Author Topic: Hunting with the Hedge 2021  (Read 23244 times)

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Offline Pappy

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Re: Hunting with the Hedge 2021
« Reply #120 on: December 31, 2021, 07:23:52 pm »
Looks good and I know it shoots well. ;) :) Gill should love that.
TwinOaks Bowhunters
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Offline JB G

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Re: Hunting with the Hedge 2021
« Reply #121 on: January 02, 2022, 11:31:13 am »
02 Jan 22

Last day for bucks on Ft Campbell. Will go hunt in snow. Nuttin like first snow hunt. Then its tome to thin out some doe with the band stick. friday last day for doe hunt on private land. Been a good year huntin the hedge. Get after them squirrels and yotes. Then, off to GA to hog camp. This year think we staying in a pole barn at a buddies farm. See how that firms up soon

Pappy, that sturgeon bow is hard shootin little bow. It really came out nice and a good shooter. Spicey lil fart too.


Offline JB G

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Re: Hunting with the Hedge 2021
« Reply #122 on: January 04, 2022, 01:51:40 pm »
04 Jan 2022

0600hrs 27 degrees, SE wind, light overcast.

Was a good day deer hunting

FYI You need to move this down to the regular hunting forum, although great story this area of the hunting area is reserved for self bow only stories and pictures, I know Shawn won’t like it and probably be mad, I am sorry but that’s the rules . [/quote]

Whitetail season is a wrap here in TN for me. Next up, Hogs in GA if I get back from Yankee Country in time

See Ya on the high ground Selfbow Men

« Last Edit: January 05, 2022, 09:22:32 am by JB G »

Offline BowEd

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Re: Hunting with the Hedge 2021
« Reply #123 on: January 05, 2022, 04:46:35 am »
Congrats...Cleaning up 3 is a noitceable difference than 1.Used to do it a number of times farther north in this state in the daylight with the SP while coon hunting at night.Deer season is winding down here too in southern part.A few days left.1 more antlerless tag to fill.Nice 3 year old buck pushing does around here yet.Hunting in snow has always been my favorite.If it comes early up here it's there till spring and then some.Everything around is dead quiet in the woods.You get to see more what's gong on with the tracks etc.Good blood trailing conditions too.
A bit colder and more snow up here.Below 0 F. air temp.Lived and worked here my whole life in it.The wind is the mean part .Good time of year for burning hedge in the stove.
« Last Edit: January 05, 2022, 08:54:27 am by BowEd »
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Offline JB G

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Re: Hunting with the Hedge 2021
« Reply #124 on: January 05, 2022, 09:14:05 am »
05 Jan 22

Nice out this morning not as cool as I would like it but OK. Had the Tetanus vax tow days ago. had plenty of them in the Service. Everytime you get wound in terdville they give you a tetanus shot. Well, so I get this thing at the VA and lord have mercy, few hours later I feel like I'm 90 with hips knees and shoulders screaming. I never have had this. . . .  .? Then, I get to thinking. . . . . . this is the Covid vax interacting with the tetanus vax. I could not draw a 15lb bow if I wanted to.

Loaded up two deer, quartered and packed one out. Got home, Iced down the quartered one. Then buddy came and took two to skin out, grind etc. He talking make some smoked sausage. Been a good year had plenty chances at many many bucks in Oct and Nov. Good friend took a nice 5x5 at my house as well so all in all we did ok between the two that hunted with me we took 10 off the two places.

I think with the prices of meat "flank steak $2.00/lb, beef burgers $5.00/lb " we will see a rise in hunting again in the USA. Gun or bow it would not bother me. Think its a good wholesome thing to take part in your own survival and food production, curing, saving. Few more Yuell Gibbons' running around may do us some good.


Offline JB G

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Re: Hunting with the Hedge 2021
« Reply #125 on: January 05, 2022, 05:56:40 pm »
I fixed this upon pm by Pappy. Why has it moved?
Please move it back if you would Pappy.

Offline Eric Krewson

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Re: Hunting with the Hedge 2021
« Reply #126 on: January 05, 2022, 07:31:11 pm »
Gil called me today, he checks up on me on a regular basis, such a great friend, we talked for quite a while.

Offline JB G

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Re: Hunting with the Hedge 2021
« Reply #127 on: January 05, 2022, 09:57:32 pm »
Yes, Eric. Gil is a  great human being. I see him often. His journey has been an incredible test of strength, selfless service and courage. Knowing guy like him always reminds me of what a truely great American is.

His story of learning how to shoot a bow again is destined for a book. Shooting the modern olympic trails with a longbow is a feat in itself. He is the best archer i have ever met. I often think how many selfbow men shoot with eye sight in only half of each eye and shoot the way he can.  Proud just to know him and lucky to call him friend.


Offline JB G

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Re: Hunting with the Hedge 2021
« Reply #128 on: January 06, 2022, 09:11:46 pm »
Gonna do 10,000 before seasons out?


Offline JB G

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Re: Hunting with the Hedge 2021
« Reply #129 on: January 08, 2022, 10:15:14 am »
8 Jan 2022

16 degrees, 4” snow, no wind. I lost my hat in brush last nite. Went early to get it. Deer everywhere in powerlune cut. Eating honeysuckle greens. Snow getting crunchy and they pick you up a long way out.

Yesterday saw the biggest buck of season. Walked right by my on the ground. To bad buck season closed. Saw him again later. Time for some coyote hunting and squirrels if weather breaks. They been on the black walnuts on ground now.

Get my hear clean up and get ready for GA hog camp.


Offline JB G

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Re: Hunting with the Hedge 2021
« Reply #130 on: January 10, 2022, 10:47:45 pm »
11 Jan 22

Heading out for yotes in the morning. Have a good selfblind built if wind is correct. See what happens. Should be good and cold in morning.


Offline JB G

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Re: Hunting with the Hedge 2021
« Reply #131 on: January 13, 2022, 01:08:24 pm »

There were no pictures in the account above or the hunt of that day. Just a a word of bangstick mentioned. Then, poof entire thread text i transfered was removed/moved. Makes you wonder of all these other posting themes or pictures are still in threads why this one, why now, why so fast.  I had no part to play in this. I did tell Ed in his thread so as he could fix it too before they moved all his threads. Penis envy is a sombitch is it not?

Funny how ones character can so readily be displayed thru petty insignifigant things such as a ten word sentence on the vastness of the World Wide Web with everything on it. Remember its just the twittersphere. No knuckles bleeding or holes dribbling blood.

« Last Edit: January 13, 2022, 01:41:17 pm by JB G »

Offline JB G

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Re: Hunting with the Hedge 2021
« Reply #132 on: January 14, 2022, 10:51:34 am »
Bangstick 2022


Offline BowEd

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Re: Hunting with the Hedge 2021
« Reply #133 on: January 14, 2022, 03:35:38 pm »
That's the way I drag em if their too far away and the terrain allows it.Tried bundling them up on the rack...ha ha.Not worth the effort.Good eating.
Out of our control is something many find hard to deal with no matter who they are.Many of the uninitiated that don't ever have such a season don't take that into account all the time and the effort it takes.
Fine season of deer hunting there.
You got to stand for something or you'll fall for anything.