Main Discussion Area > Bows
Start with a bow-building class (plus--two great bows)...
Hello Everyone.
I just finished a class with a couple college-aged guys who have been asking me to teach them how to build a bow for a while now. Every time I show anyone part of the bow-building process I'm reminded of how long it took me to produce my first good bow. After breaking and hacking enough board staves to build a barn I scheduled a class with John Strunk and changed everything.
With an experienced bowyer looking over your shoulder, you are kept from the dozens of little mistakes that can ruin a bow in short order. Parker, Tyler and I had a great time in the shop and they love their new bows. They both built finely-tillered Maple character bows (60# and 70#!) on their first attempts. One is going caribou hunting in Alaska and the other is going wild boar hunting in California.
If you're new at this, I'd seriously recommend taking a class where you can try out some good tools, get tillering instruction, look at different staves and billets, ask questions, swap hunting stories, and leave at the end of a couple days with a finely-crafted self bow. It's a big head start. I wouldn't be here without John's class. It felt good to pass the help on.
J. D. Duff
I even got to pry these bows out of their hands long enough to shoot a few arrows--nice! (Me in the black shirt shooting a 70# 'first bow').
Far East Archer:
Very cool J.D.! Nice of you to show these lads the ropes to bow building. looks like they had alot of fun and you too. They both have them tillered out nicely and that quite a weight for maple. (70#)
Pat B:
Good for you Josh, and Parker and Tyler too. I agree with you about taking a class. I spent 2 days with Vinson Minor a few years ago and it tough me more than just how to build a BBO. Seeing someone that was in command of the wood opened my eyes for sure. It built confidence in my ability just watching Vinson working a stave. After reading every book out there ??? about wood bow building and years of wasting lots of good bow wood, something snapped! ;D Oh! if I only had some of that wasted wood back again! :'( Pat
The guy in the 2nd pic looks like he's going to shoot the arrow through the window! ;D :D
Great job, keep passing it on.
Justin Snyder:
Dang, maybe I better sign up for JD's next bow class. I know I should take one, but breaking wood is so fun. :'( Justin
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