A thread over in Arrahs got me to thinking about a story I'd seen on one of the History Chanels a while back.
About knapped points discovered lodged in the blubber of recently harvested Bowhead whales.
The Whales were taken as part of the local people's annual harvest.
When the whales are brought to shore the hunters allow biologists access to the the carcass for study.
The biologists take measurements, bone and tissue samples for use in their research of the whales.
Then the the real work begins of butchering and distributing the whale to the families involved in the kill and those that aid in the butchering. As well as the Feast of the Hunt!
Over the years of this study some pretty amazing artifacts have been discovered lodged in the whales from hunts long past.
One point of interest was a Beautiful Jade point, the point to the upper left, found by following this link:
http://pratie.blogspot.com/2007/03/bowhead-whales-live-more-than-200-years.htmlWhat a beautiful piece of work. The point is a bout the size of your hand.