up in her pen!  :) I got back to the cabin behind Sadie, and found her resting in the pen where Pappy had just put her. I think she was actually a little tired from all the exercise she'd been getting!  ;D

Well all of this had been taking some time, and I wasn't sure if I had enough time or strength left to climb another tree! ;) But Pappy told me about a stand close to the cabin and I went to it and made it up the tree. I'd been sitting there about ten minutes when I saw a dead dog (not Sadie or any other dog I knew) about twenty yards from my tree. This dog was looking pretty bad as it had been dead at least for several days. I just didn't feel much confidence in that stand with the dead dog there, so I got down the fourth time of the afternoon and walked clear across the road to the other side of the farm to another stand I knew of. I finally got to sit in that stand until dark, without seeing any deer by the way. I was probably stinking so much from sweating that a deer would be able to smell me upwind 200 yards away! ;D

I hope I paid some dues that afternoon! It took me a while to forgive Sadie, but I finally did realizing she was only doing what came naturally to her. Pappy if you read this...please don't let Sadie out of the pen next time I come hunting!  ;D
Title: Re: Things that didn't turn out as expected in the woods.
Post by: Hillbilly on September 12, 2008, 11:18:15 am
Shannon, I had the exact same thing happen to me while sang digging-the biggest four-prong I ever found is still in the ground if somebody else hasn't dug it since then. :)
Title: Re: Things that didn't turn out as expected in the woods.
Post by: D. Tiller on September 12, 2008, 05:18:19 pm
Greg we all seen ya pile into a plate of Grants cooking and ya know how Sadie just sits there staring at ya as you eat every bite. Well, she was just following you to find out where ya had left all the food!  ;D  Man that dogs a chow hound!!!
Title: Re: Things that didn't turn out as expected in the woods.
Post by: Pappy on September 15, 2008, 09:00:17 am
She just likes being close to Greg,cause she knows the food couldn't be far away,I will keep her up next time.She can find me no matter where I go on the farm,and no matter how long I have been gone.  ;) ;D Of course she can do the same with a wounded deer. :)
Title: Re: Things that didn't turn out as expected in the woods.
Post by: D. Tiller on September 15, 2008, 07:41:10 pm
I sure wouldn't mind seeing here track a deer down. Must be quite a sight!
Title: Re: Things that didn't turn out as expected in the woods.
Post by: Postman on September 19, 2008, 12:18:10 pm
back before the trad bug bit me, (there's a GOOD  insect to get stung by ;D...) Had a big (350 lb or so is big for here) black bear follow doe - in -heat lure in like a dog to 15 feet of my ground blind. Stood up and said "dude- don't make me shoot you!" and pointed my .308 at him. He stood there for a few seconds and ambled off.
He was out of season by 10 days.  >:( 
Title: Re: Things that didn't turn out as expected in the woods.
Post by: kayakfisher on September 21, 2008, 12:16:20 am
I use to use coon urine as a cover sent one fall morning while sitting in my tree stand as first light was coming up ,I began to hear the sound of leaves crunch and rustle in the rhythmic pattern.As MY heart began to beat faster and faster and the anticipation of what was about to unfold I began to strain my eyes searching for the deer that I knew would soon fall plight to my arrow .But know matter how hard I strained my eyes I could not see the deer by now the crunch of leaves was a crescendoing  noise I knew they had to be close.And thats when I looked down and two of the biggest Racoon's I have ever seen were sniffing around and around the base of the tree I was sitting in. As the adrenaline surged to its maximum force and fear was great  suddenly reality hit me it was not a deer that would fall plight to my arrow  this fall morning.But me that would fall plight to these Racoon's
Title: Re: Things that didn't turn out as expected in the woods.
Post by: Eric Krewson on September 28, 2008, 11:13:15 am
I was screwing in my last tree step about 12 feet up a cedar tree about 20 years ago. I leaned back against my pole climbing harness, next thing I knew I was on the ground with a broken back and wrist. Sure wasn't expecting such a quick trip to the ground.
Title: Re: Things that didn't turn out as expected in the woods.
Post by: Pat B on September 28, 2008, 12:22:19 pm
Eric. You are a lucky man to be here today, typing your message. I know a guy that can't even do that because of a tree stand accident. I think about it every time I climb a tree.      Pat
Title: Re: Things that didn't turn out as expected in the woods.
Post by: Eric Krewson on September 29, 2008, 10:30:42 am
In spite of the unfortunate turn of events, I consider that day the luckiest day of my life.
Title: Re: Things that didn't turn out as expected in the woods.
Post by: armymedic.2 on October 11, 2008, 06:34:55 pm
I was about ten years old hunting turkeys with my dad.  We were sitting on the ground all morning, and then went in for lunch. Well when we got back to the camp i went to take a piss and realized i had two ticks on some very important body parts iof you were to have kids later on in life.  i was so dang scared i went running to my dad and showed him.  you should have seen my face when he was heating uo his swiss army knife to coax em out.  ill never forget that one as long as i live!
Title: Re: Things that didn't turn out as expected in the woods.
Post by: D. Tiller on October 12, 2008, 01:03:46 pm
Ain't no timber rattlers in the northwest?

