Sorry to hear of your health problems there but this has nothing to do with Shawn.
You still did'nt answer my question.If you were'nt or hav'nt been on this thread in the last 2 years and very seldom go on these threads what prompted you now?No big deal of this would have been made until you got petty sport.
So, you can see it and take it any way that makes you feel like a better man, some people are never happy. I moved it, informed you of the problem, did my job and I'm finished. See ya.
Some people hold themselves to a higher standard than others.You don't ever impose your substandard ways on me without hearing about it from me.
Eric I'm glad you have your limits about not sweating the small stuff like whether a C or a K is at the end of your first name....ha ha.Your statement is laughable.
Eric this is a deer kill thread.I see nothing here by you related to it.In fact it's against the law to shoot deer with a .40 caliber muzzle loader in Iowa and is more tooting your own horn from you again.Nice enough gun but it did'nt kill this deer and trying to hi jack this post is against the rules.Rule no.10.You have a bad habit of doing that.
You have your own membership to post your own threads.
I owned a .36 caliber Hatfield once.As pretty of a curly maple full stocked gun as you can find.Sold it.
This is the gun with the brass on it all shined up that shot this deer,along with some gun & buckskinning info link.
This gun is a production model.Made with a beautiful black walnut stock.I've read it is supposed to be Kentucky walnut.Not sure that makes a difference though.It's steel where it needs to be all browned and brass where it can be.I would consider it a top of the line traditional type production model compared to most others.
The functioning things about it are very good even after hundreds if not 1000 shots through it.Lock is crisp.Trigger pull is good/easy to set with the single trigger set type and the pull of 13and3/4" on it just fits me right.It uses no. 11 caps on it's nipple.Shooting it with 60 to 80 grains is pleasant.Most I've shot with it is 120 grains.Think it was tested to 150 grains.I would'nt care to shoot that type load consistently for an afternoon though.All round ball with a 1" in 72" twist barrel of 8 lands and grooves.Using .530 balls weighing around 220 grains or approximately 1/2 ounce of lead.

My brain tanned/smoked/beaded shooting pouch and a new patch box out of a plumb branch along with my deer rawhide ball container,short starter,nipple wrench,and powder measurer.The patch box is just a hollowed 1.5" section of a plumb limb with the bark [pretty bark] left on it.It has a slot on the side where the 1.25" wide almost 3' long roll of lubed pillow ticking comes out as I need it.I get close to 30 shots from this roll.I used a thick disc of vegetable tanned leather to friction fit it shut from the top.Scrimshawed one of my favorite B&T's chasing a coon on the cow powder horn along with my capper I hang around my neck.

Revised a couple things for the shooting pouch.I have made a small brain tan ball bag with a thick rawhide insert for the neck to use.Instead of the rawhide one.Holds 12 shots.Enough for an afternoon of shooting.Also lubed up another strip of pillow ticking and cut the strip into disks of 1.25" diameter.Store them in a capper tin.Approximately 30 patches go in there.

In the past I've thought about inletting a patch box on this guns' stock but hav'nt got around to it.
Info link about gun....,70976.0.htmlI bark shoot squirrels off with this .54 and head shoot rabbits if I have a mind to.