Main Discussion Area > Bows

How to apply snake skins?

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Okay,  I've got snake skins on the way, but am not sure of how to apply them.

What glue is best?

I've stained the bow on the belly, do I stain the back before skinning as well?

Do I finish the back with varnish then apply the skins?  Then varnish again?

Any and all help will be appreciated.



Justin Snyder:,1076.0.html
 ;D ;D Justin

Pat B:
  The easiest glue to use is TBII or TBIII but hide glue works well also.           
Depends on the skins and the wood you used. I have never done it but the pattern on some skins shows up better if you stain or dye the back a darker color, especially if you use whitewood. You can add the skins over a finish but you don't have to. Art Butner seals the back with TBIII glue first and lets it dry well. Then he adds the skin with TBIII glue. This way the moisture trapped under the skin won't go into the wood. I have never done this but it is a good idea.
   When your skins come in we can walk you through the process of skinning your bow.     Pat

Thank you!

I just did my very first snakeskin, using the more traditional hide glue (Knox gelatin) method.  I found it easy to do and it turned out looking great.
Those links should explain everything.


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