Great job Pappy!

Glad you got a couple.

Not big ones, but good eating!

Too bad you couldn't get a nice 11 or twelve footer, but those old boys, are pretty smart at avoiding being shot. Now all you have to do is mount one of them and wait for floods during the classic, and float one of them down the creek, and sit back and watch the excitement!

Wish I could have got to meet you, but I imagine time was short for you. So which arrows did you use? All of them? Did you get any hogs? Did you take home any pet mosquitoes? Don't be shy, take home as many as you can

. Some tourists too.

Cipriano, you would have a blast! Don't you have a gator season in south east Texas?
Gee Pappy, I see Eddie didn't get you a Mickey Rodent hat while you were down here! You probably would have gotten a much bigger gator if you had been wearing one of those!

Glad you had a good time, and didn't drop any beer over board.

Now you need to get J.W. to take you Jack Alope hunting! He should have some good sized ones where he is.

Good for you Pappy, glad all went well.