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Securing fletching thread

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Bevan R.:
I use non-waxed dental floss and duco.

osage outlaw:
I back serve my wrap just like the way you back serve a bow string.  Then I soak it in liquid superglue.

I too, back serve my wrappings like a string serving.  For insurance, I'll dab a drop of superglue on the wrap and then spin the shaft on my finger to spread the glue on the entire wrap.  (Quickly, not giving the glue enough time to dry before gluing my finger tip to the wrap)

I use Duco on silk thread until it shines and wont soak anymore up.

Hide glue, elmer's, or titebond are my favorites.  Be sure not to dilute the tightbond with water: it makes it very weak.  I've used super glue also but I always seems to get on my fingers and I can't stand it. :o


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