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Pat B:
Posts: 2,686
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Primitive Archer: Several items on the agenda
« Sent to: Pat B on: Today at 07:18:21 pm »ReplyQuoteDelete
Hey All,

Happy New Year to all.  We want to share several bits of information to all.

1.  We wanted to give everyone a heads up that we will be moving the message boards over to a new secure server.  Our web guys need about 48 house to make this happen.  During this time the message boards will be "down" and unaccessible until everything has been migrated over.  We are hoping this will help with pictures and other issues that have developed on the current message boards.  The migration will begin tomorrow, Friday, January 29th and hopefully completed on January 30th.

2.  We are very aware of the lack of delivery of our print issues June/July and most recently December/January issue.  We want to thank you for your patience with regards to this. Several of our issues have encountered very unusual delays within the US Postal System.  We have been working hard to contact someone at the Memphis distribution center to have them check and see why this issue has not been mailed out.  It has been very frustrating to all.  If you have not received an EMAIL from us directly regarding your print subscription, please reach out to  We are still calling the 4 numbers we have for the Memphis Distribution Center about this but with no luck.

3.  Our newest issue of Primitive Archer Magazine has been printed and is on it's way out the door on on its way (we are hoping and praying) to our subscriber's mailbox.  Those of you that have access to our digital magazine, the eMag, are able to view this new issue as well as the past 2 issues.

4.  Lastly, we have a new shipment of the Primitive Archer 30th anniversary ball caps that have been delivered to us.  They have been selling out almost as soon as we get them in, so I wanted to let you all know if you are wanting to order one before they sell out again.  You can go to to place your order.

The Primitive Archer Team.
Report To Admin

Hi, team.  Did the migration to the secure server happen?  My chromebook is still trying to steer me away from the site, telling me it isn't secure.  And I still can't post from my chromebook, either, probably because it's a school computer and the security software doesn't like unsecured forums.

Pat B:
It is still being worked on. Hopefully the security aspect of the fix will be done soon. I use a Chrome Book and have no problem with the site so it must be a school settings that is preventing access.

OK.  Thanks!

Please pm me your email address.  Got an invite for you.
(Jerry Mc Connell)


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