Been a little busy lately, so it felt nice to make some simple bow strinngs. With my growing fancy of the "Hatchet-and-rasp" D-bows, I figured I might do it right and make some prmitive strings to with them. So, thanks to Pat, I made my first sinew bow string using two peices of deer backstrap sinew and a new rawhide (my third attmpt) string for heavier bows outta a 7" circle of deer hide cut into a 1/8" piece and doubled up twice. Both are long enough for a six foot bow so I have plenty to work with and tie the bottom of the string on, like the old way( beats having a bulky knot slamming on the limbs:)
The thing is, the sinew string came out a little thin, so I don't know how strong it is, my only other experience being with rawhide. can any give me a rough generalization on how strong sinew is so I know where to start testing?
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