I'm from east-central Wisconsin, halfway between Milwaukee and Green Bay. I just started knapping last spring. Been practicing on bottle bottoms, porcelain tiles from the Habitat for Humanity store, and a box of novaculite I eventually ordered online when I got sick of the glass and tiles. A Californian twitter acquaintance also sent me some obsidian, but the're mostly round balls about the size of baseballs, and I don't know how to get into them.
My points aren't much to look at yet, but I'm learning a ton as I go, and slowly managing to hinge less often and get em skinnier.

A friend who studies such sites also gave me some samples of rocks taken from actual paleolithic quarry sites he was working at in the driftless area of Wisconsin. The Hixton sandstone is very grainy and the others (I can't remember what they are) are very irregular and full of nodules. All are well beyond my paltry knapping abilities at this point.