Author Topic: My experience with PA  (Read 17072 times)

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Offline bjrogg

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My experience with PA
« on: May 19, 2018, 06:50:40 am »
Hello all. I would just like to tell my about my experience working with PA magazine. I'm really nobody special. I'm just like so many of you. I just enjoy this passion of building selfbows, arrows tanning hides and hunting. I never wrote a article for any magazine before and I'm sure my long passed English teacher never dreamed I would either. English just wasn't my strong suit.
    Having said this, I just felt a story, actually a series of stories to answer two questions that I am always asked about my Primitive endeavors. The articles practically wrote themselves and word doc helps a lot for editing.
    I know there have been some hard feelings in the recent past from others and I understand their frustrations. I may have even shared them a time or two.
    I want to tell my experience. I love this site and magazine. I decided to do what I could to help it survive and hopefully thrive. I found PA very easy to work with. Just email word doc and pictures to editor and the rest was taken care of. For compensation for my first article I traded it for a five year subscription to PA. This idea was well received by PA staff. It was something that helped the both of us. When your article is printed you receive a bundle of magazines in the mail "hot off the press". I really appreciate this but growing up here I have a very extended family with hundreds of cousin's. Honestly it was hard to find a girl I wasn't related to. I really wanted more copies so I purposed another trade. My second article for 40 back issues and shipping. I love having the extra copies to pass out to friends and family. Now they can actually read it instead of just looking at the pretty pictures and asking where to buy it. I also received a check for my third article and was informed my I would be receiving a check for my fourth article very soon. These where very much appreciated as I myself know and am going though some pretty tough financial times right now too. I've been extremely busy farming and trying to get stuff ready for Marshall. This past winter I wrote my fifth article and as soon as I can find the time I plan on submitting it to PA also.
     I just know their are others out there who have a story to tell. i really hope that you take the time to write that story and email it to Ed. I'd love to read it.
Thanks for listening.
Just me
A hot cup of coffee and a beautiful sunrise

Offline Pat B

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Re: My experience with PA
« Reply #1 on: May 19, 2018, 08:12:14 am »
Thanks for your thoughts and your articles, BJ. I also sent a few articles that were published and felt proud to be part of PA Magazine. I was compensated for my articles but that's not why I wrote and submitted them. PA has been important to me since before the first magazine came out; I saw an ad in another archery/hunting magazine for a new magazine called Primitive Archer and immediately sent a check for my subscription, months before the first issue came out. I knew I wanted to be part of it and have since. I still have and read every issue.
 I hope others will take the time and dig deep to write something for this wonderful magazine, even poems or recipes are accepted.
Make the most of all that comes and the least of all that goes!    Pat Brennan  Brevard, NC

Offline bjrogg

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Re: My experience with PA
« Reply #2 on: May 19, 2018, 09:08:59 am »
ThankYou Pat. I feel the same and truly hope this magazine can thrive in this modern era that hasn't necessarily been kind to printed magazines. I just know there are some that have had frustrations expressed in the past. I understand them and I've always believed it better to not ignore problems and face them head on. I just wanted to relay how my experience with PA worked out and I am very happy with its outcome. I found them very willing to "make a deal" which I've always liked to do anyway. I'm happy, their happy, it's a win win all around.
Once again, thanks for listening and I'd love to read your story.
A hot cup of coffee and a beautiful sunrise

Offline Pat B

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Re: My experience with PA
« Reply #3 on: May 19, 2018, 02:02:08 pm »
"The Story Of Elkie", 2007 I believe, a painting of elk on the front cover. Sorry, I don't remember the issue.
Make the most of all that comes and the least of all that goes!    Pat Brennan  Brevard, NC