Here is what I just tried out this morning. The setup is based on three lines of information - Orcutt, Holmes, and some other archaeological information:
I need a name - maybe, "HEAVY DUTY PEG FLAKER"
The photos are not complete. What is not shown is my grooved block anvil, and my oversized wooden mallet.
Anyway, here is the flaker, and the first flake removal:
I am really impressed with the extremely diffuse bulb of percussion, and the smooth nature of the flake scar. This is wood on wood indirect percussion, with an antler flaker bit making the contact with the stone. My theory is that the heavy wood on wood indirect percussion generates a great deal of force, but minimal shock. The small antler flaker bit acts as the intermediary, between the process, and the stone. It is probably comparable to pressure flaking, on STEROIDS.
The bit is a straight section of antler, about one centimeter thick, and two and a half inches long. I simply pounded it into the wood, after drilling. It is not even hafted.
I am going to be working with this for a while, because it ties into another theory that I have been working on, for years.