I went to my stand Saturday only to find another hunter..

They didn't have their orange and it was youth rifle so they left when I climbed the tree!

I got settled and just before dark a little wreck rack buck came by. I then heard a buck in front of me rubbing a tree but couldn't see him. Another buck jumped the fence 40 yards to my right and started making a scrape...
They met and pushed each other around as dark rapidly unveiled. I saw both of these bucks two days earlier and missed the 150" ten pointer, just shot low.. I got engrossed and waited for the best shot angle and released the arrow!
The bucks separated and the better of the two stopped about 75 yards away, the other one was in a race with death..
I heard where he jumped the fence and waited about 30 minutes..
I found this:

He went over a hill in a thick mess of bush honeysuckle about 300 yards from where I hit him. I could only drag him his body length without resting on the steep slope.. it took me almost two hours to get him to the truck. I waited till the next morning for a pic.. I got the kid out of bed to help me unload the buck.. I'm getting too old for this.. lol

The buck had been injured, broken leg and pelvis at some point, likely an auto collision, was 5.5 years old by tooth wear.
My snake bow has been good, KY coffeetree, timber rattler skins, 50# at 28, and taken 3 deer this year.. I have missed 3 nice bucks, but I can't blame that on the bow, just the loose nut behind the handle..
And yes, I'm still shooting carbons... only because I haven't lost them all yet!