Thanks guys, great day for me and my family, well yesterday

Another bow hunter Tanner Rhys Baggett was born , October 21 th 2021 at 6:15 pm he weighted 8 lbs 13 oz and was 21 1/2 inches long. Mom and Baby doing well. I really was hoping it was going to be a Boy, 1 girl having PapPap wrapped is enough,

the boys have me wrapped also and Love them all the same but little girls are just different.

I am headed to the cabin in a bit and finish up Tanners bow, got one ready and waiting cut to 23 inches t-t, just need to cut it down to 21 1/2 inches t-t finish tillering and finish work, it is a nice piece of Hickory cut from our farm this will be his first bow.

NaNa [MissJoanie] and PapPap [ Me] are so excited, we haven't got to see him yet except for face time because of hospital rules on visitors right now but hope they will be home Sunday if all goes well so we can hold him. Hope yall have a good one also.

Life is good. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!