Awww, c'mon Eddie, wear yer Kilt like a good laddie! Just take your therma cell along. I don't know if I want to hunt the swamps anymore now, huge pythons, cobras, nasty monitor lizards, etc, and 600lb. Sambar stags too? Sheesh! Can you shoot those? I just might like to whack one of those, before, I go to Montana! I know a place in Sebring that has sitka deer, water buffaloe, and some kind of european Elk, all in a fenced area. Not exactly sporting. I would just as soon, as pay them to kill it, and gut it, and butcher it, and package it up, than go out in the jeep, and stop, and bang, and go stand by it and have my picture taken, on my Real honest to goodness, Florida Safarri. But, if I saw one in the swamp, well that just might be another story. So can you shoot the sambar stags, that are feral? If so, lets go get one! I have a couple of 30-06's, and two .45/70's......Any of them should do the job! Or did you want to go the Atlatle route?