most of us while hunting, see and hear things that are ordinary. common, everyday things. then there are times when we see and hear things that we've never seen or hear before.
now before you get the wrong idea about me. i know there is a logical and realistic cause and effect for everything. but there had been times in my like where i could not explain what i saw and heard. even as a kid, my parents would tell me it was my imagination and i would chalk it up to that.
i will share 2 of the most recent stories with you guys and i would also like to hear yours

1. a few years ago in the Coast range of Oregon. behind the town of Mist and the community of 'Fish hawk" lake. there is a wide expansion of old timer and reproduced timber that no one ventures into because of its steep terrain.
my half adopted brother and i decided to do a 10 day survival excursion where all we would bring is our sleeping bags and knife.
being late summer it was easy to find berries and with my branch bow we got rabbits and grouse.
our shelter was a lean-to made of doug fir and ferns.
it was the early morning of day 9. still dark sometime around 1:30am. when i woke up to what sounded like short 'hoots' back and forth between 3 different owls. i listened and they didnt sound like any owls that ive ever heard.
then my heart started to beat really fast. because the noises where getting closer then i hear a twig snap!
i frantically tried to relight the fire. then i grabbed the flashlight and shined it in the general direction of the twig snap. then i saw something i still cant explain.
what i saw looked like a Large eye, peaking from behind a very large doug fir tree. 25 yards away. the eye had that shininess like when you see deer in the road.
i saw it for maybe 1 sec. then it slipped behind the tree. i never heard a sound (other than frogs).
i did not dare go back to sleep. i stayed awake all night with that flashlight.
2. this is the most recent story that involves one of our own PA members but will remain nameless. (we'll call him Jim)
once again in the Coast range this time outside Coos Bay, Oregon.
it was august, 2013 we where in the range looking to bag us a couple black bear for the fall season. lots of sign.
our tents where spaced about 20 yards apart because jim snores quite loud and violently. jims tent in front of the trail and mine butted against the blackberry bushes.
earlier that afternoon i was trying to get some game birds to fly into camp by throwing some bread chunks between the tents. so dice.
the second to last evening the clouds came in low and the trees drip and everything gets wet. being a little tired from traveling such rough country we turned in a little early.
2:30am i heard jim walking around camp. by the truck and then he walked around behind my tent(between the blackberries). had my ear to the ground and then he stopped at the door to my tent. just before i was gonna ask him "whats up?"
i heard jim start snoring. IN HIS OWN TENT!
my heart began to beat at a rate i didnt think was humanly possible. felt like my chest was going to explode. adrenaline raced.
i listened closely to the ground and only hear 2 sets of feet.
i heard the 'thing' walk over to jims tent.....jim stopped snoring.
then it walked through camp. then walked across the gravel road at that moment i decided it was far enough away i might get a good look.
my tent door flew open! flashlight blazing. the fog was so thick i could barely see the road....but nothing was there.
the next morning. just for kicks i asked Jim,"hey did you get up last night and walk around camp?"
"no... i thought that was you." Jim replied.
i said,"no..that wasnt me."
now i know it wasnt a bear or anything like that because i only heard 2 feet. and the bread was still on the ground.......
not sure.