Author Topic: Huntin with the Hedge 2019-20  (Read 94728 times)

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Re: Huntin with the Hedge 2019-20
« Reply #195 on: June 15, 2020, 06:33:56 pm »
15 June 2020

Not the biggest ive seen here but he was 55" after clean up and good color. Cant figger how he died? Strage indeed. Folks here dont generally kill these snakes and old time folks use to love to keep em in ad around house when they plank or dirt floor to keep mice voles rats and such from gettting to numerous.


MAFA: Makin America Free Again

Long is the road, Hard is the way.

Mother Gue never raised such a foolish child. . . .

Readily will I display the intestinal fortitude required to fight onto the Ranger objective and complete the mission though I be the lone survivor. RLTW

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Re: Huntin with the Hedge 2019-20
« Reply #196 on: June 16, 2020, 05:42:00 pm »
Been cool here of late. Deer piling into late beans just up. Saw a bunch last few days.

Cut my cabbages today. Made 10lbs of German kraut the old way in crock. Should be ready in 3-4 weeks. Be around 6-7 qts I figger. 

Funny i see on net people say "why grow tomatoes when you can buy a whole stem of them for $3" . Guess they have not looked at the price of canned tomato products at Piggly Wiggly lately! Really all canned goods prices, heck all grocery prices!!

« Last Edit: June 17, 2020, 06:26:50 am by HedgeHunter »
MAFA: Makin America Free Again

Long is the road, Hard is the way.

Mother Gue never raised such a foolish child. . . .

Readily will I display the intestinal fortitude required to fight onto the Ranger objective and complete the mission though I be the lone survivor. RLTW

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Re: Huntin with the Hedge 2019-20
« Reply #197 on: June 17, 2020, 06:25:35 am »
the mystery of the the expired Chicken snake by the back by garden is, well, still a mystery but he will live now hanging on to this hunk of Hedge Apple, Likely gently rocking to and fro in a cool November wind off a branch 18ft up in the same area he used to sun himself.

MAFA: Makin America Free Again

Long is the road, Hard is the way.

Mother Gue never raised such a foolish child. . . .

Readily will I display the intestinal fortitude required to fight onto the Ranger objective and complete the mission though I be the lone survivor. RLTW

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Re: Huntin with the Hedge 2019-20
« Reply #198 on: June 19, 2020, 05:38:52 am »
Need a grip. Any idea's? I got beaver tail its hunts purty well. Was trying to think what else will fare well in wet cool weather. If I hade some small shark or dog fish skin I would use it.

MAFA: Makin America Free Again

Long is the road, Hard is the way.

Mother Gue never raised such a foolish child. . . .

Readily will I display the intestinal fortitude required to fight onto the Ranger objective and complete the mission though I be the lone survivor. RLTW

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Re: Huntin with the Hedge 2019-20
« Reply #199 on: June 20, 2020, 05:56:11 am »
20 June 20

Be a good day I recon. Was out on some new ground yesterday cutting wood and moving stands and taking down stands from leaseers on next farm over that decided they would just hunt this farm as well. Place has a big ridge that's runs NE to SW with the main creek that drains the area running at base. Deer really using this ridge to stay out the open corn fields. Going to be a very good selfbow hunting spot.

Will go it today and start piling up these gun stands that been out on this land for awhile see if the owners come and get them? Some how I think they won't.

Found a nice Mulberry on edge of beanfield, a bunch actually but only one had some good bow wood in it. So, it came back with me.

Good Hunting
MAFA: Makin America Free Again

Long is the road, Hard is the way.

Mother Gue never raised such a foolish child. . . .

Readily will I display the intestinal fortitude required to fight onto the Ranger objective and complete the mission though I be the lone survivor. RLTW

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Re: Huntin with the Hedge 2019-20
« Reply #200 on: June 21, 2020, 06:47:46 am »
21 June 2020

Long day in Northern Hemisphere and Fathers day here in the land of the Free and Home of the Brave. Well, was purty warm yesterday in the woods. four big ladder stands down and up on this farm a friend hunts and tends. Really nice piece of ground lots of deer and turkey. Has two large cedar thickets, think that area was old over grown tobacca land. Just a real good area but it was logged about 40 years ago and has almost zero white oak, few reds and corn on 70% of it. That corn will still be up come middle of October I'm sure. Be tough early bow season.

Clearing one stand location we dropped a good winged elm. I took a 80" log back to the house with me. Gotta sharpen a small saw so I can kerf some staves out of it. I know I'm not splitting that. I noticed now all over for last couple years the Sassafras trees are all dying off from something??? Big mature trees and small trees. Very strange.

MAFA: Makin America Free Again

Long is the road, Hard is the way.

Mother Gue never raised such a foolish child. . . .

Readily will I display the intestinal fortitude required to fight onto the Ranger objective and complete the mission though I be the lone survivor. RLTW

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Re: Huntin with the Hedge 2019-20
« Reply #201 on: June 22, 2020, 08:43:13 am »
22June 2020

Out with my ruck walking this morning and coming up the hill these were in the road right in front of me. Guess this gob still after these year old hens. Nice bird. The ruck is filling up with bricks and my body armor plates. Time to switch to my big large ruck soon and really get the suk factor up in this nice summer training weather. Still cool this morning though. We rarely ever get above 95 here. I here every year why folks up north cant come shoot 3D in summer down to TENN. Then I look at the weather in Boston, Ma or NJ , CT  and its 102, 105 every summer for a week or two.

MAFA: Makin America Free Again

Long is the road, Hard is the way.

Mother Gue never raised such a foolish child. . . .

