Sorry to hear that Ed, I don't quite understand what the problem is ? I always love your post and love chatting back and forth on things we have in common, self bows/Dogs/hide work and brain tanning, your in put and knowledge always impresses me. As far as moving your thread , it has always been the the upper section of the hunting forum for self bows kills, the lower section for other hunts/glass bows/rifles and ML and talking shooting yes we have missed a few over the years but I assure you it was not because of any bias on our part, we are human and miss stuff and make mistakes, wished you could understand that. As far as me leaving as JB G suggested , that ant going to happen, do I get offended from time to time,Yes but I try hard not to wear my feeling on my sleeve and understand this is the internet and sometimes things that are said our done is taken out of context. We are all friends here and only now and then we have someone that for some unknown reason loves to stir the pot and seems to thrive on drama .As for those people I wished they would find another place to spread their rhetoric , I am like Miss Joanie "I don't like drama and to old to put up with it" As for PatB he is one of the most dedicated people on here and i promise does nothing out of bias or to intentionally hurt any ones feelings. I wished you would reconsider but understand sometime people feel slighted and just can't get over it. I will say that it was not done to slight you and would hope you would understand that. As for you JB G you really don't have a dog in this fight and wished you would just keep you mouth/or fingers shut. I wondered how long it would take for you to go back to your old disruptive ways, guess I found out. Very sad some folks have such a poor attitude and for some reason thinks everyone is out to get them.

I for one try to look for the good points of people and try not to dwell on the bad, guess you can't do that. Guess I have said enough, but will say I for one will miss you Ed and hope you will think on it a bit before you pull out. Have a good day.
