I have a 14" Ridged bandsaw that I use , one of the back roller bearings seazed up on me and a freind was going to use it to cut out two bows , one osage and a pecan.
My brother said we could use his so I took a new blade and we went to his shop , my brother's saw is a 14" but an off brand , built light , and has different sized pulleys to adjust the seed .
Both saws have 3/4 hp motors but his had some trouble cutting the osage and it had a harder time with the pecan , we had to keep working the pecan down a little at a time .
With a new blade my saw will walk through most woods with little problems , took over an hour with my brothers , motor would stall out on us and his saw hadn't been used much .
Investing in a good saw is worth the extra money , do some resurch and look around a little , maybe you can find a good used one , be sure and look it over good before you buy it , check all the bearings and adjusters .