Readily will I display the intestinal fortitude required to fight onto the Ranger objective and complete the mission though I be the lone survivor. RLTW

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Re: Huntin with the Hedge 2019-20
« Reply #202 on: June 23, 2020, 06:36:33 am »
23 June

Split some Mulberry and Elm staves yesterday. Here's Bart splitting out this winded elm after I kerfed it. In quarters now need to saw it into 8ths and peel /seal.

One of my Rangers buds from 19 Forgotton in service sent this pic in a store in a small town in Utah other day. This Bull was 431" net! Just sitting on the wall in a little place. Not even with a cape on it.

Finish peeling some wood today and put it up in barn. Should have about 100 staves and who knows how many billets put up. Keep from going on Wood Welfare or worse have to "buy some" !

« Last Edit: June 23, 2020, 06:46:05 am by HedgeHunter »
MAFA: Makin America Free Again

Long is the road, Hard is the way.

Mother Gue never raised such a foolish child. . . .

Readily will I display the intestinal fortitude required to fight onto the Ranger objective and complete the mission though I be the lone survivor. RLTW

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Re: Huntin with the Hedge 2019-20
« Reply #203 on: July 12, 2020, 10:15:18 am »
Shot the Howard hill Classic this weekend. Nice couple days warm on Friday , Sat was cooler and breezy.

Me and Terry Harris and selfbow award form last years shoot.

MAFA: Makin America Free Again

Long is the road, Hard is the way.

Mother Gue never raised such a foolish child. . . .

Readily will I display the intestinal fortitude required to fight onto the Ranger objective and complete the mission though I be the lone survivor. RLTW

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Re: Huntin with the Hedge 2019-20
« Reply #204 on: July 18, 2020, 05:53:28 am »
 More from the Howard Hill last week and before the start of the IBO at Twin Oaks.

Two good weeks in Archery. Sherry M won the Top shot shoot off. Gils wife. I did not get a picture with her HH selfbow which she shot.

Good time at Tannehill, AL hunting the wood and $. Hedge bows took all awards! 1st 2nd 3rd in selfbow

 MEN’S SELF BOW ~ Gil Magallanes 134 * Mark Bartosch 130 * Zachary Bartosch 89

« Last Edit: July 18, 2020, 06:06:01 am by HedgeHunter »
MAFA: Makin America Free Again

Long is the road, Hard is the way.

Mother Gue never raised such a foolish child. . . .

Readily will I display the intestinal fortitude required to fight onto the Ranger objective and complete the mission though I be the lone survivor. RLTW

Offline HH~

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Re: Huntin with the Hedge 2019-20
« Reply #205 on: July 21, 2020, 05:32:28 am »
The Tennessee Girl on the left took third in the VT class at the Twin Oaks IBO Worlds 2020 as well. Sistah of the Hedge!

MAFA: Makin America Free Again

Long is the road, Hard is the way.

Mother Gue never raised such a foolish child. . . .

Readily will I display the intestinal fortitude required to fight onto the Ranger objective and complete the mission though I be the lone survivor. RLTW

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Re: Huntin with the Hedge 2019-20
« Reply #206 on: July 21, 2020, 07:49:13 pm »
Four Hedgehunter selfbows in the top 15 at IBO Trad Worlds 16-19 July.

Then week earlier at Howard Hill Classic they won all selfbow awards. Good shooting Braddah’s and Sistah's of the Hedge!

« Last Edit: July 22, 2020, 06:58:05 am by HedgeHunter »
MAFA: Makin America Free Again

Long is the road, Hard is the way.

Mother Gue never raised such a foolish child. . . .

Readily will I display the intestinal fortitude required to fight onto the Ranger objective and complete the mission though I be the lone survivor. RLTW

Offline HH~

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Re: Huntin with the Hedge 2019-20
« Reply #207 on: July 22, 2020, 07:02:29 am »
Got the wonky character HH getting ready to be shot in. its 50-55lbs, 67" GTG right now. Needs a good home and patch of deer woods to shine. Bottom limb was a bear to get bending, lots of wavy grain.

MAFA: Makin America Free Again

Long is the road, Hard is the way.

Mother Gue never raised such a foolish child. . . .

Readily will I display the intestinal fortitude required to fight onto the Ranger objective and complete the mission though I be the lone survivor. RLTW

Offline HH~

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Re: Huntin with the Hedge 2019-20
« Reply #208 on: July 23, 2020, 07:11:18 am »
Switch to broad heads yesterday. Bart and I were shooting and doing some testing on his bows. I grabbed my 67 NTN Static and a set of 60yrold shafts with 190grn BH's on them. Told here's a cold shot with 600rgns of two bladed death at 30yds. Pulled a deep mediterranean hold just a wee bit high and let it go. It twisted thru the heavy southern humid air with those 5.5" wild turkey fletch and struck deep into the foam about 2' high of the mark.

I asked Bart "think this one is ready for that big non typical in that corner of the bean field we been seeing"? He just smiled.

MAFA: Makin America Free Again

Long is the road, Hard is the way.

Mother Gue never raised such a foolish child. . . .

Readily will I display the intestinal fortitude required to fight onto the Ranger objective and complete the mission though I be the lone survivor. RLTW

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Re: Huntin with the Hedge 2019-20
« Reply #209 on: August 02, 2020, 06:49:46 am »
The better of the two 5x4's harvested at my place last fall 19-20 season. Was in river cane in November checking doe.

MAFA: Makin America Free Again

Long is the road, Hard is the way.

Mother Gue never raised such a foolish child. . . .

Readily will I display the intestinal fortitude required to fight onto the Ranger objective and complete the mission though I be the lone survivor. RLTW