Here are my arrows made like the Seneca Tribe. They are made of dogwood shoots. I scraped the shoots down to 3/8 of an inch for the whole lenght and left a bulbous nock. The feathers are made of turkey tail (dark) and secondery turkey wing feathers (banded). They fly well and are very accurate.
FLETCHING- They are cut in the Seneca stly from the Bowyers Bible Vol. II. They are simular to Michbowguy's with some slight differences. I tied on the fleching with deer leg sinew.
POINTS- Top to bottom----Pliced blunt--socketed antler point---unfinished---serrated bone point---unfinished---wooden self points---spliced blunt
QUIVER--made of hickory bark. I shaved off most of the outer bark and that made it look neat. It was just left to dry in this shape (no stiches). The bottom is made of twined cornhusk and is sewn to the bottom with dogbane sting. The strap is also dogbane and adjustable.
You can see my bow in the Bows section.
Tell me what you think.