Primitive Archer

Main Discussion Area => Archived Hunting Pics => Shooting and Hunting => 2008 Hunting Pics => Topic started by: Ranger B on November 06, 2008, 05:39:11 pm

Title: #6 falls to an unfinished osage recurve
Post by: Ranger B on November 06, 2008, 05:39:11 pm
I spoke at the local Rotary club today then had a few hours before having to be at a luncheon so I headed to the woods.  At 1020 this guy walked by and I capitalized.  I got my new osage recurve shooting but it's far from finished.  It doesn't even have a handle grip or the tips finished, but it shoots straight.  He was a small buck but after the shot he ran into a tree and broke both little horns off.  That's the second deer I've heard of doing that this year.  A friend at work had a 6 ptr do the same thing.  This bow shoots great and I've got to get it done before I deploy.
Title: Re: #6 falls to an unfinished osage recurve
Post by: Justin Snyder on November 06, 2008, 06:12:13 pm
Dang you are a hunting machine. I haven't killed 6 deer in the last 6 years.   :'( Good work..... Justin
Title: Re: #6 falls to an unfinished osage recurve
Post by: sailordad on November 06, 2008, 06:31:19 pm
damn booy,
you sure know how to drop them king daddy rabbits >:D

i hope your hunting continues this well after you deploy.

congrats,keep safe

Title: Re: #6 falls to an unfinished osage recurve
Post by: cowboy on November 06, 2008, 07:15:54 pm
Damn Jim, don't kill em all ;D. I told you that bow was finished ::).
Title: Re: #6 falls to an unfinished osage recurve
Post by: mullet on November 06, 2008, 07:27:18 pm
   Fill that freezer for Momma, Jimmy.  ;D Congratulations and looking forward to seeing that bow when it's finished.

   The son said his accomodations in Tikrit aren't as nice as Afganistan but he only works 3 hours a day. :'(
Title: Re: #6 falls to an unfinished osage recurve
Post by: Ranger B on November 07, 2008, 07:03:30 am
Thanks fellas.  The freezer is in good shape....but you can't never have too much backstrap  ;)
I've given a lot of meat away to some folks that wanted some and others who truly needed it.
Title: Re: #6 falls to an unfinished osage recurve
Post by: TRACY on November 07, 2008, 09:31:40 am
Nice job! It's not that uncommon for the young bucks to shed their antlers this early, many factors like population density, nutrition, and most importantly daylength/testosterone levels. I did a job in Minnesota one year around Halloween and removed several young bucks that had already shed or actually shed when I touched their antlers. I've had it happen in other areas of the country also.

Title: Re: #6 falls to an unfinished osage recurve
Post by: Postman on November 07, 2008, 10:23:58 am
Congrats - Feels good giving deer to those less fortunate. Good luck overseas.
Title: Re: #6 falls to an unfinished osage recurve
Post by: The Singing Bowyer on November 07, 2008, 01:27:17 pm
Awesome, brother! Once a bow make meat, IT IS FINISHED! ;D
Title: Re: #6 falls to an unfinished osage recurve
Post by: hawkbow on November 07, 2008, 09:16:27 pm
Great job brother.. you are a one man deer population control... ;D glad your family will have plenty of meat while you are out defending our freedoms .. THANK YOU ... HAWK
Title: Re: #6 falls to an unfinished osage recurve
Post by: leapingbare on November 08, 2008, 05:50:56 pm
Eddie i was in Tikrit last time. COB Spicher.  i liked it better then were i am now in Afghanistan, they got me working 12hr shifts 7days a week.  its ganna be a long 5months.  7pm to 7am.
 Dang Sir if you get your soldiers killing Haugie as good as you kill them deer i might get to come home early.  :)
Title: Re: #6 falls to an unfinished osage recurve
Post by: Ranger B on November 08, 2008, 08:30:52 pm
I was thinking about buying some Afghan goats for a fall hunting season on the FOB next year  >:D >:D
That might make Fox News...and might make me infamous  >:( >:( >:(
Title: Re: #6 falls to an unfinished osage recurve
Post by: ricochet on November 09, 2008, 09:35:11 pm
Hey ranger b just want to say great harvest, and just wanted to say thank you for your service and let your men know that this older,fatter,texan supports what yall are doing over there. i be there with yall if i safe,keep your powder dry,and your knife prayers are with you brother.

Title: Re: #6 falls to an unfinished osage recurve
Post by: GregB on November 10, 2008, 08:10:17 am
Congrats once again Jimmy! That recurve sure does spit an arrow...why I'd bet it could shoot through a deer length wise!  ;)