Ha d a great weekend,Had the place to myself Friday,Cooked a little steak and taters and got some things ready for our wood cutting Sat.I refreshed my salt licks Friday evening and finished tillering sister 1,Got sister 2 to brace and had to do a little more tweaking on the tips.Cut a big Hickory Sat.
It was 24 in. across the butt and we got 5 75in. logs out of it to the first limb.We got it all split,debarked and sealed,we estimated it to make around 75 bows so we should be good for another year.I let a log fall on my leg.thought I had broke it but just a cut and bruise.Got snake skins on sister1 and ready now to finish tillering sister 2.Steak and tater again Sat. night and
a real good night sleep,little sore today but all in all,Life is good.Here are some pictures.
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