I agree with Pat that it looks like the deflex is too abrupt and making the limbs at least 1/4" wider would have been better. I'd follow Ed's tillering advice and finish tillering it, carefully working the midlimbs. If it winds up much lighter than you wanted, you can always cut the handle off and glue either a power lam or full length one to the belly and retiller. I had fits tillering my first BBO and when I finished, most of the bending was right at the handle fades. I cut the handle off, glued a long power lam on, and retillered it. It took more set than it should have from my mistake, but turned out to be a really nice shooting bow.
I've only made a handful of R/D bows and am certainly no expert. They do seem easier to tiller when I move the reflex posts out closer to the tips. That spreads the deflex out, too. I start my rasping midlimb and stay away from the handle fades until I get the mid and outers bending.
I'm sure there are better examples on here, but this is the profile of the last BBO I made.