I'm finally getting a chance to sit down and make a little post. WOW! what a wonderful time we had at the TN Classic. Thanks so much Pappy for welcoming us with open arms. It was great to finally put some faces with all of these names. I'd like to thank everyone for all of the help they gave me with my bow. I am looking forward to getting it finish sanded and shooting. This bow already has such a special place in my heart. To have so many talented people have a hand in it's making was truly a blessing. I'd start naming names but I would hate to leave someone out accidentally. But you all know who you are.
Thanks to all of you who spent time with Cahl also. He can't wait to come back again. It's hard to believe I had to twist his arm a bit and pretty much tell him we were going. Our MI Longbow Spring Shoot is the same weekend and he didn't want to miss it. But, next year, I don't think we will have that issue again.
I learned so much this time. I think I'm beginning to feel a little more confident in my skills and can't wait to chase another ring. (maybe even a little quicker and more efficiently this time) My fear of the draw knife is getting less and less. I appreciate all of the knowledge that was given to me in the process and I'm still in awe of all of the exceptional talent that surrounded me during our stay.
I just can't say enough about our time at the TN Classic! Thank you all and we will see you all again somewhere soon.