What a great morning, deer or no deer it was a beautiful day in the woods. It was cold and clear and the morning started of kind of like i was expecting, deer moving every where. About 7am I had a buck chasing a doe, well she made the mistake of stopping in the wrong place, I would usually wait to see what the buck would do but since I am Bucked out I took the shot at the doe. Hit her forward in the right front shoulder and she was quartering a bit. I could see my arrow from the stand, she broke it as she wheeled to leave, I could see 15 inches of arrow was gone and blood almost to the fletching, also could see blood with my bi nos about 10 yards from where I had shot her, I gave her 45 minutes and got down to check things out. The blood was very good and no problem to track so I started the track, I thought it would be a short one, well 300 yards later I was getting a little worried, the trail was still good, maybe not as good as the first 200 yards but still easy to follow. I marked it and went back to the cabin to get out of my hot hunting cloth then went back to finish the track. I went another 50 or 60 yards and came on a gully line and thought she may just be piled up in it, about the time I thought that she jumped up out of it and headed east at a pretty good clip, now I am really getting worried. I check the gully and fine her bed, the first one on the track. I had seen several places she had stopped and stood but no beds. Each time she would stop she would change direction. I pulled off after finding the bed, lots of time after they bed and lick their wounds the blood trail really fall off, no different with this one. I give he a couple of hours and me and Sister go back. Sister picked it right up and made short work of another 300+ yards. I thought maybe I was pushing her but when we found her she had been dead a while, already stiffened up. We found 3 more bed between the first one and her. After a close look after Field dressing I found I only got the right lung in the front lob and exit was in front of left shoulder in the brisket so missed the left lung. I have had several deer hit in 1 lung before and the usually go 50/60 yards and if they don't know what happened they will bed, just goes to show you their are some assumptions but no real rules when tracking deer , she probably went 600/700 yards total and with out Sister I ant saying I wouldn't have found her because I am pretty much a search till all options are gone and then a little more kind of guy [Buck or doe ] but it for sure would have been a much longer day. 1st picture is the first bed/ 2nd is when I first seen her in the gully line, they seem to always wind up in a gully it seems for me so I search them well/ 3rd Sister anticipating her slice of fresh liver.

/ Sister like to ride back in the back of the Kobota and guard her prize.

90 lbs doe /Osage self bow/PO cedar arrows with Ace 160 heads. Pappy