Only east of the Cascade mountains! Diamond backs I think. Dont think we have Timber out this way. Do have some sidwinders in places. Avoid the Mojave Green rattler as there is no anti-venom for their bite and it will kill you!
Title: Re: Things that didn't turn out as expected in the woods.
Post by: kyleM on October 23, 2008, 08:33:02 pm
Ain't no timber rattlers in the northwest?

I actully do believe there is a snake called the Michigan Rattler? Ive seen one before that has a rattle on the tail, or makes some kind of rattling sound... but it isnt poisonius!
Title: Re: Things that didn't turn out as expected in the woods.
Post by: DanaM on October 23, 2008, 08:43:59 pm
Michigan has rattlers but way down in southern michigan, Pine(fox) snakes will sometimes rub their scalles together making a
rasping sound that can be mistaken for a rattle.
Title: Re: Things that didn't turn out as expected in the woods.
Post by: kyleM on October 23, 2008, 08:45:19 pm
Michigan has rattlers but way down in southern michigan, Pine(fox) snakes will sometimes rub their scalles together making a
rasping sound that can be mistaken for a rattle.

This one was at the marina in town dad, over by the fence. We were trying to catch a goffer in a net :) lol
Title: Re: Things that didn't turn out as expected in the woods.
Post by: PeteC on October 26, 2008, 09:22:35 am
Fire ants!!,I live in east Texas and this has been one of the worst years to date.Most folks have a house note,and a truck note,we have a "Amdro" note,trying to keep them away from the house.I've got scars on my legs from all the bites through 51 years of the little red devils.We've even got a name for the panic'd, explosive rush to get shed of the pests,"the fire ant dance",and we're all pretty good at it!!Several have mentioned how they all wait to sting at the same time,well,if you've got real good hearing,and listen real close,you can hear the leader countin', 1,2,and 3,NOW!!!   I train horses,and I have to be particular about where I stop,(while working a young horse).If enough ants get on a colts leg,it can get pretty western if you let your guard down.Just think,Noah had just 2 of them on the ark,and all it would have taken was one mis -step.  God Bless
Title: Re: Things that didn't turn out as expected in the woods.
Post by: salad days on November 04, 2008, 04:57:45 pm
Michigan rattlers are poisonous. They are mostly in southeast but the only one I've ever seen in my life was right in the middle of my campfire pit outside of Grayling. Too little for bows lucky for it cuz it startled the crap out of me!
Title: Re: Things that didn't turn out as expected in the woods.
Post by: D. Tiller on November 25, 2008, 06:53:04 pm
I hate that rattling sound they make! Sends shivers up your back faster than anything else I have ever come across. But thank god they do rattle and give you some warning!